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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. 1 hour ago, rabas said:

    have thousands of delivery vans servicing internet shopping, as it was before the car population exploded.


    Internet before the car explosion? Sears Roebuck & Company catalog?  




    Several of your ideas are good, but I would immediately focus on rampant dumb down consumerism, and cheap disposable products, 'disposabolism'.  In addition, the consumer societies could easily get by with 20% less of everything. Although that only offers one time reduction in CO2 emissions, it would help meet immediate climate goals. Why won't it happen? Because it will cause the mother of all recessions. Better to tell the sheep we need trillions to fix it. There in lies the unspoken truth. Global warming is real as far are we can understand, and, it is potentially the biggest rip off there ever was and ever will be as long as people have blind faith. If you think it's hard to change human ignorance, just try to change human greed. 



    I think I can say I have converted to minimalism in my life. And while I do still enjoy life, I have found there is a lot of expensive <deleted> I simply don't need.

    I doubt I will be around to see the full effects of what is coming. It won't be pretty. However, that does not prevent me from having a conscience about it.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'd do it by finding realistic ways to make people have less children. The problem, if it is man made, is caused by too many people, ergo reduce people, reduce the problem.

    In the meantime, I'd put a refundable deposit on every piece of disposable plastic sold, so it didn't end up in the oceans.

    I'd ban private cars in cities and build decent public transport systems- I never owned a vehicle in London; didn't need one.

    I'd ban casual air travel and build hi speed electrified railways instead.

    I'd force shipping companies to carry non perishable cargoes in wind powered ships, where there are reliable winds ( wind powered ships do not have to use sails ).

    I'd make politicians use teleconferencing instead of flying to meetings.

    Plenty of other similar ideas that would work. 


    What ideas do you have to solve the problem?

    Quite a few along the same lines as yours. Add in conversion to hydrogen-based fuels. Houses that generate their own electricity and store their own water. Instead of millions of cars going to shopping malls, have thousands of delivery vans servicing internet shopping, as it was before the car population exploded.

    Accelerate the development of thorium -based nuclear reactors to generate electricity. Inherently safe.

    Reward savers instead of borrowers. Scrap the current indicators of economic "success",  and replace them with KPI's based on a country's environmental performance. Tax multinationals on their revenue streams instead of their declared profits. Punish countries who permit indiscriminate burning and logging with sanctions.

    Mandate biodegradable plastic. If it doesn't break down, ban it.

    Some of this may happen. My guess is the majority will not


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  3. On 9/21/2019 at 7:25 AM, 4MyEgo said:



    As for bigger, I have noticed that after losing the extra kilo's he has grown some, but avoid pills surgery etc etc because unless your born gifted, you will only improve marginally, i.e. unless you try tying a thin piece of rope around it and attack a brick to the rope, go to a bridge and drop the brick over the bridge and see how long of a stretch you end up with, but do try not to fall over the bridge in the process :1zgarz5:

    Have you tried this in Sydney?

    • Haha 1
  4. On 9/21/2019 at 1:27 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    NO. Other than the pumps or getting silicone implants you have what you have. 

    There is surgery to lengthen it but only a stupid moron would go that route. 

    ALL SURGERY has potential side effects, and it is foolish to have surgery if none is needed.


    Why against drugs? I used Cialis after my prostate surgery and it worked fine. Caused no side effects. Better than Viagra, IMO.

    Viagra is short-term, about 4 hours. Cialis is longer-term, 24 - 36 hours. Having said that, Cialis is considerably more expensive.

    To the OP - don't worry about it too much. It's part of ageing. There are a few times with my GF when I lose the stiffy, she understands and there is always another time. If you try too hard, or have anxiety about it, it will make it worse. Relax, it will come back.

    A bit unfair, actually. Women never have to worry about dysfunction, except in terms of lubricity.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, brokenbone said:

    fake science yet again, oceans takes hundreds and thousands of years to react in any shape or form to changes in climate.

    and btw, it was a helluva lot warmer during bronze age.

    man has so far had no impact on climate, but nature does have an impact on mankind, there is a link between warmer climate and greater prosperity for man

    You must communicate that to Australian farmers sometime.

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 10 hours ago, balo said:

    I think she is mentally sick , her mother who is a radical  environmentalist is pushing her to the limit. 

    So this will not end well, for her. And other teenagers now brainwashed for the rest of their lives. I hope they can get professional help. 

    We all want to get rid of the plastic and find better ways to protect  planet Earth , but not like this. 


    Enlighten me. How would you do it?

  7. Most motorcycle deaths in Thailand are on scooters, no helmets to prevent head injuries, flimsy clothing.

    Thai law enforcement in Chiang Mai is a sick joke. When I am out and about on scooter or in my car, I would say at least 50% are not wearing helmets. Probably another 10% are wearing helmets with the same protective capacity as an eggshell.

    Instead of fining a paltry 200 baht ( Thai ) or 500 baht ( farang ) for not wearing a helmet, impound the scooter for a month. Behaviours would change quite quickly.

  8. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm scared of her, she looks like the kind of woman who would accuse a guy of touching her when they walked by.

    Imagine being her bf and trying to dump her? The false accusations would never end, it'd be Mia and Woody all over again.

    I don't think you have too much to worry about. Your paths are never likely to cross.

    I was under the impression Mia accused Woody of bonking his step-daughter, and the step-daughter and Woody subsequently married, which does tend to confirm her accusation.

    • Like 2
  9. Rust converters come in two types - phosphoric acid based, and tannic acids. The tannic acids are more of a barrier type inhibitor. Phosphoric acid converts the rust to iron phosphate, which makes a good key for paint. From memory, Rust Oleum is a tannic type.

    I'm not sure whether chromate-based paints are still allowed. They have always been the best protection for steel.

    As other posters have said, it is essential to remove as much rust as possible. Relying on conversion packages to convert thick layers of rust scale will probably mean having to do it all over again in a year's time.

  10. 4 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    I was agreeing with your post, but this sentence leaves me perplexed.

    I think the simple fact that people are caring is quite a positive thing, sometimes uneducated doesn't mean stupid, as educated is not necessarily honest.

    Valid point. However, it is a fair bit easier to sort the wheat from the chaff when one is trained in critical thinking, which is a sine qua non for scientists.

    Scientists admit their mistakes. That's what peer review is for. And successful replication of experiments by other scientists.

    On the other hand, it is a very rare politician who will admit one of their social experiments or policies is a failure.


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  11. 1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

    That depends on how you look at it. Oil Company shareholder are going to do well no matter what, because absent the return of the dark ages, folks are alwys gonna need energy and the oil companies got their fingers in many pies.


    Climate scientists on the other hand? Todays Dr. Drone at Penn State is tomorrows millionaire hero, neh? Ask Al Gore how profitable it can be, along with all the alternative energy crony capitalists that feed off of scaring folks.


    Tell me how much the globe has warmed since 1799, and whats the source of the data?

    About 1.5 degrees and accelerating. Although that's from 1990, not 1799. Source US EPA.

    Oil is not the only fossil fuel. Coal and natural gas.

    I agree folks will always need energy. It's how we get it that's important. Solar and wind don't add heat or carbon dioxide, fossil fuels do.

    It's heat absorbed by the oceans that is going to change the world if we don't wean ourselves off fossil fuels. Hurricane Dorian will look like a tea party compared to what is coming. Bye bye Florida Keys.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Then you tell us about the Michael Mann data. You are a fair guy who prides himself on scientific ethics, arent you?

    Are we reading the same stuff? As far as I can make out, Michael Mann is a Professor of Atmospheric Physics whose models predict global warming. Although oceanology and thermodynamics are probably more significant. All his publications seem to be from their titles polemics against denialism. What is your point?

    Just so you know, there are two major sins in the science field. The first is falsification of data. The second is plagiarism.

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