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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. We’ve already had an example of ‘good guys with guns, bullet proof vests, helmets and ballistic shields’ cowering outside while a killer guns down children. We’ve had enough of the ‘good guy with a gun’ myth.
  2. The accusation of any of this being ‘woke’ is an invention of The Sun, it’s triggered the intended faux outrage and I see you are now throwing in ‘PC’ and other layers of nonsense. There is absolutely nothing ‘woke’ about this ‘news story’, it’s a fabricated accusation designed to do exactly what it has done. You we’re baited and you bit.
  3. I’m in the UK right now, please tell me where this heatwave is, I’ll go get some of it. Parents were given the opportunity to express there thoughts on what the school uniform should be: https://www.wymondhamhigh.co.uk/docs/Letters/16_06_2022_School_uniform_consultation__2_.pdf Heat wave, ha!
  4. Well there you go. The attack of January 6 was a Democrat distraction show.
  5. If you are concerned about what is being hidden focus your angst on those refusing to answer subpoenas and/or taking the 5th.
  6. It’s an investigation, cross examination is a process of court trials. Be patient, court trials are coming.
  7. So you didn’t get away with just offering ‘room and board’. “Also many 'workers' would consider room & board more than enough compensation, and remain voluntarily, considering their options if venturing elsewhere.”
  8. You need to read more. There were numerous famines and you have skipped the part British policies played in those famines.
  9. Again, I suggest you read up on the history of the British Empire. With respect to this your latest misinformed missive I recommend reading up on the part British policies in India had on creating famines.
  10. Never-mind your ‘hints’ give us evidence, a direct quote will do. And please, no more whataboutary, the cruelty and violence of other empires is no excuse for that perpetrated by the British upon their empire.
  11. The British had absolutely no choice, and British violent response to independence movements across the Empire only served to reduce the options the British had. Again I suggest you read the history of what happened, not the British revision of what happened.
  12. More nonsense. I suggest you read up on independence campaigns across the British Empire.
  13. “The British wanted to leave the colonies , just like leaving the E.U , Britain choose to leave .” Utter nonsense.
  14. Nobody has suggested Britain invented Empire based on killing and oppression.
  15. It’s not to late to learn the history you have somehow missed.
  16. I watched it for their coverage of both Obama wins and the Biden win. Unmissable.
  17. Well that and attempts to drum up fake votes in Georgia and the little matter of fake slates of Electors (dumb enough to sign their names and submit their forgeries to the National Archive).
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