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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. 20 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    Their 'Gods' are the theories they peddle.

    You seem to have difficulty in distinguishing between theory and fact, like most deniers.

    The scientists are the ones who have the rigorous training to explain what is happening. The deniers have been educated by right-wing shock jocks and vested interests to reject that, because they think they know better.

    It's a bit unfortunate everyone will get to pay for the stupidity of our leaders and their supporters.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

    Global Warming happened and the temp uptick ceased about 12-15 years ago...repeating the natural cycle of eons of eons of eons before. Climate Change is probably happening as it has happened in long long solar cycles since Earth produced an atmosphere. Global Warming and Climate Change cannot be altered by human intervention because these phenomenon are not human caused. Also carbon dioxide is not a toxic gas in its natural occurrence.

    In fact the world as we know it wouldn't exist without carbon dioxide. 

    Most likely Climate Change comes in cycles with Global Cooling and Global Warming due to intertwining of the Sun's cycles of expansion and contraction coupled with sun spots and cyclic production of cosmic rays all in conjunction with wobbles of the Earth's spin on its axis with chance pertubations of Earth's orbit around the Sun and possibly even involves the travels of our solar system through the Milky Way. All involved in enormously complicated cyclic cosmic events. 

    And of courde, these are all Natural Occurrences that has produced the gigantic events such as the various ice ages - you know - the temp is mild - then cool - then cold - then damn cold - then ice covers half the Earth >>> Then it starts to warm slightly - then a little warmer - then warmer yet still ... ice melts - glaciers retreat and mild temperatures arise for more eons of eons... human habital westher until the next grand cycle. 

    Natural Occurrences are what's at play... done many times in Earth's long history. But Natural Occurence Deniers "NODs" will not admit it because such truths would go against their political agenda of massive global redistribution of wealth - leveling of living standards around the world to that of just above 3rd World, huge reduction in Earth's human population and most of all impising Global Government ushering in Authoritarian Socialism on a scale and degree never before witnessed. 

    Another person with zero understanding of the laws of thermodynamics. Or the use of spellcheckers.

    Carbon dioxide is toxic to coral. Too much of it in the oceans, and entire food chains are disrupted due to acidity

    Unbridled capitalism is not doing the world any favours either.

    • Confused 1
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  3. 1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

    The biggest problem with Hydrogen fuel cells is safety. Would you want to drive a car with a tank full of Hydrogen in the back seat? Remember the Hindenburg?

    Check out the developments in technology. Hydrogen can be transported world-wide in liquid form as ammonia, three atoms of hydrogen to one of nitrogen. Reconstituted as hydrogen, it is stored in a car's tank absorbed onto a matrix as a hydride. It is actually safer in that form than a tank full of gasoline.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    I don't know if it's your poor comprehension skills or my poor composition skills but that's exactly the point I was trying to make.



    "Many autistic people show signs of genious in a specific area. Greta has found her's. Her oratory powers are incredible, not for someone of her age, but for any age."

    Possibly I have misunderstood the tenor of your post. There are some on this forum attacking her autism, when in some circumstances it is an asset.

    BTW, Aspergers was not officially recognised as part of the autism spectrum until 1989, although it was first diagnosed in the late nineteen thirties.

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  5. 26 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    Sure, develop "renewable" sources of energy, but perhaps take the time to look into how much carbon the production of, say, a wind turbine takes. You might be surprised. Then look into how the moving parts need to be replaced over time. Then tot up all the maintenance, include the guy who sweeps up all the headless birds.

    Then, look into how much electricity is produced by that turbine, and how much variance there is between a high-wind location such as an offshore platform in the North Sea and the less windy locations where most windmills are currently being placed, mainly to signal how virtuous that country's government is.

    Finally, research how the massive batteries that store all this "renewable" energy are manufactured, and how destructively the rare earth minerals are mined.

    The only real renewable energy is nuclear, and if the west had kept developing it properly over the past few decades, we would be in a far better position now. But, of course, the activists are suddenly not so pro-science when you mention nuclear power.


    Do you seriously not know that the main companies who have diversified into alternative energy are the "fossil fuel" industry?

    Just as the cigarette companies bought into the major vape companies, companies such as Shell and BP are not stupid, they have been profiting from the transition for decades.

    Do you imagine those hundreds of thousands of engineers are somehow only able to work with oil or coal? They are in the energy business. Don't you understand that those companies are the only ones with the scale, expertise, and contacts necessary to win the major infrastructural contracts that the activists are pushing for?

    This is why I try to avoid these discussions: the people blindly arguing the current environmentalist dogma have tons of passion and self-righteousness, but almost no idea of what is actually going on, and that is why they are so easily corralled and manipulated.


    Please do look up the latest risks associated with vaping, which has health authorities everywhere concerned.

    Solar panels last for up to twenty years. Converting that energy to liquid non-carbon fuel has already been demonstrated. However, underfunding by anti-science elements is rampant. Stick with fossil fuels is their catchcry.

    I'm not aware engineers trained in the distillation of fossil fuels into their various fractions can be retrained in short order to manufacture photovoltaic cells.


    • Sad 2
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  6. 11 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    It's really not about the American obsession with short term gain. It's about the Republican obsession with transferring wealth to the rich. The tax cuts that Republicans gave to the wealthy could have financed a huge amount of much needed infrastructure renewal and upgrades. 

    I have yet to observe a conservative government anywhere that does not do what you are describing, in varying degrees.

    OK, I'm a leftie pinko commie.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, donnacha said:


    You are dealing with religion. There is literally nothing you can say to dissuade a believer.

    The best you can do is to point out that the only solutions being offered involve an increase in environmental taxes (for example new surcharges on domestic electricity just as electric cars are about to become popular) that are not actually spent on anything to do with the environment, more government spending on massive "green" projects managed by the same fossil fuel companies who are supposed to be the bad guys, stunted growth in countries being denied their turn to industrialize, and increases in the costs of basic food sources, such as meat, that disproportionately hurt the poor.

    All of this will happen. That will be obvious by 2030, whereas doomsday will have been pushed forward to 2040. The battle now is to terrify and brainwash the population, in particular schoolchildren, into accepting an ever-greater centralization of money into the state.

    Governments, which are just a front for corporations, will use whatever stick they have to beat their populations into compliance. In the past, it was usually some enemy, some war - sometimes a hot war, sometimes a cold war ... it didn't matter as long as the "voters" agreed to put aside their own interests.

    Now, after decades of sand wars, the populations are burnt out on that particular excuse, so, now, the corporations have reverted to a far older, more primal enemy: our own activities, our own sins, leading to The End of the World!

    This enemy will be a far more effective and longer-lasting leash than any rogue nation, or political movement. It is a war that can never be won, not until the climate stops changing and, of course, that will never happen.

    If you point that out, there is a small chance that some of those currently panicking will realize they are being used as pawns. Anthropomorphic climate change is a problem, but just one of many problems the human race faces, and nowhere in the top 20. Almost all the suggested solutions will do nothing to prevent it, whereas solving the other problems first will almost certainly assist us in finding real solutions to climate change.

    You just have to get people to see that they are being lied to about the actual timelines, the consequences, and the complete disconnect between that and the proposed solutions. It is tough, but they have to see that they are passionately fighting for precisely the wrong things.


    Economics and growth are not religions to many people?

    AFAIK, most scientists are atheists and agnostics.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Have you seen the block after block of brand new empty buildings in China? I have. To a certain extent, its a house of cards.


    Besides, if the commies want to put a rail line in, they just punch it through a wetland or displace people and dont say a word comrade. Try that in California or down the East Coast.



    I never said China was subject to the same level of regulation as America. The guy in power makes the rules. Trump is hobbled in comparison, which is not such a bad thing.

    IMHO the Chinese are operating on the same principle as Kevin Costner in "Field of Dreams".

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