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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Yeah, most with mental health issues.
  2. It's no wonder some foreigners get chased by Thai's with knives.
  3. Easily wound up Get yourself a massage, you sound stressed. Chill Dude 😎
  4. Shouldn't this be posted in other forum, not IT. Maybe the fantasy lounge forum or similar.
  5. I reckon Thai's should carry more knives Need to control the mentally ill foreigners, too many here now. Screenrecording_20250226_050039.mp4
  6. I don't pay for sex, my payment is made to get rid of her, I pay her on her way out the door. Crikey, I've got things to do, can't have her hanging around all day, they get annoying after a while.
  7. I don't pay for sex, my payment is made to get rid of her, I pay her on her way out the door. Crikey, I've got things to do, can't have her hanging around all day, they get annoying after a while.
  8. Poor Thailand, so many disrespectful foreigners arriving these days. I reckon the Thai's are losing their patience. 1740399318792.mp4
  9. Steer clear of tourists, actually all foreigners......most these days are dodgy Scammers or miserable moaning bastards
  10. I'd like to know know what the foreigner did to provoke the Thai. Over the many years I've seen foreigners doing nasty, cruel things to the Thai's.
  11. Give this man honorary membership to the Australian yobbo club 🇦🇺🦘🪃🍻 RIP Mr Bogan
  12. I reckon you were distracted by all the scantily clothes young women calling out sexy man. I'd be suing, I'm sure there's a law that compensates foreigners who are distracted by these women and having accidents every day. Good luck with your law suit 👍
  13. I've read some stupid stuff lately but this takes the biscuit. Idiots.
  14. I'd much rather being know as a masturbator than a ladyboy lover. What attracts you to the ladyboy's, you like performing oral sex or like getting anal penetration or both? https://aseannow.com/topic/1352406-ive-just-had-a-3-way-with-two-ladyboys-and-it-didnt-cost-me-a-penny/page/2/#comment-19604215
  15. Thanks mate, looks like a great option 👍
  16. Yes they gave me this guy, he charges 1700 baht. The bike only has to travel 2 kilometres. I asked here hoping someone may do it cheaper,no care needed, the bike is hurting, a few more scratches won't be noticed. Every panel needs replacing.
  17. I was recently involved in a motorbike accident, I was taken to hospital, bike impounded. The bike has its front end jammed back, unrideable. I need to transport it to a workshop for repairs. Anyone got contract details for a guy with a pickup who would transport it for me?
  18. Sadly I had a motorbike accident a few days before Valentine's day, taken to hospital. Our plans for seafood restaurant were postponed.
  19. Yes just a short stroll to the coconut bar. 😂
  20. Not a big issue unless you attend circuit sessions Makes for a bumpy ride. You don't want to be travelling at speed and have a bubble burst
  21. The positive reactions proves my point. Your comments are not worthy of any thing
  22. You're in the minority with your thinking.
  23. Mr Spiderman.... I received lots of positive reactions, only 4 negative. You need to broaden your scope
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