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The Theory

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Posts posted by The Theory

  1. On 9/28/2019 at 9:51 AM, ExpatLife said:

    funny you meet a girl who works at a bank, seems ok, live with her for 4 years and then when you want to break up, all hell breaks loose

    They all act and look like angels. 

    But in the end we need to hear the girl story as well. We can’t judge by only one side story. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Thailand has been changing a lot since 5 years ago. I better say since Chinese are here (there are more factors are involved) We won’t see even days like a decade ago (smart phones are another factor) Don’t expect much because it will be tougher year after year. The fact is the whole world changing as well. We are not even sure about tomorrow what will come next. 

  3. The fact is “smarties” want to get away with their expensive order with minimum pay since they already know how it work when they place their orders as a group. Sharing is a BS, in fact it is just taking advantage of situation.

    Now I know that this is something common here. The last time a soda cost me 500b. No more sharing bills I just pay for my own. 

  4. 36 minutes ago, ylmiri said:

    No, in Japan I was busy with the women and I didn't read much about the education department attempt to white wash their war time history.

    I want to tell the japanese tourist Japan is a fascist country worship the state and the emperor. They should not be happy seeing the bridge because it was built on the blood of all allies army and asian slaves.

    I want them japanese tourists to be ashamed and buy me a beer and a dinner as a gesture of being sorry for all the crimes committed during ww2.

    I will graciously accept such apologies and drink my Chang beer and eat my green curry chicken.

    Perhaps you should take your message to many different countries in the world since they were not innocent at some point in the world history either. But I guess you just want to highlight this “one”. And besides that is there anything special about Japanese race that you call them racist ?!!! I believe that it should be called “Nationalism” rather than racism. 

    One last thing, why don’t you get busy with women (as you said) again and forget the whole thing. Change your dealer or the brand you use, trust me it works.


  5. Yes Chiang Mai office is wonderful now, but not the regiment section. 

    I went there for my 1st extension in Chiang Mai she asked me what I have done in BKK that want to move to Chiang Mai. ???????? then she told me when you come to pick up your passport bring a copy from all pages of your lease. I asked why do you need the lease copy ? She replied: I want to make sure you stay here for long. ????????????



  6. 1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

    The year is 2018. Iran isn't the USSR. Most Americans haven't forgotten the Iraq War. Doubt there's a lot of enthusiasm for more military adventurism there. And didn't Trump campaign on disengaging from the Middle East? Did Reagan campaign on not confronting the USSR?


    President Reagan and “Iran Contra” was a well known deal. 

    Perhaps you see that why king of Iran was replace easily under name of revolution. By US, UK and with cooperation of France and Germany and Iran was left in hand of hardliners to do their mission that was war with Iraq. 






    you want to read more 







  7. 10 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    There's an election coming up in the USA and I daresay the Iranians have some awareness of this.


    History always repeats. Just like what President Reagan did. Dealing with an evil regime to win the election in his own country. Presidents come and go, but who really does a great work for own people and country, not only for wealthy ones (not what they pretended, but what actually they did), that’s the question. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    So in order to avoid war it was necessary for Trump to thank the Iranians for not shooting down a plane with Americans in it? That's what prevented the onset of war? Just not pressing "the war switch" wouldn't have been enough? Really? 

    You know 

    “You just hate Trump”. The rest of your knowledge Is by looking at what you read or see in the news and then conclusion is there. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    So much "balls" that after Iran shot down the US drone, Trump thanked the Iranians for shooting it down instead of shooting down a plane with Americans in it. Nice piece of a** kissing that was.

    Perhaps you would be satisfied if trump pressed the war switch Aren’t you ? Then he would be a great president to you!!!! ????????????

    Open your eyes to the big game of Middle East. You have no clue about it.

  10. 3 hours ago, Jack Mountain said:

    Still thinking he's playing a game and fooling everybody till he has his hands free in his second term and really has the power to drain the swamp (Deep State).

    But it seems there was only one guy who had “balls” not paying any ransom to Iran’s regime. You perhaps expected another Obama ?!!! A dumb fool who sent billions of cash to Iran for helping another evil project to get Democrats, clown Macron or Angela loser Merkel satisfied. 


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