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Everything posted by Cabradelmar

  1. The AG announced just this week they where seeking add'l sec.112 charges (for comments he made in 2015)... And maybe he won't be changed ultimately, but it's all part of the established ruling class' plan to keep him in his place. Let him run free, but let him know he's not free to do as he pleases (politically). He's as hated and feared as he ever was (by the generals and royalist), his money simply allowed him to return to his homeland, nothing more.
  2. Eventually he will admit his guilt once they explain to him that he can get his sentence reduced by half by a simply admission.
  3. So are you. Learn to comprehend what you read before you comment.
  4. Just because the general's allowed Thaksin to return, and arranged a royal pardon for him on the old charges, does not mean for one minute that the general's (or the royalist) like him (or his daughter - who they successfully shut-out for the premiership, and forced everyone to accept the wholly ineffective Srettha). Clever to coax Thaksin back in, and then figure out a way to crush him yet again while he's in their clutches and unable to flee. Giving him house arrest in a prison hospital was all part of the original plan (and hardly a gift). But the people who don't like Thaksin have not stopped disliking him. MF and PT are D.O.A., and the legacy elite power structure is just letting you know (who's really in control)... and it ain't Thaksin.
  5. RTP and Buddhist monasteries... two of the most corrupt (and failed institutions) in all of Thailand.
  6. What's even more ridiculous is Thailand thinks elephant's are part of their "soft power" (which is the latest gimmick Thais are clamoring over). You are not wielding any soft-power related to fashion (say as does France) with elephant pants 🤣
  7. I suspect a misprint... Was probably offered 100k THB, not 3 million THB. I'd take what ever was offered and would still fill criminal charges.
  8. Not as untouchable as he may think... No one is, in the land that has such a twisted sense for the rule of law... The establishment (the generals and royalist) are so afraid of losing grip that they will (at least attempt to) jail, or use the biased judiciary, to squash opponents they see as a threat... First it was Pita and MF, and now it's Thaksin and PT
  9. More tourist from countries with longer VER (visa exempt rule) entry = more condo sales? If condo sales are really increasing, it's probably more to do with long-stay visas and not VER entry.
  10. All this means Chinese tourists can visit Thailand for up to 30 days per visit without obtaining a visa beforehand.
  11. The video right before the collapse shows a gaggle of people all standing, facing out, on the very edge of this never constructed balcony, falling in unison. Very strange. Like they were posing for a photo.
  12. The salient point is you are on your own when renting motorbikes overseas (that should be everyone's default going in position). Tourist love scuba, ziplines, bungee jumping, motorbikes, sitting in cages with tigers, you name it... and I bet you all those activities are not covered by insurance when overseas. And not to blame the victim, but it seems she took a plunge because of operator error when riding her rented motorbike -- (which further begs the question... was she wearing a helmet... yet another reason to get your claim denied) -- which leads to the final point... Don't rent a motorbike on holiday if you never ride at home.
  13. Sadly, most likely self-inflicted with intent, I suspect. Not a new phenomenon for the lonely of Pattaya. Those lying to themselves about the joys of debauchery, paying for meaningless and shallow sensual experiences with young ladies, as if you will be forever young. Then you get to ~70 (maybe sooner) and realize your life is empty, devoid of meaning, and loveless. To the point where you stop loving yourself because you forgot how to love anything. The end.
  14. Thailand has 99 problems and selling nitrous oxide to backpackers on Khao San Rd ain't one.
  15. And let the work arounds begin... 2000 THB for 1 year... lot more people are now looking into getting medical cannabis cards in anticipation of de-legalization. This was the same thing that happened in the USA when states lagged approving recreational weed. There is no way to put the ganja genie back in the bottle unless they make medical weed illegal as well. https://thai.news/news/thailand/thailands-first-digital-cannabis-card-network
  16. Just saw the full video clip on ThaiRath32... some Russian guy in his late 40's - early 50's (who looks like he hasn't NOT paid for sex in years) gets angry over a haircut that made him no more handsome or uglier than he already is, takes the shears to his barber, who simply stands there and lets the Russian rage. Sadly, even though the Russian could easily be identified, the Thai barber would probably not press changes anyway. One thing for sure... many more Thais will see this, and reinforce for them that Russian's reputations precede them - angry with little self-control.
  17. To be enforced with the same rigor as helmet laws.
  18. Why not. Thailand has already lost control of immigration. More overstays, more shaddy foreigners staying longer under these extended VERs/extensions, or buying golden visas, and gaming ED visas. And it has nothing to do with tourism/tourist. The majority of tourist stay 30 days tops. Thing is Thailand can't/doesn't distinguish tourist from the undesirables (shiftless opportunists with no purpose) that make Pattaya and Phuket the dumpster fires they've become.
  19. Easy to get visas, weak law "enforcement" (the only thing the law does here is "respond after the fact"), and an entire culture and infrastructure catering to sex-for-money... is there really any wonder?
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