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Posts posted by anon537687643

  1. It's probably right to say that overstayers probably make life harder for other people.  But the 'other people' shouldn't admonish the overstayers for sidestepping bureaucracy, just as the overstayers don't admonish the others for pandering to the bureaucracy.  The bad guy is ultimately the government and this is the same all over the world.  Fighting amongst ourselves achieves nothing.  We should unite and protest and storm parliament *brandishes pitchfork*.

    “Sidestepping bureaucracy” ? staying in a country illegally, hmm interesting ! The “Bad guys” are not those deciding, what in Thailand are very generous visa rules!

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  2. I The most movement of any kind be it social, economic or religious has got to be the mass illegal migration of the Middle East & Africa to the rest of the world, the rest is just snowflakes.

    Yes! And it will destroy our way of life and culture if it is allowed to continue! The politicians in Europe ( Merkel and others, ie Labour Party in UK )have to be stopped! Stand up and fight! The Uk making a good start by leaving the disastrous EU!

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  3. There is still a majority in Europe that sees that immigration is an economic necessity. Any immigrant who comes, works and establishes him/herself is welcome. In the last century we had Polish, Italian, Spanish, Boat people blended in themselves. The only illegitimate ones are the Afro Arabs, a minority of them, who decide to antagonise the society and culture they have chosen to live with.


     As far as I am concerned my professional background entitled me to settle in Australia, so said the then Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs. And believe me I felt welcome in all avenues of life.


    So, sorry to say so but for me your statement is utter BS.

    Ah so any “immigrant “ can come if they say they want to “work”. And how can you put all the views of “Europe” in one breath, Immigration a necessity “? Many European countries say No more to that, I won’t list them all. On the issue of the thread ,Fact is Thailand is often changing regulations for foreigners staying in the country and if there are continual abuses by those openly illegally remaining in the country we should understand why!



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    what a load of rubbish. the BTS is an extraordinarily well-managed system with extremely few breakdowns or interruptions. Compare that with the almost daily chaos in Singapore or KL (admittedly they have more lines).
    My home towns' transport system in Europe experiences interruptions almost on a daily basis (I follow the daily paper online), and it for sure is not a third world place.
    I would go so far to say that the BTS Company is maybe the best-managed transport Co in all of South East Asia

    Hahahahahaha!! What “south east Asian cities” transport are you comparing?

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  5. You hit it right..and lets remember that this is exactly the quality tourists they chose to go after...you get what you wish for...good luck

    Absolutely right! The word was “we don’t need falang anymore, China Indian got more money “ Now the businesses can fight over the scraps of exchanges Yuan and rupees

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    There are also some of us who aren't on overstay, but we realize that there are circumstances that come up in people's lives that force on them decisions that may not be in compliance with the laws.  Even if we don't agree in principal with violating the laws, we have compassion for people whose flips of the coin turned out different than our own. 
    Including our very first coin flip- which country we chose to be born in, and which parents we chose to be born to.
    There but for the Grace of God...  (Or, Luck of the Draw for any atheists out there)

    And the overwhelmingly majority of overstayers who think “well...I’ll just pay the fine at sometime in the future, it’s no problem “ Now the rules have changed! Generally Nothing to do with “grace of god or luck of the draw “

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