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Posts posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. 1 hour ago, Venom said:
    5 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    I'm OK with the policing. 


    If you don't like the laws you are free to leave. 


    My house is not far from Bongkot. 

    Some of these bars are often open to the early mornings. Drunken idiots making noise, driving their vehicles drunk, at times you get the very load big bike going at speed through these narrow streets. Lots of people sleeping. 


    Yes these laws are affecting the pimps/bar owners, too bloody bad. 

    I like to live in a safe place with my family. 


    Child like comment


    If you're going to reply to my comments
    1. Put your glasses on
    2. Read the article
    3. Read my comment
    If you still don't understand, ask questions.


    I'm quite happy living here, the cops doing a good job.


    If you're a bar owner I reckon it's time for you to move. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    jet ski's are noisy polluting dangerous rip off scam artists ....  the sooner they are banned the better. 

    who wants a beach full of noisy jet ski's ......  

    I like the annual JetSki World Cup 


    I don't like the local jetskis ski operators, they are known criminals, causing lots of problems. 

  3. On 1/8/2022 at 5:01 PM, Leaver said:
    On 1/8/2022 at 8:20 AM, big dendrobenaes said:

    it IS NOT in Pattaya as such......IT IS ALWAYS held on JOMTIEN beach

    I have to put up with the effin noise for 3 or 4 days.....

    2 years ago some of them were testing their jetskis at 3 am in the morning.

    Totally unacceptable.....

    No respect for people sleeping !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It wouldn't happen in Issan. ???? 

    I reckon it would be similar at the Motogp held Isaan, instead of jetskis noise etc. it would be motorbike noise etc



  4. 1 hour ago, Agusts said:

    If not an expert , or for piece of mind,  just buy 1 or max 2 years old bike, it should be fine normally without any issues, and save a bundle over whoever paid the new price for it...

    Make sure you see the servicing book with dates and mileage. 

    It's so easy to change the odometer reading, you can buy these gadgets on lazada, all the small motorbike shops do it. 


    No service book don't buy it 

  5. On 1/14/2022 at 11:37 AM, DavisH said:

    I juch prefer driving in Thailand than Australia. Whenever I'm there I'm constantly looking at the speedo.  A few km/h over the limit then a big fine follows. Over 20 yrs I've learned to predict the habits of Thai drivers, so have no problems here. 

    Bloody oath. 

    Always on edge in Oz. 

    Cops hiding, wanting to give you a ticket. 


    It's not healthy, I reckon a lot of stomach ulcers are due to traffic cops.

    Australia's stupid rules and regulations. 


    Driving on Thai roads is the healthy option, just need to adjust, learn the different driving habits etc 



  6. 1 hour ago, Mentors65 said:

    Yes, many Thais like useless noise.

    They don't like silence. 

    One of the reason Pattaya/Jomtien will never become a "World Class Holiday City" as they wish

    Some of us here enjoy these events. 


    Please, tell us the events you like to watch. 



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  7. 10 hours ago, Isaanlife said:

    The question is WHY do Isaan girls make great wives.


    It is asking a question not a statement of fact.



    Strange question. 


    I have a few strange questions too 


    Why does it always snow in Thailand? 




    Why does our solar system have 15 planets?

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