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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. The last sentence is an opinion. The others were facts. I understand, you don't like opinions that differ from yours.
  2. I don't remember the exact details, but the terms of the referendum were couched in such a way it would have taken something like a 75% vote in favor of becoming a republic to get up. That was not going to happen with many Australians still wanting to tug the forelock to Liz. Howard carried on the Menzies tradition of British to the bootheels. The Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports was quite vomitous in his servility. Abbott presumably is still hoping for a knighthood. Knighting Prince Philip was when the whole of Australia laughed and cringed simultaneously.
  3. Rigged by Howard and Abbott, the quislings of Australia. i seriously doubt Australians will grow up in my lifetime.
  4. How many of those warheads are actually functional? The corruption in the Russian military has exposed huge deficits in maintenance. It is estimated one-third of the Russian defence budget went into Shoigu's pocket alone. Russia's only aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, was launched in 1985. Thirty years on, it is still not operational. It is in drydock in Murmansk, for yet another round of repairs. The success of Russia's attempted modernization of its military is illustrated by a recent test firing, when the rocket blew up in its silo. IMO the sums spent on Ukraine are a good investment. It would cost a lot more to have US boots on the ground, defending NATO countries.
  5. Russia is very firmly on Trump's side. I have no idea why you would claim Putin is supporting Harris. The Kremlin knows Trump will stop supporting Ukraine immediately he is elected, and may pull out of NATO as well. Your post makes no sense at all. America has the world's strongest military, streets ahead of anything else. It has two vast oceans protecting its borders east and west, a huge buffer nation to the north. America is self-sufficient in energy and agriculture. Whatever party is in power, it's bipartisan manufacturing is going to be rebuilt, after the lessons of COVID. IIRC even during WWII, America was still a land of plenty. Where you get the idea America will be weak is beyond my comprehension.
  6. IMO it was the worst of Chiang Mai's shopping malls, even Promenada was better.
  7. No, I think you could be sued for defamation. You have said Milley is a liar, and a disgrace to the uniform. Post your proof what you said is true.
  8. I doubt you would be saying that, if you were not protected by the anonymity of a keyboard. How about posting proof, from reliable sources?
  9. It's generally agreed Trump lies most times he is speaking. AFAIK Milley is an honorable man, who has served his country well. Trump only serves himself.
  10. Good heavens, a post that makes sense on this thread of people who don't seem to be very organized.
  11. You obviously were not listening when Margaret Thatcher said "The lady's not for turning".
  12. Really. So General Mark Milley was lying when he said Trump wanted to attack Iran in the last days of his Presidency. Trump was trying to copy Margaret Thatcher's example of wars being popular, at least initially.
  13. If I was a Republican, I would be ashamed to be supported by people so ignorant they don't know what an apostrophe is used for.
  14. I am old enough to know property is a well-established institution, whereas crypto is the Wild West in comparison. You think governments won't be putting a bridle on it? It is every criminal's wet dream.
  15. We all wish we had done things differently. If I had known what I now know, I would have gone into hock to buy every bit of property - houses, land - I could lay my hands on. In 1970, I bought a house in Melbourne for $14,000. The asking price for 3 bedroom houses in that area now is $900,000. Mine was four bedrooms, plus a bungalow. House and land are real, bitcoin is ephemeral electrons. One can get income from renting out a house. I have never heard of anyone renting bitcoin.
  16. He sent a 50 km long column of military vehicles towards Kiev as a goodwill gesture?
  17. If Harris wins, are you going to live in North Korea, Russia, or Hungary? Mind you, there may be a dearth of what you currently take for granted.
  18. Wrong. Australians can own firearms, I used to own a couple myself until I moved to Thailand. AFAIK we still have freedom of speech, there are remedies for defamation and hate speech. The first sentence of your post makes no sense at all.
  19. Please. Trump is every white supremacist's wet dream. Left and fascism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, don't you know that?
  20. I wonder how many Trump supporters realize how they will be affected if he wins. It's OK if you are rich. If you are not, as many devotees are, it's like chickens voting for a fox to run the hen house.
  21. It depends on how leftists are defined. According to Trump, anyone who opposes him is a leftist. Given the current government in Australia, most Americans would see the majority of Australians as lefties. IMO most Americans conflate the left with Communism, which it is not.
  22. IIRC Hitler racked up a rather high score for the Nazis.
  23. You may be right. However, Russia will preside over a wasteland, with nothing to show for it but a ruined economy. No western company will invest capital or technology in Russia for decades. The education system foundered back in the eighties. The ruble is toilet paper. Russia is paying for imports with gold and barter. It is shut out from the world's financial systems. The Russian demographic is already collapsing, every soldier killed in Ukraine is one less contribution to population growth. The current men to women ratio is 87 men, 100 women. I understand the term is "Pyrrhic victory".
  24. Yes, we know your obsession with so-called lefties.

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