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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Joe’s running the country. He’s not running for re-election, and therefore no longer campaigning. Where’s Trump is a more salient question. The oldest candidate ever for the Presidency, perhaps he’s having a nap. Do you think he’ll debate Harris?
  2. It’s not an individual thing, it’s across the board on the rightwing, and not just the US. Biden has stepped down, the people on the rightwing who were last week posting about his age, health and suitability for the Presidency are now in angst over him having stepped and endorsed VP Harris. The display of raw nerves, is astonishing.
  3. If I’ve got something to say Stoner, I say it. It trust you’re OK with that.
  4. First the denial, followed immediately by arguable one of the oldest misogynistic tropes.
  5. If Trump did indeed pick Vance. It was such a late decision the GOP didn’t even have any placards or banners printed, not even options ready. The Trump campaign will need to respond to the eventual Democrat line up, in the meantime Vance might be well advised not to throw any shade on Trump.
  6. Nah, they just support all the stuff Trump and Vance say that is straight out of Project 2025.
  7. Oh, so being a female running for the Presidency, was a reference to her genitalia? I think you might be a bit ahead of the curve here, I’m sure terms relating to genitalia will show up once the extreme rightwing have handed out their talking point crib sheets.
  8. Biden wasn’t the official candidate, nor was Trump until very recently. Why are you so very interested in her race, it’s clearly a thing with you?
  9. The Ohio State Governor needs to tone it down. A Republican has already had a shot at Trump, the lunatics in MAGA world don’t need any more encouragement to engage in stochastic terrorism. [edit to correct who it is promoting violence].
  10. Interesting to you it might be. Perhaps because it’s you who asserts, with zero evidence, that caste matters to Harris.
  11. Actually no. Both represent different success stories within the American dream. But the comparison of Harris needs to be with Trump, the trust fund spawn of a KKK member.
  12. I expect your understanding of cast in Indian society is deep, nuanced and highly reliable. Or maybe you just throwing stuff at the wall in the hope something sticks.
  13. Some years ago I read an article on the subject of people taking part in silent retreats at a monastery on one of the Irish islands. The article included discussion on the matter of mental illness and the requirement the monastery had for would be lay participants to undergo a psychiatric assessment before being invited to join the retreat. As the monk explained, total silence and the sole company of one’s own thoughts can overwhelm people who might be predisposed to or already suffering health issues. While I think that is a couple of over simplified generalizations, I have no doubt there is a substantial grain of truth in it. At the very least people who take up meditation are self selecting, caution needs to be taken drawing conclusions on the outcome of them taking up meditation without knowing the context of the individual starting points.
  14. In response to your earlier post I provided you a link to an article that references Kamala Harris’ own frequently expressed views on the matter. But as I say and as you demonstrate, your profound ignorance on the matter is impermeable to facts presented in linked articles that address the very subject.
  15. Your ignorance in these matters is so profound, providing you with a linked article specifically addressing the subject can’t penetrate it. You really haven’t got a clue what you are on about.
  16. Jonny, like very many Americans she’s of mixed race, she is proud of her mixed heritage: ”CLAIM: Harris is not Black. THE FACTS: This is false. Harris is Black and Indian. Her father, Donald Harris, is a Black man who was born in Jamaica. Shyamala Gopalan, her mother, was born in southern India. Harris has spoken publicly for many years, including in her 2019 autobiography, about how she identifies with the heritage of both her parents.” Forgive the linked article Jonny, while it corrects your customary ill informed nonsense, it also includes a few ‘trigger words’ that might set you off. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/fact-focus-false-claims-kamala-harris-campaign-white-112178476
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