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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Really sad news that, 5yrs ago? I think the years have 'wooshed' you by! Tribes is correct tho,first tribes of the Nation.
  2. 'First Nations' really the one term.
  3. Yes but tell us avid Impulse followers about the Ozzie state PM!!
  4. Nice.Albo n abo, blackfella whitefella! 🙏
  5. Australian state PM?? Dicky.knee OP I reckon, source of course not given!
  6. Kickin Chicken Pratumnak, Yankee style, superfresh,eg 5 honey wings 100bht,great full plus thai menu, 🤩.
  7. You, too many dumb replies to multiple posts after 20 minutes,cred minus.. zero. good.bye! lol 😭
  8. See.next posting KH, from Los Lobo, cheers
  9. Many thanks LL, too good!
  10. Err😂yep, bit blurry that,! See if I.can improve the shot.
  11. He didnt get the " 7/11 ding dong Hello Welcome" it seems! 😂
  12. A quik gander at.your postings previous tells me your an idiot, no hint of a truthful word, troll op, lol.😭
  13. A screen shot from OAP topic on FB, a post regarding amounts payable, portability etc... may be of interest to AN Oz members.
  14. Cheers, regards for the number🙏
  15. Can.someone give me a.refreshet OF.THE.TASMANISN.OAP help.line toll.free numberplease, apologies fr asking again.! 🙏
  16. ิSammie n Suzy" going for bogun status!
  17. Newbie grasping at straw is his strong point, grasping at his little thing! 😭lol
  18. Yep, cant.read! oh look Mummy..., " I made a funny picture" lol
  19. You read it or just guessing? Myguess is you cant read!
  20. Rubbishreply, have same if not.more room, same owners, good selection.Old.block being redeveloped huge condo, next to.Old Rogues..
  21. Anywhere sell Ensure cheap? 🙏
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