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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Is it just me, or do others notice these threads are almost always started by tax advisers?
  2. Let's see if you feel the same way after your Social Security and Medicare get slashed.
  3. Trump downplayed the pandemic, admitted he did to Bob Woodward. Held maskless rallies. Refused to wear a mask because it smudged his makeup. Put his entire security detail at risk. When he did get COVID, he had the best medical care the American taxpayer could provide. The red states had a higher death rate than the blue states, you think that was a coincidence? Australia had a low death rate from COVID, due to early border closures and isolation mandates. The US had a much higher death rate, due to delayed response ( Trump ), lack of a co-ordinated national response, and vaccine hesitancy. "not Trump's fault"? He probably killed a few hundred thousand Americans with his procrastination.
  4. There's no doubt Trump taking control of the White House will lead to the DOJ being staffed with sycophants. The cases against him will be shelved. He's a criminal, who has escaped justice.
  5. Shilling for a tax adviser. If they do, they also know my money and investments predate 2024, and are therefore not taxable. Thanks for stopping by.
  6. I am pretty sure things won't get better under Trump. His policies will not make the lot of poor people better, and may well make them a lot worse off. Basic economics. Putin has a propaganda machine to convince Russians everything is hunky-dory, when in fact the economy is going down the toilet. A 21% bank interest rate is a fair indicator. I fully expect Trump to be creating a spin department for American consumption.
  7. Look over there - how novel. IIRC Trump torpedoed a bipartisan agreement for border control, because he wanted it as an election issue. Yet more proof America is not normal.
  8. "Any honeymoon can evaporate in an instant". I give it 3-6 months, then Americans will be at each others' throats again. Maybe less, if Musk has a free hand.
  9. It's easy enough for the economically literate to predict the outcomes of what Trump has promised to do.
  10. The turkeys have voted for Christmas. Let the slaughter begin.
  11. Vets may have it. They use it to deworm horses.
  12. You are assuming I will be berating and cursing Americans. I'm more likely to shun them. A MAGA cap or T-shirt would be the identifier of a moron. IMO America cannot be described as normal. A country that trains its schoolchildren how to avoid getting shot at school, has the highest prison population in the world, and votes a felon into its highest office - normal?
  13. The only bank account Immigration knows about is the 800 K baht on deposit. I have two other accounts here they know nothing about. I do not have a Thai tax number. I have a pink Thai ID card which is occasionally useful. The TRD is welcome to the tax on the pitiful interest I earn on accounts here. I am not interested in claiming it back. The Thai government knows nothing about the investments and bank account I have in Australia. Everyone has copies of our passports, true. So what? No skin off my nose if Thailand wants to drown itself in paper.
  14. IIRC I have explained the German term schadenfreude to you before. Enjoy the moment before getting back to the miserable life you lead.
  15. I expect there will be a lot of Americans saying they did not vote for Trump, and being defensive.
  16. I am saying vows get broken, and sometimes get channeled elsewhere. The celibacy vow was never intended to attain more holiness/sanctity. It was all about protecting church property from relationship and inheritance claims by partners and off spring.
  17. And send the people importing them for work at slave wages to jail. Illegal aliens don't get to their destinations without collusion. Oh wait, Trump was using undocumented workers..........
  18. There have been death treats made against Obama, starting in 2008 and going all the way to 2023. IMO MAGA supporters are far more likely to be armed and dangerous. IIRC "libtards" are the ones advocating gun control.
  19. Shooting the messenger and belittling me simply demonstrates you are as dumb as a can of soup. Bye bye.
  20. I don't need to read any of those. I understand thermodynamics, clearly you don't.
  21. All of what you say may be true. However, IMO many Americans don't understand the ramifications of what they voted for. No other intelligence agency in the world will share information with America. Not when Trump is purging experienced operatives, and appointing political sycophants. No other country will put trust in anything your President says. Expect property insurance premiums to skyrocket with a climate denier in charge. Helene and Milton are just the beginning. Americans may become party to a genocide in Ukraine. Trump policies will benefit the rich. The poor who voted for him will find their Social Security and Medicare benefits reduced, and their purchasing power diminished by the inflationary effects of tax cuts and a tariff war. You talk about scamming the public. It will be interesting to see how many people get thrown under the bus in the next 4 years. IMO buyer's remorse won't take long.
  22. If your wife is Thai, it's possible you will be below the taxable thresholds. IIRC it's about 550,000 baht in various allowances.
  23. There is no evidence any ethnic or religious groups are more prone to pedophilia than others. There is evidence people in authority over children increases the risk of pedophilia, with celibacy vows adding to the risk factor.
  24. IMO there are certain groups who will be more prone to pedophilia. When natural sexual instincts are thwarted by conventions of celibacy or chastity, it is statistically inevitable some in said groups will deviate to pedophilia.
  25. There will be intensifying hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, heat cells, droughts and floods. Helene and Milton are just the opening stanzas. Watch your property insurance premiums go through the roof. Watch Trump say his thoughts and prayers are with the victims of natural disasters. If they are lucky, he may even send them toilet rolls. I am wondering how many thermodynamic ignoramuses will be on this thread.

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