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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The purpose of disconnecting Russia from the internet is to hamper Russian cyber attacks. (As a positive side effect it will also further cripple the Russian economy). Informing the Russian population of things most are probably not predisposed to hear is almost certainly way behind combatting Russian cyber attacks on the priority scale. Russian civilians will in any case get the message as the Russian economy collapses.
  2. Lumen Technologies and Cogent Communications, providers of the internet ‘backbone’ Russia relies on have both announced they are withdrawing services in the region: https://news.lumen.com/RussiaUkraine https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-firm-cogent-cutting-internet-service-russia-2022-03-04/
  3. Putin’s request for troops from Syria tells us something about the Russian military, none of which is flattering.
  4. The first thing to address is ensure she is named as beneficiary in your ‘Statement of wishes’ with each of your pensions. National Insurance is not (currently) payable on pension incomes so NO number is not an issue. The UK tax office will issue her with a ‘Tax ID number’ and a ‘Tax Code’ if and when she is in receipt of your pensions. It is also a good idea to provide your wife with contact details, account numbers etc for all pensions AND if you can set it up with a trusted friend or family member in the UK who can help her navigate claiming her pension rights when you are gone.
  5. To reduce the information overload you complained of, I’ll make it short and simple: There is no ‘bio-lab war industry’ in Ukraine.
  6. It’s now being reported that Putin has placed both the head and deputy head of the FSB under house arrest: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10603045/amp/Putin-places-head-FSBs-foreign-intelligence-branch-house-arrest.html
  7. I’ve identified the behaviors, so if the cap fits, wear it. Otherwise I’ll follow forum rules on directing comments against names members, if that’s alright with you.
  8. The salient point is Putin’s supporters in this thread will latch onto any imagined nonsense but avoid discussing Russian war crimes and atrocities for which there is ample credible evidence.
  9. Given that the illegal Russian invasion of a sovereign nation has now moved on to credible evidence backed reports of war crimes and atrocities against civilians, it’s worth asking what motivates individuals on this forum to support Putin; obfuscate the crimes he and the Russian military are committing, blame the victims of these crimes and parrot Russian propaganda?
  10. Oh it’s my fault I saw your one sided view on the use of smiles and my fault I spotted your parroting Russian propaganda wrt Biden/NATO. Gotchya
  11. Odd you focus on the use of smiley emotions by people opposed to Russia’s illegal invasion but ignore those scattered about by those supporting his invasion. And then you mention propaganda while parroting Russian propaganda that Biden/NATO is to blame for Russia’s illegal invasion of a sovereign nation.
  12. Like I said earlier, whataboutary. Refer the Opening Post for a clue to what the topic of discussion actually is.
  13. Full on whataboutary. Let’s stop imagining what others opinions were at the time of past wars and get back to the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation under discussion. The opinions of those taking part in this discussion are both on topic and a matter of easily accessed record.
  14. Let’s put this hogwash claim to bed: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/25/tweets/there-are-no-us-run-biolabs-ukraine-contrary-socia/
  15. We’ll certainly not within to 2~14 days the Russians planned on.
  16. Everyone was getting Pfizer yesterday, I was the only none Thai in the queue.
  17. I got two Pfizer at Medpark and a Pfizer booster at our provincial hospital
  18. I got my booster yesterday at a walk-in vaccination center at the provincial hospital in the changwat where I live. The vast majority of vaccinations are administered through the Thai public health services. I suggest you inquire at your local health authority before wandering into random private hospitals looking for a service they are not providing.
  19. I yesterday received my booster (Pfizer) at a walk-in vaccination center set up at the provincial hospital in the Changwat where I live. A no fuss, we’ll managed process, I was in and out in under 50 minutes including observation. Documents required, passport and vaccination certificate (though I believe MorProm would have sufficed if I had not brought my previous certificate as it was the reference number they needed). As for side effects, I have a mild dull ache at the injection site, sufficient I feel to excuse me from household chores but not so bad as to keep me from cycling today and the weekend. A big thanks to the people in the Thai health services and administration who are providing this essential service.
  20. Take some comfort in the knowledge that the young people chanting and saluting in that video have ahead of them a dull life bereft of opportunity or any hope of freedom. Their economy is tanking, and with it any prospects for a better life.
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