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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. There are different rules for each nation in the UK, refer following link: https://www.gov.uk/uk-border-control
  2. The world’s leading epidemiologists disagree with you. I’m not sure what triggered your digression into immigration, the EU, Brexit, please don’t explain your off topic ranting is enough already.
  3. You are ignoring the fact that children are both vectors for the transmission of the virus and carriers in which the virus had opportunity to mutate. But I’ll give you credit for having abandoned all your previous spurious arguments that gained no traction in favor of this sudden caring for kids while accusing others of not caring about kids.
  4. “Yes it is called caring for others, not being an inconvenience for the fittest.” Is It though, really ? At What Cost ? some “inconvenience”. unfit vulnerable should have been isolated. “ Caring for others” has been crassly applied to whole populations without “caring” about the fittest (except vax).Massive Societal & Economic Damage. To protect 0.03% pop. of very old and self abusers. Political Liberal BS. Thats called collective hysteria or “mass psychosis”. Examples: Fascism / Communism / Genocides…….. Covid. that primate genetic flaw will end us humans quite soon I fear. You seem to have forgotten our conversation of only yesterday. The primary purpose of lockdowns was to protect medical services from being overwhelmed and collapsing. Let me remind you: “You’ve already told us how far you’d go to protect your son, is it beyond doubt that others would turn to violence at the ER doorway? A breakdown of health services is a very credible cause for extremes of social unrest, you’ve already explained why that is.” Of course you need to forget this in order to stick to your one sided view of lockdowns, which having given us more information appears to be routed in political hyperbole.
  5. My point of view is not simply collective responsibility, but also limiting social consequences of not combatting the virus. You have stated your very natural defense of your son, now let’s keep that in mind as we consider the following: A stated aim of lockdowns (and mass vaccination) is to prevent medical services being overwhelmed, we have evidence of this occurring in Idaho and Alaska, two states with very low vaccine uptake that have now enacted crisis standards of care at their hospitals (triage). So now put yourself in the mind of a parent turning up with a very sick child only to be turned away and denied healthcare. You’ve already told us how far you’d go to protect your son, is it beyond doubt that others would turn to violence at the ER doorway? A breakdown of health services is a very credible cause for extremes of social unrest, you’ve already explained why that is.
  6. It used to take five weeks to cross the Atlantic, technology changed and it can now be for in a handful of hours. I find myself asking the same question.
  7. The vaccines have been tested and fully authorized for use, they are not now because no tested. People have died, children orphaned, odd you missed that bit out. People are often fined for breaking the law, people who comply with the law not so much. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of videos. Again, others have died, children have been orphaned. Sums nothing up, rather you’ve just demonstrated the point that there is no unified world response, it all depends on where you look. But here’s a thing (and to get you back on topic), the route to ending this pandemic is via vaccination. If you want to pick an argument on the terrible consequences of this pandemic have a go at the anti-mask, anti-public health measures, anti-vaccine crowd. We all want an end to it, some are willing to do their bit, others are not.
  8. Another repetitive misrepresentation of what the CDC says. let’s go to the horse’s mouth: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0607-mrna-reduce-risks.html
  9. There is no unified ‘world response’, the response differs depending where you look, often widely within a single nation. I’ve not been ‘locked up’ and I don’t know anyone who has. The vaccines are not under test, away with you and your secondhand misinformation. I cannot speak to your emotions.
  10. Let me see if you can grasp this. Vaccination programs are instigated by governments, they have an objective in mind when doing so. That objective is not as you so eloquently put it ‘banding together and cutting our nuts off’. The objective is to drive down infections, illness, hospitalizations, deaths and the associated social and economic impacts these have. The vaccinated are doing their bit, the unvaccinated are not. Your ludicrous strawmen arguments are noted for what they are.
  11. Of course it’s possible to catch COVID and not die, but far too often it is not. Far too often COVID causes serious illness, hospitalization and death. But there is a cheap, safe and effective means to dramatically reduce these outcomes - vaccination. Putting aside the human tragedy of COVID killing people and the long term health impacts COVID causes in many, the economic impact of medical treatment and lives cut short are in themselves cause for serious concern. But hey, a few people show no symptoms and some more people don’t get seriously ill. So let’s forget those that do get seriously ill or die, it’s only unnecessary after all.
  12. It’s not how to end the debate that matters, it’s how to end the pandemic. That’s where the vaccinated are doing their bit and the unvaccinated are not.
  13. If its not your own body's immune system that will save you what will ? and don't say the vaccine because that is incorrect...the vaccine as I said before and you yourself mention above just gives the body's immune system a "heads up" That ‘heads up’ is enough to drastically reduce serious illness, hospitalization and the risk of death. Relying on your immune system without the help of a readily available, safe and effective vaccine is a fools game. Which is precisely why, dead is the new stupid.
  14. You should have thought a bit more before wading in. The statement ‘Except that, without vaccination, the immune system is fairly defenseless against Delta infection.’ is not ‘proven’ false by the death rate being below 50%. Any infection that takes hold and causes damage to health demonstrates a fairly defenseless immune response to the virus. You need to add to the deaths, serious illnesses, hospitalizations and ‘long COVID’ illnesses. The evidence is that without vaccination our immune systems are fairly defenseless to the virus.
  15. Musk, that world renowned epidemiologist, has been known to run his mouth on stuff he doesn’t understand, especially when it has anything to do with that complex set of things we call people..
  16. There are two other issues: The dangerously misleading idea that getting infected is an acceptable path to immunity. The ridiculous idea that during a pandemic funds and medical services are going to be used for testing people before vaccinating them. The vaccines are safe and effective with a proven record of significantly reducing COVID transmission, serious illness, hospitalizations and deaths.
  17. The heart of the matter is if your immune system has already been introduced to the vaccine you are significantly less likely to become ill, seriously ill, hospitalized or killed by the COVID virus. So give your immune system a safe and proven effective head start.
  18. Well done, you’ve spotted the headline in an English language newspaper doesn’t reflect the nuances within the French language report it is referring too, https://www.epi-phare.fr/rapports-detudes-et-publications/impact-vaccination-covid-octobre-2021/ Let’s now see if you can answer your question ‘WHY?’ and if having figured it out it’s worth the rest of us bothering with your explanation.
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