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Posts posted by ZeVonderBearz

  1. Kids and adults in Thailand do think for themselves but when the punishment for expressing your thoughts is ending up belly full of concrete in the Mekong or in exile like Faiyen then it quickly becomes obvious why the vast majority stay stum. Those who claim that Thais are mindless and can't think for themselves are those who don't get out and speak with people. 

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  2. Bit much this, detained without being charged simply for a t shirt. Surely there's some form of human rights abuses going on here. 


    I noticed that I've seen very little about the Thai teams 13-0 loss to the US the other day. I remember when North Korea were humiliated by Brazil in a WC match and the totalitarian regime there covered it up with false reporting. When I read stories about what Thailand is doing to its people they appear to have more and more in common with their north Korean comrades daily. It's all good though as Thais are also trying to be like the South Koreans and that's why everyone is trying to look like a K-Pop member, even the middle aged Bangkokian men with children. 

  3. 43 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:

    I think it is wrong that people are jailed for farming land, a fine would have been enough. However, people here have a tendency to encroach on any land the think they can get away with, whether it's parks or just their neighbors land. We get it all the time with our plots if we don't visit regularly. It gets tiring explaining that as it's not their land, they can't just do what they want ????

    How ironic that someone named cornishcarlos is commented on having to explain to Thais that the local land they are occupying is not theirs but instead belongs to him. Don't worry, that land you occupy will be the land of the Chinese soon.

  4. On 6/4/2019 at 7:18 PM, sletraveler said:

    Without a doubt it is terrible.  The air was better in India!   Got back and after a week had to head south to the islands to escape the depressing air.   

    Bit of a sweeping statement that Indian air is better, it's a huge country so where exactly is the air better than in CM? Certainly not better in Delhi where they suffer from two burning seasons or Kolkata or Mumbai or any other major Indian city. If you're referring to the north up in the Himalayas then maybe it is better.

  5. 4 hours ago, captpkapoor said:

    Electric tuk-tuks have been in use in New Delhi, India for years now, so I fail to understand the headline of "Southeast Asia's first". Maybe first for Grab, but not the first in SE Asia.

    India is not in SE Asia. There are electric tuk tuks in Delhi but it hardly does anything for the air there. Saying that, I can't begin to imagine what it'd be like if there zero electric vehicles there. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, HHTel said:

    When I see 7/11 stores banning single use plastic or even attempting to reduce it then I might believe they are serious.  Several 7/11's in my area have shelves of bananas, each single banana in a plastic bag.  Buy one and it will be put in another plastic bag. I've never taken a bag from 7/11 in 2 years and I still get strange looks at the counter when I produce my own bag!  


    34 African countries have banned plastic, some of them for many years.  So who is more forward thinking, Africa or Thailand?


    Thailand - You should be ashamed!

    Yeah but if the state bans plastic then PTT, the state owned oil company, will lose out on too much money. You'd think that $30,000,000,000 is more than enough money for a single person but apparently not.

  7. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    The big companies’ CSR [corporate social responsibility] campaigns alone cannot end plastic pollution,” he said. “The key to solving the problem is changing consumer behaviour, and Thais are heavily addicted to plastic.

    Now, now. Let's not pass the buck onto consumers. The big corps are the ones with all the money, all the power, all the expertise and if they show the same willingness for saving the plant like they show for making as much money as they can then they can sort the plastic problem out in no time. Big corps are the issue, not the local man or woman on the street.

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  8. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    A group led by anti-military activist Sirawich Serithiwat, yesterday held a demonstration at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre calling on junta-appointed senators not to vote for General Prayut to become prime minister again.

    Where are the people calling on Thais to grow a pair and protest against the current situation? I hope all the farangs suggesting civil war were at BACC with the locals. Most Thais, that I speak with at least, are sick of the current regime and want change but they don't want to end up in the Mekong or in jail.

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  9. 9 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

    A couple of years ago it was bicycling, now it's running maddens instead... the problem is that people get to the streets and run while using inadequate shoes and thereby sustain injuries, either directly during the run or as compound damages to hips and knees! 
    So sure, running is good exercise but people need to make sure to also use good shoes that are designed for running and not shoes that are designed for walking! It's like when they tell Thai students to run and exercise in these canvas sneakers that are not made for running, they don't give the foot and ankle enough support and the flat, thin soles don't offer much of impact absorption and will in the end lead to that the students get injuries!

    Watch the Netflix documentary and you'll see that he has, what looks like, a team of pros accompanying and a seemingly unlimited supply of running shoes.

  10. 8 hours ago, Chazar said:

    I  think its  pretty  disgusting  both Indian and Thai, especially Thai, they may as  well  just fry up some old  chillies and serve  that.

    Opinions pal, we've all got one. I think they're both fantastic foods, I love the aromas, the mixture of herbs and spices, the spice, the breads and use of lentils in India, the mixture of sweet, sour, savoury, and spicy in Thailand, use of coconut, the huge variety, etc, etc. Some prefer burger and chips, pizza, pasta, hotdogs, whatever but it's all rather bland to my taste buds compared to the food from the aforementioned countries. 

  11. The democratically elected army junta dictatorship, has quite a nice ring to it. Luckily for thailand, alot of the world is leaning right and have very few morals. Brazil, US, UK, Italy, France, India, Turkey , Poland, majority of ASEAN, most of the middle east and the list goes on. Also, a Chinese government who'll trade with anyone no matter what as long as China can expand it's empire. More than trading partners in the world for Thailand regardless of which reprobate runs the country.

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