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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. What? Linus is not the childish proprietory Mac OS. What are you talking about. And the rest of your comment is just silly pedantry. No more from me.
  2. I feel you. I had two truly huge Samsonite cases, bought in Florida in the 90s. They were actually a lifting danger for porters when fully loaded. But God, I loved them though, foreign hotel stickers (remember those?) all over the one I used for all my business travel. And same as yours, my wheels finally gave out. ????????????
  3. Douglas Adams thought the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42. It's not, its Lazada. ????????
  4. Swap? So you can't keep both then. OK, no thanks. Smartphones are already becoming too indispensable. Battery goes on the fritz and you can't access your data to show the BIB, restaurant, airline check-in, etc.
  5. Don't be a dummy ????, I've bought "xxx for Dummies" books myself. Calm down. And I don't know anyone personally who bought 'incompatible' PC kit that had to be returned, but maybe you know people who buy stuff without knowing their board architecture, OS, etc. Acting like Apple zombies.... Oops I'm going for the windup with that last sentence. Feel free to ignore. ???? PS - the Mac OS as far as I remember was frustrating in its inability to accept powerful low level commands. Childish, even.
  6. Exactly what I did for my current rig. Specified the kit and let them do the job. All good except a couple of the many USB ports on the case they didn't hook up, soon rectified. I'm also getting lazy. ????
  7. I've been using, occasionally building and always tinkering with PCs since 1996, incompatiblity of 'parts' has honestly never affected me, never had to return something that didn't work. I built my current gaming rig around 7 years ago (OK, getting lazy nowadays, I gave the spec to a shop and they assembled it) - it still handles every 2021-2022 high-end, graphics-intensive game I've tried, and seems pretty future proof for a while yet. So, highly cost effective. I also am highly doubtful of the truth now of the old claim that Macs really are better for graphics work. Macs are for computer dummies (OK, you say neophytes), who work alone without benefit of IT knowledge, and so need to pay a fortune for machines that do the job for a few years then need to be dumped. Said customers also usually drool over buying a ridiculously-priced new iPhone every year! ???? Slaves to a brand, their choice, no skin off my nose if they're happy. I bought a Mac in around 2005-6 and also an iPhone once, just to try. It was enough.
  8. With a PC you can build the EXACT spec you want, with the fastest/best kit from the manufacturers who specialise in each component. I don't see any comparison with Apple.
  9. Since COVID that really hasn't been my experience of Cha-am beaches. Very quiet and tidy on the two of three occasions I've ventured there from Hua Hin.
  10. Mine is 8 yrs old but runs like a dream (just not for games}, one of the first with an SSD and insane screen res., Win 10 but sadly it won't take 11. All the soft rubber around the edge is crumbling off. Who cares what it looks like. ????
  11. There are international companies (for example April Insurance) who work with a local insurer. That way you can have the security of a company who is bound by international standard, say for the amount they are allowed to increase your premium each year, but also are accepted for visa purposes. A good broker will guide you. I used AA Insurance to get a range of quotes my first year here. .
  12. Boris Johnson has been playing 'when you're going through hell, keep on going' to his cabinet.
  13. Physiognomy eh? Some people believe it. I'm on the fence. Google: 'New Scientist How your looks betray your personality'. ????
  14. Yes, just gratuitous pictures of a pretty girl. I get more hard facts from the ChromeCrumpet Facebook page.
  15. Tommy Toon 0852646716 Used him many times for my family BKK/HH, nice guy, safe driver. 4x4 with very comfortably seats which even recline a bit in the back. 2000 baht one way and he'll be happy, it's worth it. Does longer journeys too.
  16. I hope you survive without losing your sanity. One thought: to turf a traveller in need out of a mosque/prayer room would be DISTINCTLY unIslamic. I think you might receive a welcome for your airbed, but be prepared to be asked to move for prayer times maybe.
  17. Info/question answered: Hafele kindly informed me about the PTT bottle shop in Soi 54, 29 metres before the khlong road lights on the right hand side.
  18. Isn't a full 18kg gas bottle a bit difficult on a win bike? Anyway I don't live in town.
  19. Thanks kindly. That's how I used to do it in the UAE, my two bottles were rented from a local supplier who just came to the house and replaced the empty one with a full one. My problems with your answer are that (1) I don't know where my local supplier is, can I go to a PPT station maybe, just for a refill? And (2) as I said I own the bottle, it came with the Grill King barbeque I bought from Hafele. Maybe I'll just give them a call and check their ideas, they may tell me which supplier supplies their bottles. Thanks again for putting me on the path. ????
  20. Hi all. I searched for 'refill lpg propane' and found nothing here, which was a surprise. My owned 18kg bottle is empty and I would like to refill it. It's the usual Thai/Australian 'internal only' old-type screw connection. Can anyone tell me where to go to refill it, and what's a reasonable cost? Is it from a metered pump like refilling your car with petrol? I don't know the form here. Thanks.
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