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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Well done, you’ve spotted the headline in an English language newspaper doesn’t reflect the nuances within the French language report it is referring too, https://www.epi-phare.fr/rapports-detudes-et-publications/impact-vaccination-covid-octobre-2021/ Let’s now see if you can answer your question ‘WHY?’ and if having figured it out it’s worth the rest of us bothering with your explanation.
  2. Good luck. https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/if-youve-been-exposed-to-the-coronavirus Again, good luck, let us know how it goes.
  3. I’d wait until the 21st then contact the District Public Health Office again. It might also be worth discussing this with your local Phu Yai Baan/Kanman, our has been very proactive in helping people get their shots.
  4. Too much choice is often a bad thing. The madness of eschewing an available vaccine and risking COVID while waiting for the uncertain possibility of an alternative vaccine is an example. Get on the first available bus going in your general direction, the next might not turn up in time.
  5. “Your conclusions rest on the assumption that the mortality and hospitalization rates for men and women should be equal.” No, that is not what my ‘conclusion’ rests upon. 1. Millions of men are taking daily baby aspirin. 2. The ‘preliminary report’ claims positive effects of aspirin between 29% to 47%. With millions of men taking aspirin, such huge positive impacts of aspirin would stand out in the general data. This does not require any information on the outcomes for women. All that is required is data on aspirin usage and subsequent COVID outcome. Male gender comes into this because and only because men have for many years been prescribed baby aspirin.
  6. Don’t panic. Refer paragraphs under subsection 5.3 of the following: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/product-information/comirnaty-epar-product-information_en.pdf ————— Disclosure. In response to cclub75’s opening post I went online to search for further information, what I found is posted above. I would not normally spend time looking for such an obscure document, let alone read though the dry technical text. This begs a question: Did cclub75 discover the document s/he refers to by his/her own efforts, or did s/he repost this ‘discovery’ from something s/he read elsewhere? My guess is cclub75 doesn’t spend time reading through FDA drug test reports but, on the off chance s/he does I recommend a little wider reading before making alarming claims.
  7. Yes, that’s clearly what the graph shows. What it doesn’t show is any increase in infection resulting from vaccination as implied by the poster I was responding to.
  8. Thanks for the fact check link on MSN, it indicates MSN scores ‘High’ in factual reporting. Way higher on factual reporting than FOX New’s ‘mixed’ rating.
  9. Again you are missing the point. The process of taking a patient into hospital includes questions on what medications are being used. This identifies use/none use of aspirin in both men and women. If the impact of aspirin on COVID outcomes was indeed “reduced the risk of several parameters by almost half: reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%, ICU admissions by 43%, and overall in-hospital mortality by 47%.” likewise the claimed 29% reduction in chance of contracting COVID. These are hugely significant percentages that would stand out like a sore thumb in the general data. Does aspirin have an impact? As an aspirin user I would be pleased to hear reliable and credible evidence that it did, But an impact between 29%~47%. Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. This ‘preliminary research’ is hardly that.
  10. What’s the population density in Indonesia v that of Singapore? How many people live in apartment blocks in Indonesia v Singapore? How many people use mass transit systems in Indonesia v Singapore? Are the methods of data collection and reported in Indonesia compatible with those in Singapore? Did you discover and interpret these shocking graphs yourself or were the graphs and interpretations fed to you?
  11. You are missing my point. Millions if men take daily baby aspirin, we have two in the limited number of respondents to this thread. Any hospital stay includes the questioning of patients on what medicines they are taking. This absolutely would reveal itself in data.
  12. The problem with graphs is two fold understanding the underlying data and not being tempted to misrepresent what they tell us. We already know vaccination reduces serious illness, hospitalizations and deaths. High case counts in a population that is 80%+ vaccinated does not produce the same outcomes as in populations with lower vaccination rates. Singapore, like the rest of the world is dealing with the very much more virulent Delta Strain, the high vaccines uptake is without doubt reducing the consequences.
  13. A bunch of anti mask, rightwing anti-people blue health measures lunatics make statements claiming school boards have requested Biden label parents who campaign for rightwing anti-mask, anti-public health measures lunacy to be labeled ‘Domestic Terrorists’. AP Publish this as fact without checking the truth. That’s poor editorial control, and while it’s shoddy journalism it is not the same thing as rightwing media outlets themselves continuously inventing and disseminating false information under editorial policy.
  14. I and millions of men my age take one baby aspirin per day; one a day aspirin is predominantly taken by middle aged men. Given the prevalence of usage by men I’m skeptical of the claims being made. A reduction in serious illness, hospitalizations and deaths in the tens of percent would show up as men suffering COVID significantly less than women. The data on illness, hospitalizations and deaths does not show this. As Sagan said ‘extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence’.
  15. If Thailand does open up to tourism on November 1st it is certain the COE system will promptly collapse under the stain of mass arrivals. Opening up and maintaining the controls put in place at the hight of the pandemic are incompatible. That’s not to say the efforts will not be made to keep the COE as it collapses.
  16. It’s better than being a COVID denier/anti-mask/anti-vaccine lunatic. Dead is the new stupid.
  17. Here’s how Facebook users can take a peep into the misinformation bubble many are living in. Scroll through comments to fb posts (below news items is a good place to look) until you find posts that are clearly anti-vaccine and/or are on the far right wing, now visit the fb page of the people making these posts. You’ll find yourself in a twisted idea of reality. But that’s where millions of people live and that’s where millions get their views and have their views validated.
  18. Unfortunately many don’t so much ‘wait’ as completely forgo vaccines and they do so in the basis of lies and other misinformation. Remember the nativity of only worrying about what the internet was doing to the minds of our children?!
  19. “Meanwhile, rich thais (and expats) were looking at Moderna as the "Ferrari" of vacines... booking (since many months) in private hospitals their precious doses...” I doubt very much many are young men.
  20. Right now the people winding up in graveyards are by a even margin those not following the advice of scientists, doctors and government. Free thinking libertarians swallowing lies and conspiracy theories. Dead is the new stupid.
  21. Wearing a mask is arguably the easiest of all COVID public health measures to follow. I suggest the OP ruminate on the part the disparate ideas of collective responsibility and individualism play in attitudes to mask wearing and public health measures in general.
  22. This is a problem with the idea of broadcasting ‘balanced opinion’. Not all opinions are equal, some are utter nonsense, some border in lunacy and some are downright dangerous. It is not ‘balance’ to air opinions that have no basis in fact or are for any other reason misinformed.
  23. Aetna, sponsors of this sub forum, have part year Insurance policies designed to meet the needs of people who spend extended periods in Thailand.
  24. You’ve heard about the very much more virulent COVID Delta Strain? Look it up.
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