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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Agree, lots of green. It was a shame they closed the park during covid.
  2. Amazing market. Can't wait to get back there. ????
  3. Go out Friday and Saturday nights, lots of weirdos about. My initial comment was a joke. We do have a few strange tourists in town, recently a brit found in underwear north Pattaya and many more articles. This poor woman has been showing the same strange behavior that a few recent tourists have.
  4. Bummer On the PEA App, I pay bills using rabbit line pay I've also paid using Kasikorn app, never had success using BKK Bank app
  5. Here's some quality Aussies wearing their pj's shopping. I reckon they've been to Thailand Coles shopper has complained that “all dignity” has “gone out the window”, after spotting a fellow customer wearing a dressing gown while doing their groceries https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/coles-shopper-slams-fellow-customers-lazy-aisle-act/news-story/14efaef4031ce7ee3962e8624412e9e8?utm_campaign=EditorialSB&utm_source=news.com.au&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_content=SocialBakers
  6. You can tip on the App too I'm sure these rude people are big tippers
  7. It's off topic, just interested. Redwood1, I lived Redwood apartments, Singapore for a few years, any association?
  8. These grab guys walk around our condo complex delivering food to people in different buildings. I often see them waiting outside the lobby areas for 10 or 15 minutes, some of the girls come down to pick up their food wearing a towel on their head and on the phone, they collect their food and walk of, no money exchanges so they must be paying on the App when ordering, so I assume no tip. Bloody rude people.
  9. We don't read many good news stories on AN, thanks AN for this wonderful story, nice to wake up to. It's really nice to know these heroes are getting rewarded for their efforts. If I remember correctly the anaesthesiologist was an Aussie ???????? this was a difficult job that went to plan, well done to you sir. I was sadened by Musk's attitude, it's a shame he was not made to pay for his childish comment. Great news ????
  10. I'm sure it was TB that caused issues. I had a mate that died a few years back, I was told died from TB but heard that he had HIV which no one knew about. TB isn't a killer these days but combined with HIV it does.
  11. I'd like to but I've got into trouble posting photos of my gf's in the past, having photos removed. Offending a member.
  12. It's not what I understand as a "tiny bikini", it's a huge bikini...???? Agree. This is my gf's bikini, it's tiny. It's also see through. I've made a few changes out of courtesy, I don't want to offend.
  13. 2 piece bikini. I'm glad she wasn't wearing her 1 piece bikini, those huge silicone blobs flopping around would have offended me.
  14. As I said earlier. SOME foreign (Pimps) bar owner. Some.... an unspecified amount or numbe r of. I'd like you to read my comment, then rethink your comment. Bingo, you'll have your answer.
  15. Gangster reveals secret https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/diet/unrecognisable-former-gangster-reveals-secret-of-his-transformation/news-story/c97e2f4de3ad01122a0d426718cc0114
  16. Thanks God for allowing me to live in Thailand. ????????????❤️???? These western models (females) do nothing for me. I'm living amongst the most beautiful woman on earth. Webfact, really should remove that photo. It has just put me off eating my breakfast.
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