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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. AFAIK it's only Vietnamese and Koreans who eat dogs. Homo Sapiens is an omnivore. If you are trying to say we have double standards, what's new?
  2. IIRC you have said your Mrs. has put on some weight.
  3. Interesting comment. It implies MAGA supporters have a inbred propensity for violence.
  4. One can't be too careful when dealing with psychos.
  5. You mean like Trump flogging Bibles he can't quote a single verse from?
  6. I would be delighted to see anyone in a MAGA hat or shirt. It gives me fair warning to give them a wide berth, as I would a rabid soi dog.
  7. As a non-American, the sheer insanity of contemplating the return of a felon, sexual predator and fraudster to the most powerful position on the planet is mind-boggling. No other democracy in the world would do it. Trump's principal skill seems to be in milking the American taxpayer every time he plays golf, and appointing sycophants to office. It's the same problem Xi, Putin and Kim have. They will never be told the truth by underlings. Permit me to doubt a guy who ticks nearly all the boxes of a narcissistic sociopath will ever have the ability to be a good leader. His whole shtick is based on lies, bigotry, racism and hatred. I won't be roaming the streets. Like many others, if Trump gets in, it will be evidence America has gone mad.
  8. Thais are not noted for strenuous exercise, which helps prevent high blood pressure. It's also possible hypertension is over-diagnosed, due to white coat syndrome. I have a monitor at home. My average blood pressure is 110/60 with 25 mg of Losartan. Pulse 55 bpm Any time I get near a clinic, hospital or doctor, it shoots up to 145/80. Pulse 75 bpm.
  9. The maximum daily intake of fluoride recommended by the WHO is 10 mg per kg of body weight. It is a lot lower for children. Fluoride is added to water supply at 0.5 mg/L. A 80 kg adult would therefore have to consume 160 litres of water daily to achieve the maximum permitted dose. You'd have hyponatremia long before you got there. Next.
  10. The nitrate - nitrite conversion is known to chemists as a redox reaction. Nitrates are generated in the stomach from vegetables such as celery, spinach, beets and aragula. A small proportion pass into saliva. Facultative bacteria convert nitrate to nitrite. Production of nitrite in saliva is halted temporarily when mouthwash is used, due to the alcohol content. Fluoride is an inert anion. It has no redox properties. The only way FLUORINE can participate in a redox reaction is if it is present as the molecule, F2. Antacids and pantoprazole reduce stomach acidity. Nitrate content of vegetables does not change. You should be aware excessive nitrite consumption can lead to the formation of nitrosamines, which are known human carcinogens. You are posting breathtakingly ignorant scientific nonsense, with a couple of grains of truth in the morass of junk science.
  11. What are your reasons? Myself and my former wife have both made dentists rich, we were born pre-fluoridation. Our son was fed fluoride drops as a child because we only had rainwater supply. He has had two cavities in his entire life. Fluoride is normally dosed into water at 0.5 ppm. If I were you, I'd be more worried about the fact nearly all water supply is chlorinated, which is a far greater hazard in terms of soft tissue cancers, although health authorities don't talk about it. Don't forget to avoid cups of tea and canned salmon, both of which are rich in fluoride. IMO RFK is a grave danger to the health of Americans, like Trump he is anti-science. Both like appealing to the lunatic fringe.
  12. Anti-vaxxer, gun nut, conspiracy theorist. Say no more, the guy's an idiot.
  13. He may have meant 5 oz, referring to your brain mass.
  14. Didn't seem to hamper Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, Julia Gillard, Indira Ghandi, and Angela Merkel. You seem to have missed the fact by the time they get to be leaders, menopause is in the rear view mirror. What was that again about irrationality?
  15. Spot on.
  16. IIRC he was begging Trump to pay the legal bills Trump owed him. If Trump gets in, he'll be begging for a pardon too.
  17. Did she avoid confrontation, by rudely pushing in front of me?
  18. I cannot read and write Thai. My skill in the language is verbal. I said to her " Khun u mai jai ronn, kopkhun krap". As I understand it, that means " You are not impatient, thank you". Maybe you would interpret it differently.
  19. One of the great ironies of this kerfuffle is the fact Muslim laws on abortion are far more liberal than right-wing Christian nationalists. A pregnancy can be terminated up to four months, when the fetus is considered to acquire a soul. Perhaps that's a ridiculous belief, but IMO no more addle-pated than the concept male clerics, politicians and lawmakers have any right to tell women what to do with their bodies.
  20. If he is going to eat all that, it's no wonder he is a fat slug.
  21. Try the cooking section.
  22. Use your imagination. I am assuming you have one, I may be wrong.

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