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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. They were not ‘nominated for the sole reason they are women’, stop making stuff up.
  2. She should stick to what’s relevant and not rise to politicized baiting. And when she does this we get outrage from the rightwing.
  3. There is a long shameful history of people being denied basic constitutional rights and freedoms based upon their gender. A SC Justice comes along who makes it very clear that Gender will play no role in her reading of the law. Response: Outrage from the right wing.
  4. More hyperbole. Where is this ludicrous thing happening? It’s not and it’s ludicrous to suggest it might.
  5. Do people have a right to equal Justice under the law regardless of any other consideration than that they seek/face Justice?
  6. So sex offenders that attack women are only male or transgender? Would it be a different problem if this know offender was acting suspiciously in a men’s toilet? Would it be a different problem if this known offender was acting suspiciously in a mixed gender toilet? What’s the issue, the known offender’s gender or the known offenders behavior? How does this even get to the Supreme Court? Nobody has the right to commit sex crimes regardless of gender.
  7. It’s also totally off topic. Has anybody evidence that Justice Brown Jackson is not qualified for the job?
  8. No it’s not. ‘Equal Justice Under The Law’ must by the very nature of the statement be blind to matters of Gender. Regardless of gender all are entitled to equal Justice. https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/about.aspx
  9. A bit of a switch there. The accusation was Marsha Blackburn is far right. Slipping in a bit of obfuscation about the GOP.
  10. Yes, Republicans unable to bring themselves to vote for such a well qualified candidate.
  11. It was an unwarranted distraction tossed into the appointment hearing by a rightwinger wishing to grandstand the ‘culture wars’ that have gripped the GOP. Totally irrelevant to her position on tge SCOTUS Bench.
  12. An overtly racist meme, with a number of ‘likes’ on it has very rightly been removed from this thread. It would not have appeared at all if racism is not still an issue.
  13. No, she said that had no bearing on the post to which she was being appointed. GOP fixation with how other people live their lives is not a criteria for selecting SCOTUS Justices, well, not when they aren’t doing the selection it isn’t.
  14. Now who’s pulling out the ‘race card’? Like I said earlier, it’s not her gender that is causing all this rightwing outrage.
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