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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Yes, Republicans unable to bring themselves to vote for such a well qualified candidate.
  2. It was an unwarranted distraction tossed into the appointment hearing by a rightwinger wishing to grandstand the ‘culture wars’ that have gripped the GOP. Totally irrelevant to her position on tge SCOTUS Bench.
  3. An overtly racist meme, with a number of ‘likes’ on it has very rightly been removed from this thread. It would not have appeared at all if racism is not still an issue.
  4. No, she said that had no bearing on the post to which she was being appointed. GOP fixation with how other people live their lives is not a criteria for selecting SCOTUS Justices, well, not when they aren’t doing the selection it isn’t.
  5. Now who’s pulling out the ‘race card’? Like I said earlier, it’s not her gender that is causing all this rightwing outrage.
  6. I’m not sure anyone had said ‘she’s the best candidate’, my view is she’s a great choice. I’ve already debunked the fallacy of ‘a best candidate’, it’s a nonsense.
  7. Why does it matter? A choice has been made, so what’s your objection, or is this another of your ‘I don’t know much about it/I’ve not been following this/I’m not informed on the issue… that’s why I’m asking’ sprees?
  8. There is no ‘Best qualified person for the job’. There are numerous people who are qualified, each offering their own range of qualifications and experience. Justice Brown Jackson is demonstrably highly qualified and a great pick.
  9. It’s not her gender that has triggered all this rightwing outrage, refer racist meme posted and liked above.
  10. Not for the first time you insert your fixation with other people’s gender into your posts.
  11. Again, it was a campaign strategy that worked, delivering both an election victory and a superbly qualified SC Justice.
  12. Earlier you made the accusation of selection on the basis of ‘affirmative action’. Now you object to the predominance of candidates being selected who attended the two top law schools in the US. Entry to these law schools is extremely competitive, not so many other law schools. Perhaps you would like to see ‘affirmative action’ in favor of less academically gifted applicants.
  13. The ones that select the brightest applicants: https://www.velocitylsat.com/resources/top-law-schools I note you’ve flipped on candidates being selected on ability.
  14. He wasn’t ’virtue signaling’ he was ‘campaigning’. It worked, he won the election and appointed a highly qualified Justice who has spent her career representing ordinary people, she’s not some ‘corporate puppet’. A great pick.
  15. Stick with ‘Justice Brown Jackson’, we’ll all know who you are referring to.
  16. The Sun is written for a reading age of eight year olds, even then it seems some can’t get past the headlines.
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