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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Have you been living in the closet, you simply don't understand life. The girl may not want to get pregnant, but the boyfriend tells girlfriend he loves her, he wants a baby, she has a child, the father runs away, no financial support. This often happens. I'd like to see all Thailand sex workers obtain a full time job. Where would all these jobs come from?
  2. You can blame the all the nasty, miserable, moaning foreigners that are coming to Thailand. Have a look at most of the AN threads, so many comments are coming from HATERS. Sadly we have too many Thai bashers, they spread their evil within society. Thai's aren't stupid, they see these foreigners and their hate daily, they're fed up with it.
  3. Sadly most Thai girls have to sell themselves, they sell sex to pay for nappies and food for their babies because the lowlife father has taken off. The west is the land of the whores. These western girls get social security money from their government and garnished wages from the fathers, therefore they have no need to sell themselves but they seem to like to have free sex with multiple partners.
  4. Price's vary on installation, give them a call. https://europvc.co.th/contact-us?gad_source=6&gclid=Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqUCvqdyujbltPmHmEiYHUyZAfw7IXXB_w52w_DH1hiES6-uaD4ckEwaAuqIEALw_wcB
  5. Outstanding, another strange person who has nothing better to do than comment on my deliberate mistakes. Keep up the good work guys, I'll keep the intentional errors coming, I may even offer an award for those who find all the errors.
  6. She identifies as a Honda motorbike.
  7. depressing really It's depressing to see these young girls having to work in sex industry to earn money to buy milk and nappies for their babies. Most sex workers in Thailand have no choice, they have had a child, then the father walks away. How else can they pay the bills? In Australia the government will pay the mothers social security benefits and garnish wages from the fathers.
  8. Thai's very smart. I don't see it as a negative. These girls from poor families selling sex to guy's who have money. I reckon it's only the loser's, the nerdy guys, the guys without money, they will be doing the complaining about this ranking of Thailand's sex workers.
  9. I've got a few members here that want to harrass me at times. Be warned bully boys, the cops are coming for you. 👮
  10. Thanks, but I'm down in Pattaya. It's a relatively new condominium, sadly the devoloper has a rental guarantee on some of the condos, they force Juristic management to turn a blind eye to the Airbnb, Juristic company was appointed by the developer, the developer have a few projects under construction in Pattaya, so the Juristic company will always side on the developer. I don't live there just use the gym, swimming pool etc. but these facilities become damages quickly from tenants that don't care. Now we have a Chairperson who's friends with the devoloper and 2 committee members who are associated with the developer. We co-owners are screwed.
  11. I haven't seen any of that. I think your making things up to antagonize people. Anyway, enjoy your miserable day.
  12. Crikey, poor guy will be single forever, no female will go near him.
  13. Those damn dolphin roundabouts, we have one in Pattaya where they have checkpoints set up.
  14. Sounds nice but are you sure she won't gamble away the funds etc? Its been done before!!!!
  15. Gawd, I'd love to have your Juristic management running our condominium. It's like a hotel, all Airbnb.
  16. Some of those Chinese chicks are sexy. Go down walking street one evening, grab a beer from 7eleven and keep an eye out for the person carrying a flag. Lots of pretties tagging along behind.
  17. Is Britain perfect, no it has lots of issues, more issues than Thailand. Why doesn't this clown go back to Britain and fix things there or better still go to Australia it's going downhill quickly. I like Thailand and all its quirks and features that why I choose to live here. You say positive outcomes, there's nothing negative about Thailand, leave it alone. Thailand has made too many changes over the many years I've been living here, making changes, giving in to these moaners.
  18. It baffles me why people come to Thailand and enjoy all that it has to offer then post negativity. It's confusing, this strange behaviour is quite common. Maybe these people are attention seekers, similar to those on OnlyFans, the Jerry Springer type.
  19. Look go away, it was a mistake. You said in my haste, really, were you there when I submitted the comment? Do you have a crystal ball that you can look into and see how people react to comments? You're being paranoid, I wasn't bashing British or English, I was bashing a thug, if it was an Aussie or American I'd post the same. Are you a thug, you are obviously against my hate towards this thug. You should get some help, go see a doctor and get some medication for your condition. I feel sorry for you, you have some problems. If you going to be the correction policeman on AN forums, ask the AN management for a wage, you may even get a little badge to pin on your shirt, until then get a life, stop being a pest and go annoy someone else. BTW, this thread alone has dozens of errors, will you be attacking other members for their errors within their comments? Don't bother me again with your weird thoughts, you are a very, very strange person.
  20. Yes, it's getting bad again. I remember before covid, when New Nordic had the rental guarantee, they had a connection with Chinese tour companies, Pratamnak was at a standstill.
  21. What a shame, you've been there 4 years now you must relocate. I heard landowners are refusing the TM30 because now they can be tracked and forced to pay government fees etc. for owning investment properties.
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