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Posts posted by ZeVonderBearz

  1. 20 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    Do you really think the Chinese government give a rats arse who's eyes are on them in relation to HK? 

    I do, otherwise they'd have cracked down harder and they still might. Look what they have got away with in the NW of the country away from prying eyes. A 1,000,000 people detained.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    When added all together Bangkok has one of the best public transport systems in a the world. Buses go everywhere, Taxis are reasonably priced and they are everywhere. Sure there are none when it rains but that is normal. Driver doesn't want to go where you want say thank you and wait for the next one.. There are lots.


    Try getting a taxi in Melbourne as an example. I had to run to catch one at a red light.


    In Bangkok we are spoilt and assume it is normal.

    And then what when you get out of the capital are all cities just as spoilt relitive to their size and population?

  3. Just do one with ASEAN.. I've yet to meet anyone who's benefited from Thailand being a part of ASEAN. If there was free movement of people, that allowed ASEAN people to work in any ASEAN countries, then Singapore's population would swell by the millions. All Thais I've met that have spent time abroad as slave immigrants have all gone to Europe or Australia to work in the fields.

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  4. 48 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

    He became synonymous with frequent and high profile arrests of foreign criminals and visa overstayers, under the crime fighting campaign of “Good Guys in Bad Guys Out”.


    Spent all the money and time on the campaign yet they could not get a proof reader to capitalise that I. "Good Guys In Bad Guys Out". There you go big guy i sorted it for you 

  5. 1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

    I seem to remember the last time looked at the WHO figures for road deaths by country, which quote deaths per 100,000 of population, Thailand was about 32-ish. The UK was 3.2 - 10% of Thailand's figure.


    Even though the figures for all countries are adjusted to 100K population, Thailand and the UK have a similar-ish size country, with almost identical total population - 70 million.


    So as you say, it should be a number one priority. The reason it will never be - no one in government gives a shit about deaths of their countrymen, they only want to know how much money they can make out of them.

    Thailand is more double the size of the UK but you're right about the population. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, SoilSpoil said:

    Little do you know how much farmers are getting paid by Thai agro corps such as a the big one that owns Makro and 7-11. Its Thai corporations killing local businesses, not foreign. But if you like to believe that propaganda....

    I'd be interested to read about this. Any links available or suggestions of where to look? I'm pretty sure the 7-11 stores are mostly CP which is Chinese/Thai owned so even though it's a farang shop front it's not run by the US.

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