That's expensive but beggars can't be choosers I guess. I only pay twice that for a whole year and the same service, plus all PPV events, like boxing, etc.
The service I use no longer accept new subs from from people using Android boxes because of the possibility of leaking MAC addresses compromising their security from incorrectly set up boxes. Firesticks only now I think. I'm lucky because I've subscribed for 4 or 5 years.
For some reason, lol.
Loaded boxes are fraught with problems. Updates and loss of services.
I buy plain vanilla box and pay around 70 GBP each year for a full worldwide service including TV, latest films, all PPV sports, my provider been going strong 5 years already. Do some investigating and find a solid one that won't run away with your money. Updates on a 'loaded' box are just a regular PIA. ????????
"the current expensive flights are caused by 1 / Fuel costs 2 / Reduced flights because of lack of check in staff and baggage handlers 3 / High season and school holidays."
The first is reasonable if cost increases need to be passed on to the end user. The other two seem not necessary and are there only to increase profit on the number of flights actually performed. Increased demand does not lead to increased costs, and increases in price are because sellers want to shaft buyers while they can. ????
Come on, you know blacks are considered 'a race' when it suits BLM etc. You know Arabs consider themselves not only a race but a single nation across borders (religion's a b*tch). These things don't follow their strict meanings at all any more.
I said either/or, but in fact if you allow something to only American citizens but to no other nationality, isn't that racist? Racism doesn't have to be towards a single race, does it? Anyway, I don't have a dog in this fight, so whatever. ????
I didn't know that. Isn't it called out as racist or discriminatory by Biden's lot? I guess as it's not blacks being singled out it doesn't set off their radar.
How is it a 'freak' accident, just the usual motor vehicle/bicycle tragedy, carelessness on one or both sides. So sad. I told my wife long ago that we are never riding bicycles in Thailand. The combination of careless driving (certainly not only by Thais) and terrible or nonexistent road repairs make most two/three wheeled vehicles potential deathtraps.
I do understand that, I'm sure they attain a certain mindset from their peers when they start that job. But they're only a subset of the katoey population of Thailand (I don't know the statistics), I suppose they're the only ones that many farang come across (I didn't intend that pun but I'll leave it in, oops, another one....).
I have not disagreed with this in any way. You said:
The man deserves nothing as you suggest.
'The man' apparently meaning the katoey (ladyboy). That's what I commented on.
Perhaps it's you who is confused here? That was my only comment.
You called a ladyboy a man, or did I get that wrong? I'm just saying that I don't. My friend's daughter is one (was her son but decided at a very young age being male wasn't for her).
My friend was fooled in Korea the same week he began working there. When he left the shower she was in bed already looking like a dream. He flicked the sheet back there it was. He began screaming and smashing his fists on the wall, she jumped out of bed, and down the apartment building corridor sharpish. He stripped the bed and slept under a towel with a rugby shirt for a pillow that night. I just don't know why they believe every foreigner can tell them from females, it might be sensible to give some hint before it gets to the nitty-gritty! ????
My god where did they drag up the word 'toothsome'? A word not in general circulation for many decades. I'd wager less than 5 percent of readers would even understand it if read out of context. ????