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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. Hi guys, ex technophile now technophobe here.... My old Bose headphones need replacing, Thailand has destroyed the leatherette ear covers and now I use them more for gaming I don't want to keep buying batteries (they don't work at all without noise cancelling switched on). I would like a set with 3.5mm jack to use on airplanes (if I can buy a set with noise cancelling optional), in case I ever fly again ???? but want to use my PC's USB 3.0 port at home (my PC case setup makes this simpler). If I use a 3.5mm to USB adapter, will I lose quality when gaming - things like top/bottom of frequency response and 7.1 surround sound effect? I would like to buy and enjoy good quality not Xiaomi-style. Thanks to anyone who can help me understand! ????
  2. She's all Thai, or all of her wants to visit BKK?
  3. About 50-80 metres after the school at the bottom of Pala U road (on the left leaving Hua Hin). You can't miss if as they have washing machines, fans and other old stuff stacked outside. Never been able able to repair anything I've taken there though, and kept the deposit they made me give them on one item. Maybe OK for toasters....
  4. I stayed in my first post what I did. I paid, got what I needed, and then demanded the receipt that they MUST give when they return your completed documents. If they refuse to give it then report the office and the IO themselves. If they give you the receipt after a free service, then do the same with physical proof of the corruption (after checking the receipt doesn't say in Thai: 'oil change'... that was a joke). Oh, I thought I was on /ignore. ????
  5. Wrong attitude. It is not a fiefdom it's a tentacle of a larger beast. There is (or was last time I looked) a colourful official government poster on the wall of the IO I use with a phone number to report IO fraud and corruption. Yes, if your happy by all means ignore something which can actually actually be combatted (for once). I'm really not bothered if idiots ignore me, I'm putting a message out to others. The electronic questionnaire on the IO desks a few years ago had as their last question: 'have you been asked for a bribe by the immigration officer' or something to that effect! It's a problem that the department wants to stamp out, and people knowingly putting their hand in their pocket saying 'I don't care' does not help.
  6. Eh? It was you that started babbling about national parks. Something wrong with you, old son. There is no service charge, so I don't pay it. That's the end of the story.
  7. Dual pricing is an entirely separate matter from immigration offices charging for things which should be free, and there's nothing anyone can do about dual pricing. So that's a very poor comparison. Anyway, I'm so happy for you that you have more money than you know what to do with.
  8. You clearly enjoy being stiffed, right? I'll never get over the people like you that often post comments bragging that not being cheated is below their dignity. You light your cigars with 500 baht notes, don't you? You know Thais laugh at you while stealing your money, don't you? ????
  9. I think it's quite usually expected that a credit note should be used in full (unless some very large amount, which you would need to negotiate with the store before accepting). And it's a bit much to expect cash in your hand if you make a mistake with your order (unless you get it agreed before buying). With Makro your experience is different to mine. With the big stores I never accept the refusals of the floor staff, I very politely escalate it to whoever is the most senior person on duty (usually claims to be manager, occasionally is ????).
  10. In my local immigration they did it while I waited. Less than an hour as I recall. I had no form from the British embassy and wasn't asked for one. They tried to charge me 400 or 500 Baht for it but when I asked for an official pink receipt they refunded it. ????
  11. I don't have an issue with credit notes for an over order, and do try to get the store to agree to returns when I buy. The Macro thing is disappointing, maybe different stores act differently. I returned an unused gas pipe connector worth a few hundred baht well over a month after the receipt date and they gave me a cash refund (but said please don't do it again ????).
  12. I've returned things to Home Pro, Lotus and Makro, never a problem. Even sometimes I've returned unopened goods over one month after invoice date (I'd been traveling) and packaged food which didn't taste as it should. Maybe I just have the knack. There's one 'DIY' store owned by a 'Mr.' that insists you choose a replacement product to the same or higher value there and then because not only do they not do refunds, they also won't give a credit note. I don't shop there any more.
  13. Neutrality is odious. Well done. Even if you wouldn't dare to send arms or money, at least use your words to condemn the invasion of a sovereign nation and the bombing of civilians.
  14. 8 years to grab a bit of Ukraine. And in the process lose the entire global disinformation network he spent millions/billions on as western people finally are willing to believe that lies were being spread for many years in their own countries by paid agents and bots. Online hatred fostered by creating division between normally reasonable people with different views No-one believes or trusts Putin after this. And RT News? It's exposed and shunned now. He has lost a lot more globally than he's gained regionally. Get it?
  15. Yes everyone around the world should just turn their backs and put their heads in the sand. If atrocities are thousands of miles away they don't really matter. Putin agrees: "mind your own damned business, if I want to bomb these families it's not your concern".
  16. Did you also stop listening to Justin Beiber? And watch Thai TV soaps? And eat cross-legged on the floor? And if so, why? You believe you should? Seems you like to decide how much of the local culture immigrants must live by....
  17. Just one website chosen at random: "This provision helps cooperative housing society to collect contribution towards this sinking fund from the society members on month on month basis and keep on accumulating year after year." Something wrong with you, old son....
  18. Mot? What gibberish. Sinking funds aren't fees you dolt. It's savings which we, the house owners, keep to use as and when we want. Do you really believe that once the builder of a housing resort has sold all the houses he pays for its upkeep for evermore? MY idiocy? ????????????????
  19. They (government departments) don't check everyone for everything. You know that. Either random checks, or use of algorithms or simple data trawling would be my thought.
  20. So no one that does anything wrong is ever identified and caught? I see. If you think hard you'd see there are certain indicators they can target, such as newly registered UK addresses for new pensioners overseas. If you never told them, or the taxman, you emigrated, never sold your property or changed address, maybe you're not so easy to spot. I believe they can then ask you to prove your phone number, name of GP, etc.
  21. I read it here last year as experienced fact by the poster. Maybe it's just a question of being lucky or not. Or a new address raising suspicions, or whatever. I have no idea.
  22. The authorities will check to ensure you actually live there. If not immediately then eventually.
  23. You really are a know-nothing . I don't mind insulting you personally, actually. Sinking funds are quite normal for homeowners to handle upkeep or improvements to a housing development. The homeowners have control over the funds. There. Now you know.
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