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Everything posted by NightSky

  1. You missed out the letter ‘d’ from your pen name
  2. cheers for the recommendation I sent them a message.
  3. Interesting, which embassey did you send it to?
  4. A quick google search returned these links: (it looks great if finances permit). https://www.careresortchiangmai.com/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/climate-and-people/thailand-new-benidorm-retiring-and-elderly-british-expats/
  5. I'm looking for an agent to discuss help to legalize my documents as follows: 1. Authenticate my Thai marriage certificate at the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok with the official wet seal. 2. Once it is authenticated and includes a wet seal, I am required to legalize this document in the Polish Consulate in Bangkok Could anyone recommend an agent to help complete either one or both of these tasks please. I'm currently living out of Thailand and I would need to make a special journey just to get these documents if I cannot find an agent to assist. Any recommendations appreciated.
  6. Has the embassey been hacked by any chance, otherwise how did the fraudsters obtain telephone numbers?
  7. My thoughts entirely, poor sole! (Excuse the pun)
  8. Ambassador Han Zhiqiang responded positively, assuring that Thailand remains a popular destination for Chinese tourists and expressing confidence that this incident would not affect their trust ..Oh that’s ok then.. Mai pen rai.
  9. How bizarre, doesn’t look real. Why would the gunman allow someone to film everything and as above why are more volunteers wondering up close to him to be fleeced. Something missing to the story.
  10. Try some physical exercise daily, walking or swimming or some weights maybe. i too have had periods of ‘down’ moments which tend to occur more at night rather than the day time. finding a hobby, musical instrument, sport, business, cooking, craft, learn a new skill from YouTube or something to do of interest might be difficult but keep trying things hopefully you’ll find something’s that you can put your mind to. hope this helps somewhat?
  11. Rest in peace Joe, thank you for all the help you gave to me and others, it was more than simply 'visa advise' it was reassurance that there was someone (you) who had been down that road already and that you had our backs. Cheers Ubon Joe - you will be missed.
  12. I’m not imposing anything on anyone. Your comments display your naivety.. ..and yes as you say life is precious.
  13. It doesn’t make it right but we all have our own beliefs. The only time I might believe that extinguishing a human life is understandable is on a humanitarian basis/terminal illness situation. It’s taken me about 40 years to come to this difficult conclusion but that is what I believe in.
  14. It’s my belief. No one has the right to take another humans life.
  15. No human has the right to execute (murder) another under any circumstances. If found guilty she should be incarcerated.
  16. Your Ltd company could look into buying it. Don’t let neigh sayer's stop you pursuing your ideas. You already know any investment or business venture has risks. Good luck ????
  17. I heard that China have a copy of literally everything. The locals in China don’t even trust what they buy is legit from pharmaceuticals to food to cars to everything. you say you purchased from Lazada? Interesting.
  18. Sorry to hear about your niece. I feel It could have been avoided if treatment was known about and accessible. Unfortunately the stigma and ignorance about how hiv can be treated and how it can be passed on and how people can live normally with hiv if treated, is worldwide. Even in this thread.
  19. The reality is many people dont know they have it until it’s too late. Even people who have been in a monogamous relationship for 10 or more years can test positive as it can take so long to show concerning symptoms. the key is getting checked 3 months after every new ‘interaction’
  20. Just to point out the obvious negatives there is a huge shortage of housing in the uk, the country is in record breaking debt, public services are scaled back and diluted, tax is already high and the economy is in a downward trajectory at a time when the uk needs to be able to compete with China and stand up to Russia. At this moment the influx of uneducated immigrants is only adding to the demise of the uk I moved back to the uk with my Thai wife who needed urgent medical attention not currently offered in Thailand, it’s costing me about 13,000 pounds to settle her here with the visa process and my wife studies for 5 years to pass the English tests. I also pay tens of thousands in tax in the uk every year even though my income is mediocre (s24 tax and vat) ie tax on turnover” not profits. Meanwhile many enter without requirement. This is not good for the country.
  21. Ive noticed a huge increase in middle eastern barbers pop up in the uk, it seems like 3 on every street. It wouldn’t be so bad but 3 out of 4 can’t cut hair for sh** Every one of the middle eastern barbers I talk with are working towards bringing over a wife from their home country and some have kids.. 40,000 x 3
  22. Oh my, very very sad for this young lady and her family.. sincerest condolences and sympathy. What on this earth goes through the murderers mind to take another life in this way. So very sad.
  23. If she said it in Thai you probably wouldn’t have a clue what she is saying. im guessing your avatar of the dark skin guy isn’t actually you then.
  24. I’m definitely not buying a Lamborghini now.
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