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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I suggest some reading: 1. Read the OP, this isn’t a ‘kangaroo court’ it’s a grand jury. Grand Juries have only one purpose. 2. Read the Constitution, you’ll find there the purpose of Grand Juries.
  2. The UK are still way behind the trade deals Brexit ditched. There isn’t an international market for British turnips and the Canadians have told the British to go ask the EU to ‘return’ the UK’s fare share of access to Canada’s cheese market. British companies importing components and services are hurting. Apparently, Rees Mogg has spotted a post Brexit opportunity to make sparkling wines in plastic bottles - I’m guessing Rees Mogg won’t be drinking any of it.
  3. What’s this ‘for free’ nonsense. People in the UK are paying the highest taxes since the Second World War, and getting appalling service, if any service at all: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/09/07/highest-taxes-since-second-world-war-boris-johnson-abandons/
  4. I’m not keen on the term ‘Traitors’ . Voters were duped with promises of greener pastures and a better life for them, their families and their communities. It was all a lie, told them by the liar in chief. There is nothing more politically dangerous than raising expectations of improvement, then failing to deliver.
  5. People who are homeless have an address? Yes people with money can buy dental services, which brings us back to millions skipping meals and your dislocated view of ho much poverty there is in the UK. But ‘I’m all right Jack’.
  6. The losers right now are the UK’s voting public. Pound down, cost of imports up and promised easy trade deals a long past dream gone sour.
  7. Let me guess…… 5th amendment, lots of 5th amendment. ‘Bump stocks’ on the 5th amendment:
  8. So people without ID and the homeless aren’t allowed to access the healthcare they need? Oh and of course 42 immigrants. Is that what you’ve got? Now, what’s your answer for not being able to find a dentist? 12 years of Tory mismanagement have made all these problems worse, the people living with it know it.
  9. If you say so: https://www.nationalhealthexecutive.com/News/nearly-40-of-patients-turned-away-from-registering-with-gp https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10795661/amp/Dentistry-crisis-Whole-county-shuts-new-NHS-patients-group-claims.html
  10. Rightwing ‘Culture Wars’ are not distracting the public from the real problems they are facing.
  11. 41% of Tory MPs have already definitely put themselves out of the running.
  12. Boris is PM, he’s running the country (remember). He might not believe’ the buck stops at his desk’ but it does.
  13. You might want to check a few bi-election results. The reason Tory ministers and MPs are turning on Johnson is they know their jobs are at risk.
  14. As I said earlier, the Tories have been in power for twelve years. Many of the problems ordinary people are facing today predate bother the war in Ukraine and the Pandemic. Johnson’s belief that neither he nor his Government should ever be held to account appeals to some. Thankfully not the majority.
  15. The public want solutions, blaming the Chinese is not a solution. Nor is this failing Government
  16. How does that prevent an ambulance turning up to answer a 999 call right now? Why can’t people get on a Dentist or GP list?
  17. Everyone’s back at work in the UK. COVID is having near zero impact. It’s not preventing police officers attending 999 calls. It’s not the cause of the old and vulnerable being left without care. It’s not the cause of the housing crisis. It has of course been the excuse for the Government to hand tens of billions to their chums with zero benefit to the public.
  18. This particular piece of smugness deserves its own response because it’s a clear indication of precisely how out of touch you, and this Government, are with the problems people in the UK are facing now. The lack of access to dentists is a significant problem and a regular point of discussion, the perhaps you’ve never had a tooth ache. The message is clear, whether it be access to dentists, GP’s, hospital care or even responding to a 999 call, the public have been abandoned by a government that has no concern for ordinary people.
  19. But but but…… what’s that got to do with the problems people in the UK are facing in the UK right now as a direct result of 12 years of Tory mismanagement? You know the stuff that actually impacts British voters everyday of the week?
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