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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I seem to recall you saying something similar right up to the middle of last week.
  2. She’s a newly appointed Government Minister, forgive me if I have higher expectations of behaviour of those holding high public office.
  3. She we displaying the contempt this Government has for the public it is supposed to serve. Hand picked by a man who needs to be told ‘Leave means Leave’.
  4. Not at all, it’s an example of the damage Johnson continues to do while he remains as PM. ‘Leave means Leave’.
  5. Johnson surely knows how to pick ‘em. Newly minted Tory Government Minister Andrea Jenkins, expresses her feelings towards the public she is paid to serve:
  6. I believe that’s what the Tories are hoping for. But will the new PM address the problems being faced by the voting public? Do the voting public have any faith left in the Tories? Are the Tories going to elect one of Johnson’s enablers and go straight back to business as usual?
  7. Or maybe she does a good job representing her constituency rather than old school chums.
  8. She keeps getting elected by her constituency: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackney_North_and_Stoke_Newington_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
  9. Nah, different time, different regulations in play at that time. Exactly the same outcome as the first police investigation. Had Starmer been fined he would have resigned, he made no attempt at all to dodge the investigation and made an unequivocal statement that he would accept its findings. Not so Johnson. Starmer was handed an opportunity to seize the moral high ground, he very wisely grasped it.
  10. Oh look Dianne Abbot popped out of her free accommodation again.
  11. The Police statement said ‘No case to answer’. The cases were not similar. ’Beergate’ turned out to be nothing but rightwing frothing, fabricated outrage.
  12. Over the top for the cold blooded murder of a man in handcuffs, payed face down in the floor and surrounded by armed cops. Yeh, OK. He got the sentences prescribed in law.
  13. Floyd was murdered in cold blood, while handcuffed and surrounded by armed Cops. His murder was nothing to do with ‘targeting criminals’, he was in police custody and a threat to nobody.
  14. Floyd’s murder wasn’t simply a ‘knock restraint’ issue was it?! Its more dangerous to be a teenager in the US than a Cop: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/03/22/health/gun-deaths-school-age-children-trnd/index.html You are making the argument of Cops executing (pun intended) extra judicial killing. Which I agree is a significant part of the problem, albeit hugely disproportionately visited upon Black men.
  15. How many were cold bloodedly murdered by Cops? Or are you just quoting statics that have no bearing at all on the topic under discussion?
  16. The US has a decades long history of police killing un armed black men with impunity. To argue that had the killing of one white man been justly investigated and prosecuted this would have saved Floyd from the cold blooded murder he suffered is a nonsense. Floyd’s murder is arguably the most broadcast killing since Kennedy’s assassination, the cold blooded brutality of the murdering Cop on full display. The resulting civil unrest, the Cop’s arrest, indictment, trial(s) and conviction(s) all gripped the nation. Nobody in the US who witnessed these events can be in any doubt that the Cop cold bloodedly murdered Floyd, nobody can deny having the matter of Cops killing un armed Black men brought to their attention. No Cop in American is unaware of the Chauvin’s conviction for the cold blooded murder of an unarmed and handcuffed Black man. And yet the police continue to gun down un armed Black men. The argument that justly dealing with any single case will solve the systematic problem of Police killing un armed suspects of any race is patent nonsense.
  17. Perhaps Musk is hoping for another run in with the SEC. His antics awfully like an attempt to manipulate stock prices.
  18. Those of us who worked on what was termed in the industry as ‘The Secret Project’ know Saudi Arabia has more reserves than it cares to admit.
  19. Cops ‘standing by’ has become a bit of a thing. But while I disagree entirely with you on Chaivin, I do agree the cops ‘standing by’ absolutely have some significant culpability.
  20. Everything in your assessment around the Murdering Cop’s actions. The found him guilty he had no excuses for killing his victim.
  21. You need to re-watch the video. If you struggle with that, refer to the jury findings.
  22. And that’s all we might ever have been told about him, except for the fact someone video recorded his cold blooded murder by a ‘cop’. So let’s all get outraged that the cold blooded murdering cop has been served Justice.
  23. Yes, it tells us something about their objectives. Just like your posts tell us about your own.
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