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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. Can't eat cheese due to bile duct sludge. Thai wine is undrinkable, they need to import some cellarmasters to teach them about enzymes and stuck ferments. Wouldn't get work permits, though. Not to mention face.


    I stick to Scotch and local beer, relatively cheap.

  2. 13 hours ago, legend49 said:

    Why you live here then? South Thailand has a high percentage of Muslims!

    Yes, they slip over the border every weekend for the drinking and screwing they can't get in Malaysia.

    The few times I've been in a Muslim country, it's (a) boring (b) annoying to be woken up at 4 am by the loudspeakers of the local mosque.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

    Declare it anyway!

    Better a 10 min delay at customs and being told declaration was not necessary than being caught with undeclared drugs which might be illegal to take into the US and therefore being treated as a drug smuggler...

    Good advice. The authorities cannot prosecute for  declared controlled substances, only confiscate them.

  4. Newstart is fence-ringed with a number of obligations, such as applying for jobs and doing a lot of BS paperwork. You are correct in assuming gaining employment as a 55 yo is difficult.

    Given the cost of living in Australia is 2-3 times that of Thailand, perhaps you would be better off staying here and budgeting carefully. The only real benefit to you in Australia is the Medicare system. The benefit to your son is better education.

    Be aware you have to be in Australia when you become eligible for the Age Pension, otherwise it is two years staying there to qualify.

    Good luck with your choice, it's not an easy one.

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  5. 20 hours ago, Ron jeremy said:

    Other than financial security, there is no attraction for 20 year old gals to old men. Just like a 20 year old guy being attracted to an old lady. Never seen a young man walking around with a 70 year old Thai woman.  It's ok to enjoy the moment, but dont be dillusional thinking your gal is there for any other reason.

    ok, I'm getting my popcorn, this should start a <deleted>storm.

    my gals different hahaha.

    This week's award for a statement of the bleeding obvious goes to......

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  6. On 8/17/2019 at 10:55 AM, thasoss said:

    returning to one's homeland after a decade or more away can be difficult not least cos you find the society you originally left has changed as have the people and of course so have you.


    I returned to australia and felt like a fish out of water.Found the place riddled with drug addicts,selfish people especially baby boomers with a sense of entitlement from the welfare state.Hated the place...nice country if it was devoid of human habitation.

    Get 200 km inland from the coastline, and you'll find there aren't too many people to vex you If you stay away from river systems.

  7. 2 hours ago, rtco said:

    I wasn't broke when I moved here. I had a good pension that a so called reputable Financial Adviser suggested I invest in a secure Australian Fund which, after 2-years, went bust and was found to be a Ponzi Scheme + the Financial Adviser was found to be operating illegally here. Still fighting for some kind of recompense after 6-years. So not "utter madness" as you call it but a victim of circumstance. We all have different stories so don't generalise.

    I can sympathize with that, lost about quarter of a million (AUD ) to unlisted property trusts during the GFC.

    My biggest beef is with ASIC, useless bastards. They continue to be ineffectual regulators, while contributing $800 million in compliance fees to Federal Government coffers.

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