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Everything posted by Cabradelmar

  1. Thailand ganja laws are jumping around too much right now... Sit this one out Champ. At least until the dust settles on the direction of recreational weed.
  2. Ban or no ban... Anyone who wants a drink can find a drink. Anytime, any day.
  3. I mean, is not a bad idea. Albeit limited... Tourist (visa) only and if not breaking the law (helmet law, traffic/maritime law, etc.). What they should do... When you look at who is being hurt and dieing... It's mostly those engraged in adventure activities (motorcycles, boating, etc.)... Just require the outfitters to make all foreigners buy supplemental insurance at the POS (non waivable). Like when you rent a car, but without the ability to take a waiver. Then your risk reduction is properly focused, and the pool of payees captive. Given the numbers (total payees vs payouts), insurance underwriters could make a bundle, and you only make those most at risk pay-in. Just a thought.
  4. He's paroled. Not under house arrest. Those types of monitoring devices are not needed give his circumstances.
  5. Not a smart guy. Gets pissed over a parking space (learn self control) and makes a fuss (with a Thai), gets assaulted (locally conclusion of you know anything about making a fuss with a Thai). Stupid is as stupid does.
  6. 50k/hr would be a blessing on some roads during rush hour. Regardless, any limits are mearly suggestions without enforcement. If any municipality needs speed (and traffic light) enforcement cameras its greater Bangkok. The revenue would be a windfall.
  7. You only make that mistake once 😂 newbie had to learn the hard way.
  8. This is no surprise. Sugar owns these people. Normal sweetness to a Thai is like normal spicy levels... over the top.
  9. Riding motorized unicycles (and skateboards, rollerblades, etc.) on certain roads should be illegal. There was no shoulder and they where in the fast lane. Fine deserved.
  10. Any number of things could have happened .. what actually happened is still a mystery based on this rplort... I lived on a river as a kid and there was a small dam there. We always wanted to get close but if you you get too close to those spill ways it will turn you over fast and suck you down. Not saying that's what happened. Interesting is anytime I've ever rented a kayak (anywhere) they made you take vest and helmet. Always listen to the safety instructions.
  11. I assumed nothing. In fact, he has the benefit of all my doubts as I made no direct aspersions to his actual skills or licensing status. However, I do pine for better news reports on these types of events. As facts do matter. And I did, in fact, give him credit for his safety sense for wearing a helmet. My aspersions are reserved for all the "other" tourist who frequently ride without skills, knowledge, licensing, or safety sense. Moreover, even those who are foolish deserve to recover their health well. Without exception. But I will not give anyone a free pass who fails so miserable at self responsibility that they need to open a beggers banquet on GoFundMe.
  12. At least he had enough sense to wear a helmet. No mention of if he had a proper motorcycle endorsement or if the accident was operator error. For far too many tourist the answer is no license, and no experience (and unusual no helmet).
  13. The gift threshold for a cash gift between spouses is 20 million THB (in a calendar year).
  14. The tax liability falls on the recipient of the gift, which in this case would be your wife. However, of the amount is under the threshold and it's a gift between spouses, she isn't liable for personal income tax either. Send the money to her bank account directly from your foreign bank account.
  15. Correct, less than 180 days. Accuracy is indeed vital. The day you arrive counts, and everyday you are in country prior to midnight. And it's not when your flight leaves its when you are stamped out.
  16. Only "on occasions that correspond to custom or tradition"... It's a rather limited exemption... Essentially, songkran, chinese new year, and birthday (or funeral) - I can't think of any other openings. But sure, it's an option if you trust your Thai GF. Just be careful if you start taking this up to start giving 100s of thousand THB to a Thai GF on only 2-3 qualifying events each year.
  17. Absolutely not. If you are not a tax resident (having lived here less than 6 months in any calendar year) Thailand personal income tax laws don't apply to you for those years.
  18. Of course... they want to raise anxiety to sell more LTRs. That entire program has been a resounding failure since its launch. Less then 7000 sold and most to NonOs getting off of retirement extensions (under the weather pensioner category). Very few net new takers for any of the other 3 categories.
  19. Nothing new... Anyone who did their research already knows about the gifting tax laws in Thailand (which areof little help useless you are married to Thai or supporting your child with a Thai)... This poor old horse is beat and dead.
  20. Scary for everyone. Wondering if it was a virus/infection that killed him... and was he contagious or not. Maybe just lung cancer or simply heart failure. Cause of death, that's what everyone really wants to know.
  21. Accidentally fell, pushed or jumped (from a highrise building)... Either way, it's not an uncommon occurrence in Potty-ya. Especially for the over 60 set. Indulging yourself with booze, drugs and hookers (then made wifes/GFs) makes for a lethal combination. Especially for someone already suffering mentally from loneliness and lack of purpose. RIP.
  22. If you ride a motorcycle, the onus is on you to get the proper insurances. If you cant do that, stop riding motorcycles, or be prepared to pay your own way out of hospital. It's called self responsibility.
  23. The AG announced just this week they where seeking add'l sec.112 charges (for comments he made in 2015)... And maybe he won't be changed ultimately, but it's all part of the established ruling class' plan to keep him in his place. Let him run free, but let him know he's not free to do as he pleases (politically). He's as hated and feared as he ever was (by the generals and royalist), his money simply allowed him to return to his homeland, nothing more.
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