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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Here we have a false equivalence. An error made during conducting good faith research is not the same thing as deliberately creating and then disseminating misinformation. Note too the response to criticism of the research, withdrawal and investigation. Not doubling down or ignoring.
  2. I’ll ask you again. Please provide examples of CNN and or any other left of center mainstream news source spreading misinformation wrt COVID, vaccines or the public health measures to combat COVID.
  3. So let’s get specific and relevant: Can you provide examples of these news organizations purveying misinformation wrt COVID, vaccines, public health measures to combat COVID?
  4. Perhaps you should ask the forum management to open a sub forum dedicated to migrants to Thailand ranting about migrants to their own home country. This forum is dedicated to COVID, this thread is ‘The Infectious Nature of Misinformation’. The only place FOX has in this discussion is as an indisputable purveyor of misinformation wrt COVID, vaccines and public health measures to combat COVID. There is a distinct line between which Americans are choosing whether or not to vaccinate, that line is defined by political affiliation, it’s costing thousands of lives. FOX has a part in that.
  5. The real story here is why people eschewed proven and safe vaccines in favour of a neurotoxin horse de-wormer. But OK, toss your dead cat on the table in the hope we forget the misinformed lunacy of self medicating at the animal feed store that got a grip of so many.
  6. In terms of the subject of this thread FOX is up there with the worst of sources disseminating misinformation on matters of COVID.
  7. What people want and what people get are not always the same thing. Brazil is ramping up vaccination but currently has around 45% of adults fully vaccinated, 72% single vaccinated. The virus is predominantly making seriously ill, hospitalizing and killing the unvaccinated. Best if luck to Brazil getting the vaccination level to the ‘95%’ who want it.
  8. Right wing politicians spreading ant-vaccine, anti-mask, anti-public health measures with the predictable result that their right wing followers (voters) will be disproportionately killed by the virus takes some figuring. Considering politics when faced with a medical choice is even more baffling.
  9. When, after jumping off a tall building you hit the ground very hard, there is absolutely no need to claim Newtonian physics is correct - the proof has been demonstrated. So I’m not missing the point, I’m nailing your fallacy that there is no such thing as an absolute truth in science.
  10. Are you suggesting nobody working in the various national public health programs has considered statistical sampling theory in their assessment of infection rates?
  11. This is the argument that because scientific understanding is continually improving it can never be right. It’s utter nonsense. Einstein has improved Newtonian physics but if you jump off a tall building Newtonian physics still says exactly how hard you’ll hit the ground.
  12. I think you are worrying about the wrong thing. The underlying message is COVID is likely to become endemic and at sometime in our lives we are all likely to be infected. This informs the choice to meet the virus with or without the help of vaccination.
  13. So it’s the methodology that has left you with no data.
  14. As a statistician you’d normally make reference to data. So no data...
  15. We are getting somewhere at last. Yes, there are trusted, reliable, verifiable sources of information. And there’s all that other stuff.
  16. I’ve frequently posted the vaccine safety data sheets in discussions on the subject of vaccine side effects. So please don’t claim I don’t accept known risks associated with vaccines. What I don’t accept is imagined future long term effects of which there is no evidence.
  17. Nothing wrong at all with questioning the ‘official narrative’ if you’ve got facts, science, data to back up your challenge. Secondhand misinformation isn’t any of that.
  18. “I claimed that there is a strong chance that there will be long term effects, can you note the difference? no you can't apparently ” OK, show us your evidence of this ‘strong chance’ you speak of and evidence of what these long term effects will be?
  19. You should start a thread on this. This isn’t it.
  20. I didn’t say there is zero risk. I’ve said the long term effects you claim to know about don’t exist, there’s zero evidence of them existing. You are arguing there are long term effects, you can’t even tell us by what mechanism these might occur. So please, you made the assertion of long term effects, it’s for you to provide the evidence.
  21. No, some dream up attacks on personal freedom (despite decades of mandatory vaccines). And then feed their fear by latching on to misinformation because, well science based medics, it’s got to be wrong.
  22. Erm, it’s you that is arguing about future events of which there isn’t the slightest evidence of those events occurring. No definition, no scale, no data, no research, no preliminary investigation nor scientific basis beyond ‘something might happen’. Worse than misinformation absolutely no information.
  23. IT was you who brought the off topic subject of mandates up... remember?!
  24. I doubt anyone spreading misinformation on this forum and very few spreading misinformation in wider social media are subject to mandates vaccination.
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