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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I got two Pfizer at Medpark and a Pfizer booster at our provincial hospital
  2. I got my booster yesterday at a walk-in vaccination center at the provincial hospital in the changwat where I live. The vast majority of vaccinations are administered through the Thai public health services. I suggest you inquire at your local health authority before wandering into random private hospitals looking for a service they are not providing.
  3. I yesterday received my booster (Pfizer) at a walk-in vaccination center set up at the provincial hospital in the Changwat where I live. A no fuss, we’ll managed process, I was in and out in under 50 minutes including observation. Documents required, passport and vaccination certificate (though I believe MorProm would have sufficed if I had not brought my previous certificate as it was the reference number they needed). As for side effects, I have a mild dull ache at the injection site, sufficient I feel to excuse me from household chores but not so bad as to keep me from cycling today and the weekend. A big thanks to the people in the Thai health services and administration who are providing this essential service.
  4. Take some comfort in the knowledge that the young people chanting and saluting in that video have ahead of them a dull life bereft of opportunity or any hope of freedom. Their economy is tanking, and with it any prospects for a better life.
  5. Refugees fleeing in all directions: https://www.ft.com/content/a8b53d7a-08c5-484e-9dc6-cd4b2d889e3f
  6. Hang on a minute. You haven’t produced evidence of such posts and even if you had, why would that have anything to do with where I live, given I personally have not made such posts?
  7. Can you please direct me to posts blaming the Russian people for not getting rid of Putin. I missed them.
  8. Of course, in your alternative universe the collapse of the Russian economy is nothing to be concerned about.
  9. “Over $100 million in interest payments are due March 16 on its foreign currency bonds.” https://www.axios.com/what-a-russia-bond-default-would-mean-for-the-markets-88c22fdf-68a8-4b20-adc5-d35fe1fd3058.html
  10. Russia heading for a bond default. Get your wheel barrows ready: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-60672085
  11. I think it’s an attempt at improving business investor confidence.
  12. Russian propaganda. Russia had the opportunity to present evidence to back these claims at The Hague - Russia failed to show up to do so.
  13. For those who have a problem with truth, yes you are probably correct.
  14. OK, I’m getting ready to follow your suggestion to unplug from MSM. Now all I need is to hear where you get your news do I can join you.
  15. At least he wouldn’t capitulate in the face of an illegal and unprovoked invasion.
  16. I’ve frequently been directly involved in hiring engineers in Thailand, on too many occasions I have witnessed the outright expression of a preference for male applicants, particularly when recruiting new graduates. This despite female applicants almost always presenting better GPA scores.
  17. I don’t think there is any ‘maybe’ about it. Russia is a kleptocracy, why shouldn’t the Russian military budgets be rife with corruption and theft?!
  18. It’s not for me to address Russian claims, it’s for Russia to back them up. Russia was invited to The Hague to present the evidence to back up the claimed reasons for the invasion, Russia was a no show. https://www.reuters.com/article/crisis-ukraine-world-court-russia/russia-fails-to-appear-at-world-court-in-case-brought-by-ukraine-idUKA5N2US010
  19. It’s a good offer. And humane too. Not like ‘surrender or we’ll murder your whole population’. But even that has its backers, sad to say.
  20. They’ve already lost, unless strengthening NATO, isolating their economy, isolating their nation, gutting their stock market, tanking their currency and humiliating their military were their desired objectives of this illegal and unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation.
  21. So Ukraine has offered the equivalent of Rubles5,000,000 and an amnesty to any Russian soldier who surrenders, they only need say ‘Million’ when they do so. This to my mind is a great idea. Poorly trained, I’ll equipped conscripts given the chance to get out of a war they want no part in.
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