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Posts posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. 17 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    You're welcome and you're all welcome.  Back in the old days, in Bedlam, we'd have many a bum thread.  And in those good old days the threads were much more, how shall I say, risqué.


    I've been a lover of nature all my life.  Traveled and camped in many places.  Thailand is great for camping.  Tat Mok, Nam Nao, Phu Rua, Kao Laem, Phu Kradueng, Thung Salaeng Luang, Sai Yok.  Wish I could have done more.

    Now I'm not by any means unique in the natural beauty of the world which I've beheld.  Everyone, I'm sure, has witnessed the immense and breathtaking magnificence of the world.  From sunrises to moonrises, majestic sunsets, desert night skies with patches of sky filled with so many stars that they have an overall glow.  Seascapes, mountain views, autumn scenes and snow covered landscapes.  Lighting pealing in the distance across flat plains, clouds wafting at eyelevel so close you could almost reach out and touch them, tremendous awe-inspiring storms.  So much beauty that you can't help but be overcome with boundless gratefulness to have been a part of it.

    My eyes have seen much worldly beauty.  But for me there is a beauty almost matchless to all else.  The beauty of a woman.  And there are few places I am aware of which have them in as bountiful quantities as Thailand.  I share your sentiment completely.  I'm so lucky to be living here in heaven and partaking of it.

    Cheers mate 


    • Thanks 1
  2. Thanks so much Tippaporn, lots of great pics and comments.

    I'm not a fan of photos/pictures, they say a picture is worth a thousand words but I'm the guy looking for a million words.

    I've been disappointed so many times after seeing a photo of a beauty, then when the crunch comes, in person they're so different.


    I still enjoy looking at the photos, the mind boggles.

    This is why I frequent the venues where the pretties go.... soi Buakhao markets, Theprasit markets, Central Festival, the beach (wow tooooo many places to mention), it's heaven for me to see them in person. 

    I'm so in love with Thai girls and so lucky to be living here in heaven. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Dedalnort said:

    I need the equivalence of educational qualification from the Ministry of Higher Education. Anyone of you did it before? What's the procedure and how long does it take to obtain it?


    You have many questions. 


    We need more information. 


    Looks like your first post, lots of quality information to be found on this forum but be more specific when posting. 

  4. 48 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    That may well be true in some areas. My wife's friend has her tank elevated (to the base) by around 20 feet and has never had that issue. We lived here for over 2 years with neither tank nor pump and from that experience I was able to assess that we would not have the problem you mentioned.


    But it's good that you pointed it out for other's benefit.

    A neighbor of mine bought a pump from lazada, he would fill a big bucket up from his outside tap and transfer the water to his above ground water tank using the pump 

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, milys said:

    So you're calling your girlfriend "a beautiful little thing".

    Maybe they should wear mask 24/7 as all become beautiful.

    When half of the face is covered by a mask are you surprised that the faces look similar?

    What was the purpose of the post ?

    All thai girls are beautiful with a mask on because you can't see their faces or..?

    masked gal.jpg

    The purpose of my post was to say that I am so lucky living amongst all this beauty. 
    I thought it was a nice post but there's always a Cranky in the audience, go for a walk and cheer yourself up.

    And like the comment above, I agree some look ugly even with a mask. 

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    When I first came to live here I was somewhat apposed to having a plastic dustbin full of water in the shower cubicle.


    Not anymore! I soon discovered its virtues, so much so that when I designed our new bathroom extension I ensured that here was plenty of room for one and that we had a tap directly fed from the tank. We don't have a pump, but the tank is elevated enough to provide pressure to the tap so we always have water in the bathroom, plus another in the kitchen.


    It's a bit basic but it works. I once lived in an old villa close to the beach in Goa, India. Water was hand drawn from the well and showering was by bucket! So I've no complaints about the current system.

    The problem with an elevated tank is that most times the mains water pressure is too low to fill the tank.
    In my housing estate we have many houses with water tanks at ground level, these tanks rarely fill. 
    I have an underground tank, even when the water pressure is just a drip my tank fills overnight. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

    Sponge bath, no problem. So you have never spent time confined to a  hospital bed.

    OMG, I read in an earlier comment he's had water issues since 22nd December.


    Funny thing is the human body is an amazing system, it can be condition with our efforts. 


    Sadly I'm in my 50s now, conditioning my body to these extremes just doesn't happen anymore, those days are over.


    I like to live my life these days with at least the bare essentials. 



    I thought it be a good idea to edit this comment, I really didn't realize so many of you don't have a water tank. 


    Please consider getting a water tank, it will be difficult living in Thailand without one. 


    I've lived up country for a week or so, washing from a big black plastic bucket, it's not an option long term. 


    • Confused 1
  8. 6 hours ago, tonray said:

    occasionally the local water utility needs to turn off the  supply

    You're going to find it tough living in Thailand without a water tank. 


    Occasionally the water pressure is very low and the water goes off at times. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 10 hours ago, vandeventer said:

    I seen a naked woman driving to Chiang Rai more than 5 years ago. She was just walking on the road going home. I think she was on drugs as her eyes were glossy, young and confused. I knew her village and took her straight home. Her mother and father were also confused about what happen to her as she was gone for 2 days and only 16 years old.

    Omg, what were you thinking? 

    You took a huge risk, very foolish. 
    Things could have gone pear shaped. 

    You should have called the cops. 

    If you were pulled over by the cops with a naked 16yo in your car, she could have said anything, that you attacked her, your word against hers.

    Use your brain if it happens again, think, what could go wrong. 

    • Thanks 1
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