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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. It depends where you are looking and at which part of the society you are looking at. The efforts to undermine faith in science, the media, government come from a particular source and have a particular following. Those amongst that particular following who have chosen not to vaccinate are disproportionately being dealt with by the virus. Dead is the new stupid.
  2. If you can’t produce evidence of CNN spreading misinformation on COVID, vaccines or public health measures to combat COVID quit your baseless bleating.
  3. There have been 723,683 deaths from COVID since the first COVID death on Feb 6 2020 (609 days ago). That’s an average of 1,188 deaths per day or 50 per hour. If you had evidence of verifiable hourly reports of injury from the vaccine you’d post it. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
  4. And deserves to be asked again until he backs up his repeated assertions.
  5. Does what? The false equivalence you brought up is not defined by who did what but by the fact one made a mistake and corrected the mistake while the second consistently purveys misleading information.
  6. The floor is yours. Hive us some examples of CNN spreading misinformation on COVID, vaccines or the public health measures to combat COVID. Or admit you’ve got nothing.
  7. Here we have a false equivalence. An error made during conducting good faith research is not the same thing as deliberately creating and then disseminating misinformation. Note too the response to criticism of the research, withdrawal and investigation. Not doubling down or ignoring.
  8. I’ll ask you again. Please provide examples of CNN and or any other left of center mainstream news source spreading misinformation wrt COVID, vaccines or the public health measures to combat COVID.
  9. So let’s get specific and relevant: Can you provide examples of these news organizations purveying misinformation wrt COVID, vaccines, public health measures to combat COVID?
  10. Perhaps you should ask the forum management to open a sub forum dedicated to migrants to Thailand ranting about migrants to their own home country. This forum is dedicated to COVID, this thread is ‘The Infectious Nature of Misinformation’. The only place FOX has in this discussion is as an indisputable purveyor of misinformation wrt COVID, vaccines and public health measures to combat COVID. There is a distinct line between which Americans are choosing whether or not to vaccinate, that line is defined by political affiliation, it’s costing thousands of lives. FOX has a part in that.
  11. The real story here is why people eschewed proven and safe vaccines in favour of a neurotoxin horse de-wormer. But OK, toss your dead cat on the table in the hope we forget the misinformed lunacy of self medicating at the animal feed store that got a grip of so many.
  12. In terms of the subject of this thread FOX is up there with the worst of sources disseminating misinformation on matters of COVID.
  13. On the subject of COVID, COVID Vaccines and COVID treatments we are regularly treated to posts, both here and on other social media, that overtly present misinformation or that argue a point of view that is based upon misinformation. There are sufficient numbers of these posts over a sufficient period of time for patterns to emerge. One particular form of misinformation is the presentation of a piece of scientific research (often not yet published) or a government report that is accompanied by a misrepresentation of the research, report and/or data. There are two things to observe in this; firstly we have multiple people who have 'found' the very same research/report, despite it often being buried in some obscure corner of the internet. Having found the research/report, these multiple people plough through pages of often complex data, text and diagrams to settle upon the same false representation of the what the research/report has to say. There is of course another explanation, and to borrow a lesson from epidemiology, 'if you find a wide spread common disease, look for a wide spread and common cause'. The alternative is the misinformation is being disseminated from a common source and is being spread, disease like, across social media. This explains why misinformation posts are repeated almost verbatim by numerous individuals and why those individuals don't actually understand the research/report/data they are basing 'their all too familiar arguments' upon. The irony, misinformation spreading disease like in the furtherance of undermining the fight against a disease that has killed over 4,500,000 people and continues to kill.
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