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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Don’t get fooled into tempting probability. Darwin wrote a book on it.
  2. The matter is to be raised in the House of Commons: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/16/duke-of-yorks-sexual-abuse-case-settlement-to-be-raised-in-parliament
  3. And there cannot be an examination of the case until the court has determined if it has jurisdiction.
  4. I never stated criminal charges were brought. She was trafficked to Andrew at the age of 17, which under YS law is a crime and is below the age at which she was legally competent to consent. Stay classy Andrew.
  5. Giuffre was not legally competent to make any such decision. This has been explained to you many times.
  6. Where as you don’t look up points of law. We all make mistakes, use of language has its problems but unlike misunderstanding law it’s not likely to land anyone in the slammer.
  7. Allegations against him are of criminal sexual activity with a minor.
  8. It is not necessary to be the person who trafficked the victim to be accused of a crime relating to the trafficking.
  9. Conversely, it not evidence that the respondent did not commit a crime. The allegations made that Prince Andrew sexually abused a trafficked 17 year old relate to a criminal act, regardless of whether or not criminal charges were brought. Stay classy Andrew.
  10. He had sex with a 17 year old who had been trafficked for sex.
  11. All those luxuries won’t hide his exposure and humiliation. He’s a man who destroyed his own reputation. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jan/14/calls-strip-prince-andrew-duke-of-york-title
  12. He does actually, he admits the attacks on Giuffre by his legal team were unfounded and unacceptable. All those millions to make nothing go away. A strange thing.
  13. I have repeatedly stated this was a civil, not a criminal case. At no time have I stated this is a criminal case or that Andrew was at risk of criminal prosecution. However, the ‘Civil’ case relates to allegations of criminal sexual activity with a minor. The court had jurisdiction and as I have said from the start Andrew had two choices, take the stand and completely distort himself or settle out of court. He was well advised to do the latter, though he would have been very much better advised to settle immediately.
  14. And yet the US court did have jurisdiction and attempts by Andrew’s legal team to prove others failed.
  15. Yes it was a civil case, but the allegations were of criminal sexual activity. Prince Andrew was very well advised to settle out of court before being called to the stand. He should have settled this immediately it arose.
  16. What the UK law said at the time is irrelevant, Giuffre is a US citizen who was trafficked across a State line at the age of 17 for paid sex, IS courts and US law had jurisdiction.
  17. Who cares what you believe, the settlement is agreed before a court of law and is legally binding.
  18. The law does not take much notice of your opinion, it draws the line at age, and at 17 under US Federal Law, regardless of your opinion, a person is not legally competent to consent to paid sex. It’s a point you and others seem unable or unwilling to grasp. Prince Andrew suffered a similar delusion.
  19. ‘Not legally competent’ precludes volunteering for anything. She was not ‘legally competent’ to volunteer.
  20. We have a system of law that uses courts to come to decisions on guilt/culpability. If you have a better suggestion as to how these matters should be decided please let us know. Feeling aggrieved that a ‘man’ is being held accountable is not a rational criticism of the court system but I do understand that it might disturb some.
  21. What part of ‘not legally competent to give consent to paid sex’ do you not understand?
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