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Posts posted by tingtongfarang

  1. 8 minutes ago, robblok said:

    so the 2.5 SSD drives are the ones that are giving problems. I have them too in a few of my computers but also no problems. But i prefer the M.2 drives for their speed. My most recent computer has a 2 TB m.2 drive in it works great. 


    The rest of my data i just store on a NAS with 5 drives each 6TB. I would not do that for video editing of course then a a small SSD drive would be better but for movies / TV series and work related stuff the NAS drive is perfect.


    But it seems you solved your problem that is great.

    Yes the m.2 drives are really fast, sequential speeds between the m.2s are up around 6GB per second and between 2.5 ssds and m.2. around 4.5 GB per second,

    For editing i use davinci resolve and compared to my old desktop it runs lightening fast and so responsive...rendering large projects now takes a couple of hours as opposed to 9-10 hours on the old pc over night + never knowing if it would crash or over heat and shut down half way.

  2. 10 hours ago, wpcoe said:

    You might be able to remove your SSDs from "Safe to eject" by going back into your motherboard BIOS (probably UEFI, but you know what I mean...) and find the screen with the SATA slots and see if they are set to "hot swap" (or similar wording).  If they are set to Yes, change them to No.  Then save the BIOS configuration, reboot and see if they still show up in "Safe to eject".

    You sir are a genius!

    After following your suggestion the 3x 2.5 ssds are gone from the safely remove list, I now feel safe to install the next 3x  2.5 ssd 2TB drives,

    Strange thing i noticed was that also the m.2 drives were hot plug enabled but had never showed in the remove safely list, Maybe because they have their own dedicated slots on the motherboard along with heat sinks?

    Anyway i just disabled hot plug on all drives and life is hunky dory.


  3. 3 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    I noticed that you have a 1TB for booting from ie Windows, programs, and are using a 256 for a scratch drive. Would you not be better exchanging those two drives?

    From what i have read with m.2 drives.... the larger they are the speeds are faster, but i really dont need more than 250gb on the scratch as it is anyway wiped clean after use, i just copy files onto the scratch drive from storage drives, i learned to distrust external mechanical drives,

    I think the larger pro+ works better as a boot drive, boot time is around 5 seconds,

    I dont know anything about games so the read & write + rendering times are the only aspects i have interest in.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    I just looked and my one and only 256G SSD shows in safely eject....Ignore it !

    As i often stick usb card readers + external drives in the usb sockets i was afraid sometime i might eject the wrong drive, i just know its gonna happen,

    Also i have another 3 storage drive waiting to go in, the chances of making the mistake get bigger.



    • Confused 1
  5. I do a lot of video editing and got tired of my old desktop over heating and crashing when rendering 4k or 2.7k,

    A while ago a friend donated a nice GPU and a set of ram, I admit to being software dumb but decided to have a go a building a new pc,

    Over the next months on trips to hk i started to buy other parts needed ie, power supply, m.2 + 2.5 ssd storage drives, mother board, CPU and cooler,

    On completing the build i powered up (no smoke or smell) so in the bios it gave the choice to update over the internet which i did,  i then looked for the drivers for the 2x m.2 drives and the 3x 2TB 2.5 drives and all seemed to listed as the same driver so i installed them from a thumb drive (samsung nvme) Then installed win 10 pro 64bit (never done anything like this before)


    All seemed to be working correct apart from the 2.5 ssd drives did not show in this pc but the 2xm.2 drives did,  Although all drives were listed in the bios, I later found the 2.5 drives in the storage pool and deleted them...they then showed in disk management which they did not before, I could then assign and name them, They then showed in this pc,

    All was well i thought until i had downloaded files from an sd card and proceed to safely eject and noticed the 3x2.5 ssd drives also in there as removable drives,   ideas anyone? ( i did read this often happens in ryzen systems)


    Rog strix x470-f gaming

    ryzen7 2700x water cooled by 360mm AIO

    ram 4x16GB corsair vengence pro 3200htz

    boot drive  samsung 1TB 970 M.2 evo pro+

    scratch drive  samsung 250GB 970 M.2 evo

    storage  3x samsung 2TB 860 QVO

    gpu    geforce rtx 2080 8GB




  6. Guess her situation will only get worse, few years ago while house hunting one day i rode onto a bahn where all houses were at various degrees of tilt, some4 were over 40degrees,

    One owner had put in smaller doors and windows then bricked them in position as plumb as it would go, no idea if he did something about the floor or just nailed the furniture down,

    Not cheap ...detached with large gardens.

  7. Condolences to the family, it must be a difficult time.

    But this whole insurance discussion is funny, I mean there is no 'magic insurance' that will manage any situation a person could get themselves into.

    I think at least one poster has pointed out that it seems there is no mention in the article of the fact that the patient did not have insurance....... we just don't know.

    So, as much as everyone wants to bang on about having insurance, from what I have learnt it's barely worth the paper it is written on:

    1. Most travel insurance companies are a rort and their default first action is to 'decline' a claim, any claim that is

    2. Most travel insurance companies cover very little when a person has consumed alcohol - I can only assume riding on vehicles which are not fit for the road/ocean etc., would also be similar

    3. Insurance companies are there to make $$$$$ not help people in their time of need - don't buy into all that marketing rubbish.

    Insurance sounds great in principal, but in reality for the nominal charge they usually involve, I would be very surprised if they would ever cover such a large cost as in the OP. I would always recommend having travel insurance, but I would never be relying on it to get me out of trouble.....it's just an extra sort of tax i guess.

    Had a friend working for a travel insurance company who had the job of declining claims both verbally-e and snail mail, highly trained looking for any option to default, working in a team,

    Cant imagine the guilt or depression levels, not something i could deal with.

  8. Disco dan

    Jane Taupin did not take the stand because the defense did not call her.

    She asked for documentation from the defense when she was in Australia and the defense sent her nothing,

    They did not ask for a court order for dna documentation they only asked for order to retest evidence.

    Why would jane taupin take the stand or even be asked to by the defence? as i understand the lady is a forensic specialist, there never was any DNA, only hearsay from the RTP,

    I,m sure she walked out scratching her head in disbelief,

    Which documentation do you mean exactly?

  9. Let's summarize: what does the "guilty"- brigade have?

    The DNA- "evidence", which was named by the court as the No.1 cause for a conviction and that would have been slapped in the RTP's face, like a wet dead fish, in any other country in this Universe!

    A phone of doubtful origin....


    The real tragedy here is: even IF the B2 are guilty...no one will ever be free of doubt about that, thanks to the abysmal handling by the RTP and the courts!

    ...except for those, who hang on every word of the RTP...

    Sad, really!

    Dna that was found in victim is what they were convicted thats the same DNA the defense did a u turn on retesting (cue excuses why they did u turn) they only person who claims testing did not meet standards is Super Jane, for people who do not know this is the person who the defense chose not to listen to or let her take the stand they same person who asked for documents relating to case while in Australia and received nothing,

    The Dna results being no good are only based on her assumptions as she has not seen any evidence (cue more excuses)

    When the defense asked the court at the start of the trial to retest the dna samples they could of also asked for the paperwork concerning dna match but they didn't only choosing to retest items that were not even part of the court case.

    The truther brigade harped on about how it was impossible to get dna tests in under 24 hours we now know this is a lie and that labs have kits that can do tests in under 2 hours, so it just goes to show how much these experts really know.

    Serious question, Which DNA was available to retest?

    I read that the original samples were lost or all used up after being stored in someones fridge at home.

  10. Do Western women come to Thailand for the men?

    No, they go to Kenya, Jamaica and other islands in the Caribbean.

    Sex tourism for women is alive and well and has been for years.

    It's just not talked about so much.

    I'm guessing the numbers are significantly lower - I wonder if there are any reputable figures for number of female sex tourists?

    I think there are a lot of Japanese women who travel to Bali specifically for this purpose. I used to live in Japan and a Friend told me there is even a magazine targeting these women. Must be reasonable numbers if that is the case.


    Not only japanese girls but australians also, surprising how many young balinese guys learn japanese for this purpose .

  11. Chances are that I'm one of these vermins. I take delight in hitting the side mirrors of motorists who don't stay in a single file and straddle the lines instead. I've even been known to push the side mirror all the way forward and the mirror pops out with a satisfying sound when released.

    Same here, but what annoys me most is when cars try and force me off the road when they change lanes. Then I purposely make sure I hit the mirror so hard that the entire thing breaks off.

    That's why some frustrated motorists carry 11mm...

    Most are frustrated because of sitting in a tin box often hours long going nowhere.

  12. Am i the only one who thinks the law makers have it all arse backwards?

    Surely they should be thinking how to keep the cars out of the city and unclog the roads, Would be a much better idea to promote 2 wheeled transport in the city such as scooters, bicycles, or even ebikes,

    Introduce a heavy congestion charge for cars in the city for example, take 50% of the taxis of the roads and no body would notice, curb the criminal driving antics of vans and busses,

    These measures alone would significantly reduce the road death toll and pollution.

  13. They built an underpass some years back in Khon Kaen, caused lots of congestion while it was being built, but great once finished as it bypassed an extremely busy junction.

    I used it many times at first on my motorbike, then all of a sudden, the sign appeared banning motorbikes. The signs were right at the entrance and as you have already positioned yourself to use the underpass and it could be dangerous to try to change lanes quickly.

    I don't understand why they suddenly banned motorbikes as traffic moved freely.

    I think its designed as an income for the bib, nothing more.

  14. As a car driver I welcome this.

    I am tired of motobikes in the front , in the back and on both sides of my car . Its like you're trapped , I say get rid of them all . thumbsup.gif

    Would make more sense to ban private cars or at least introduce a congestion charge, i own both bikes and a car and also live in bkk, it became clear to me years ago that a car in bkk is of no use, almost as fast as walking,

    Each day i am amazed at the ability- willingness of car drivers to spend hours sitting in a tin box going nowhere.

  15. Don't these yachts have a small emergency motor? And why didn't they reach someone via radio?

    Going on a boat trip always requires very good preparations. Glad they survived.

    Some have a drop down outboard, others have an inboard volvo penta or similar but either way it does,nt have to be powerful,

    I have found both can be troublesome even whith good maintenance.

  16. Have spent half my life driving between left and right hand drive countries in both left and right hand drive cars, never had a problem with it apart from the odd moment when trying to change gear with the window winder or getting into the passenger seat with the keys in my hand,

    I have noticed that thais often get confused with left and right which ever language is used blink.png

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