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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. NO ONE has said that I am not correct. No one has quoted regulations concerning applications for O and O/A visas from outside Thailand, current or previous. You're a joke.
  2. I said could not when I immigrated and I said that very clearly. I won't put you on ignore, I want to see you squirm (rudely).
  3. I'm not going to start playing whack-a-mole. My posts have been polite (unlike you now) and everything I've said has been factual and completely correct in respect of what people have been allowed to import when immigrating. I understand that it seems no-one can now import cars. I haven't disputed that because I don't have information. I don't think you were aware of that either. So rude, wind your neck in.
  4. I think we covered this. I was talking about what you are allowed to bring when you come on a retirement visa. Just repeating for sake of clarity. ????????
  5. You're missing out a step in the changes, because when I came in 2016 it was only retirees who could not. Then the situation was as I quoted where if you work on a visa you could import one car. Now I take your word for the fact that no immigrant on a visa can import a car. I would even have paid customs the actual value of the car (estimate of value was a very negotiable issue, a good import agent could save you money) to bring it in and was investigating servicing and parts availability. But it wasn't to be. Probably saved me headaches down the line. ????
  6. Bringing in sporting equipment is or was prohibited if you were applying to live in Thailand on an O or O/A visa. A car similarly. Not a question of declaring and paying duty. I could hardly believe it myself.
  7. A person with a non-immigrant visa and a work permit valid to work in Thailand for at least one year may import one new or used vehicle for personal use. Not a retiree. Re sporting equipment I am talking about moving to Thailand and what you are allowed to bring with you. I doubt the law has changed since I arrived in 2016 (possible but I doubt it). I imported a whole 40 ft container of used personal effects/furniture stuffed to the doors, but sporting equipment (even personal, used) was very clearly and specifically excluded in the regulations.
  8. Thanks. Another post has now stated that specifically retirees in Vietnam may not own a car! Sorry, I can't check the links you quoted as the post doesn't exist now.????
  9. Thanks, the clarification was needed. For general info, in Thailand retirees can own a car but not import one (or sports equipment, strange). So my beloved Jag XK8 had to stay behind when I came here.???? Customs would have robbed me blind anyway....
  10. Someone posted a reply saying (I think, they've quickly deleted it) that foreigners can get a driving license the same way as in Thailand. Of course that doesn't mean they're allowed to own a car, so the question stands.
  11. You have to be crazy or stupid to want to travel on two wheels in Thailand. I'm neither.
  12. You'll never stop people from using their only means to get to work, or from getting their end away for money, Thailand or anywhere else.
  13. And everyone clapped and cheered, and we all went home and had ginger beer and crisps, the end.
  14. It has already been noted here by others that he apologised the next day for being incorrect because he had not berm informed. I was just making a joke.
  15. Anutin admitted he misspoke (nobody told me!). The law is in place. ????
  16. A FEW THOUSAND? Exaggeration surely, or you had offended multiple times already, or you're more gullible than most.
  17. International local ???? OK, I do know what you meant.
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