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Posts posted by anon537687643

  1. My Thai friend went to the UK about two years ago to study. She said that sometimes when she told people where she was from they'd ask about/talk about the sex industry and ladyboys, etc (don't ask me why but they did). Anyway, she said it was impolite and that people shouldn't talk about it. Right or wrong, I asked her that if a visitor comes to Thailand and sees a lot of prostitution and ladyboys, etc, should they talk about it when they go home? She said they shouldn't. 
    I explained the difference in cultures. We all know about Thai culture, but in British culture, as with many cultures around the world, people will talk openly. They will criticise and mock, etc. You can't expect people to follow your rules when they go home because it benefits you. Again, right or wrong, if you want someone to think well of you, act well. I don't care about prostitution or ladyboys. People can do as they please. But if locals feel it's embarrassing and don't wanna address it, you will sometimes get a dose of the real world. You can't have you cake and eat it. 
    It's like when my brother messaged my missus to ask if she could get him some fake Ray Bans. Her first reaction was, "does your brother think Thailand is just full of fake goods?". I had to tell her that I don't know what my brother thinks of Thailand. But he knows you can openly buy fake Ray Bans. If you don't want people to think you can openly buy fake Ray Bans then don't openly sell fake Ray Bans. 

    Yes! Tell your friend we can mock the hypocrisy of a nation publically and to someone’s face in our own country ! When in that country we tend not to do it verbally for obvious reasons, so that’s when this forum
    Comes handy .

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    Nothing is "will be" or "waiting to happen".
    Mrs Merkel is seeking to resolve the situation of an already unworkable government, for which the immigration policies were held to be responsible.
    It is a pragmatic decision. It will give the German people an opportunity to further reflect upon the wisdom of reviving the beast which was once destroyed and letting it back into the chambers of government.........and then make their own pragmatic decision.
    May chose to go to the polls in the mistaken belief that she was guaranteed an increased majority, grossly deluded that her decision to initiate departure from the EU had improved her popularity.
    Would that the people of the UK, having had further time for reflection, were also allowed to make a further decision.

    Polls show that folk in UK are perfectly happy with their vote to leave the EU. Proud I did my part with Vote from 5000 miles away

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  3. 40-80 bill. Pounds that is.
    "The Financial Times in November 2016 originally reported that the European Commission was seeking an exit bill of €60 billion, based on comments by Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator on Brexit. In February, the same author writing for the Centre for European Reform (CER) estimated that the bill could range from €25–73 billion. Bruegel have given a similar range for the bill, at €25.4–65.1 billion. Most recently, Alex Barker, writing again in the Financial Times, put the net bill at €55–75 billion, based on a €91–€113 billion gross figure".

    “Seeking” “could be” exactly as I said “fanatasy figures”

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  4. That extra £350 million per week that will be available to be spent any way we see fit, is that calculated on the basis of the value of today's economy, the probable future economy during the next ten years or on the basis of hope and a prayer! I mean clearly, if we were to Brexit tomorrow, for example, the UK economy would be far smaller than it is today. Even if we were to soft Brexit, which would mean paying over something between £40 bill. and £80 bill., would we still have that extra £350 mill. to spend every week.......I think not.

    More fantasy ! Where you get 40-80 billion from?

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  5. The bus did not state Let's fund the NHS

    It stated Let's fund the NHS instead

    The use of the term instead makes the meaning explicit.Even a child can comprehend this. If I was to say let's go to Paris , I  am sure they would realize that what I actual mean is Blackpool

    There will be 350 million a week extra available, which the UK can spend on the NHS or elsewhere it decides !But the remain losers would rather keep paying billions into the wasteful EU to spend on their wasteful projects. Interesting that the 12 billion a year in overseas aid doesn’t seem to bother the major political parties! Madness



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