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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. On 7/25/2019 at 1:16 PM, simon43 said:

    Realistically, nothing will be 'eased' as regards the visa financial requirements.  In fact, the required amounts might increase in the future. That's not being a doomsayer - it's being realistic.


    No amount of complaints or pleading by those affected by these rules will make the slightest bit of difference to those who decide the rules or implement them.


    Therefore, one needs to 'man up' and find a solution to the problem, if indeed there is a problem for you, such as not having the required funds.


    You can go down the agent route of course.  It seems to work right now, but nothing is ever unchanging.  At some point in the future, that option will be removed.


    Other options:

    1) Top yourself.

    2) Return to your home country

    3) Move to another country where the visa rules are within your means.


    In my case, I do not have sufficient funds for a retirement visa.  I do earn a healthy online income, but that income cannot be 'proven' or documented, because it comes from teaching online for various Chinese companies.


    So .... Considering my own options:

    1) No thanks.

    2) No thanks - I left the UK 18 years ago and currently have no desire to return.

    3) Yes, that'll do me ==> relocate to a country where I can fulfill the visa requirements.  So that's what I'm doing right now.


    OK, it's easier for me because I'm now single with a very 'portable' job.  If you're married to a Thai or have a family here, then some hard decisions will need to be made.  But sticking your head in the sand or moaning/complaining about how unfair life is not going to result in a solution to this problem.

     As Churchill said, the pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

    Perhaps you have failed to seize the opportunity to save enough funds for a retirement visa from your "healthy online income".

  2. 3 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    Perhaps the rate should be reduced to match the cost of living wherever the retiree chooses to reside? Wouldn't that be a fair system?

    Only if you are a dyed-in-the wool Liberal supporter intent on preserving franking credits and negative gearing.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Emdog said:

    Can anyone explain to me the respective government's reason a pension would be reduced if one were married? Beyond "you don't matter as an expat and we'll do whatever we wish"

    Their reason is two can live cheaper than one, because overheads such as rent are shared. Being an expat is only relevant in terms of being married to someone who is not an Australian citizen. Same treatment irrespective of whether your foreign wife is in Australia or outside it.

  4. 2 hours ago, stubby52 said:

    I just got my retirement extension 1900b for a year great value imho my only problem is the drop in the oz exchange rate,last night had a great night listening to music in the company of some lovely ladies and a 1hr massage for less than 2000b try doing that in Australia!

    2000 baht? either that's a typo with an extra zero, or more information is needed from you. Vicarious pleasure is one of TV's sine qua non.

  5. There's a meme on Facebook by a Labor politician, Andrew Giles, claiming Morrison is planning to stop pensions to anyone living overseas after 6 weeks absence from Australia. May be true, may be false, may be kite-flying. Personally, I've never underestimated the capacity of Liberal politicians for acts of sheer bastardry.

    Anyone have more concrete information? It doesn't seem to be a very sensible financial strategy to me if pensioners are forced back to Australia, start claiming rent assistance and pension supplements, and add to already stretched hospital waiting lists. Perhaps the Australian aged care industry wants us back in the fold.


  6. 3 hours ago, Grusa said:

    Thais are not educated about hygeine. They do not wash dishes effectively, they use unclean water, much if not most of their "crockery" is worn-out plastic crap, where the scratches collect and store pathogens. Dishwasher products are way overpriced and recently are less effective because the West has banned phosphates - essential for a low-temperature wash, not that any indigenous would know that or care.



    My Thai GF only gets to wash china, plastic not allowed. Cracked china, out it goes.

    Phosphates have nothing to do with low temperature washing. They are chelating agents, complexing calcium and magnesium ions in hard water.

    The cheapest way to fuel a dishwasher is to buy commercial sodium hydroxide and mix with sodium carbonate, Storage is a problem because sodium hydroxide is deliquescent, and reacts with atmospheric CO2.

    Another who was asleep during the chemistry lessons.


  7. 2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    Sea salt works fine and is much cheaper as a water softener (that is the only reason it is used) and is available everywhere.  

    Sea salt does nothing to soften water. Water softeners work by exchanging sodium ions for calcium and magnesium ions in hard water.

    The chloride in sea salt would actually be bad for dishwashers built out of stainless steel, because it would cause stress corrosion cracking in many stainless alloys above 60 C. Most dishwashers operate at 80 - 90 C.

    I guess you were asleep during chemistry lessons.

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  8. 3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    The wily Chinese,they know you control the water ,you control 

    the people, I predict in the future Water is going to be like Oil,

    wars are going to be fought over it,in some parts of the World.

    regards worgeordie

    Water has been a source of conflict for many years now. Not just wars, but economic mismanagement.

    The Murray-Darling in Australia is a case in point. The most arid continent on the planet, and multinationals plunder water for a thirsty crop, cotton. Economic and environmental insanity.

  9. 17 minutes ago, samuttodd said:

    I do all that stuff,    nobody touches my girl but me.   ????   I know the costs of labor here make more sense to let other guys wrench on the bike,   but I like to do it.    The anatomy and physiology of a motorbike are fascinating.   It is fun to break out the tool box and swear like a drunken sailor.   I find a sense of satisfaction in tearing it apart and putting it back together.

    There are people who are very satisfied with sitting on a riverbank with a fishing rod and not getting a single bite, or propelling a little white ball into purpose-built holes. No need to make excuses for what you enjoy.

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