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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Yes, on board lounge photo. The roughnecks often disobey safety by not wearing ear plugs, keeps the the Driller and AD busy reminding.
  2. I work offshore on a 28 day rotation. I fly by helicopter to the rig, I don't leave the rig for 28 days. My company does not allow alcohol on the rig. When I'm in Thailand, on my time off, I drink everyday. Do you have a problem with that?
  3. And a big thanks to the lefties, the awful people who allow these Barbarians to occupy the country. These animals can't assimilate, they only know bad, evil.
  4. Aaah, now they understand that there's an issue. I've been pointing out this issue for a while now. Lowlife foreigners, ruining my great life in Thailand.
  5. Typical foreigner behaving badly, loads of these idiots on Soi Buakhou. The only surprise is his age, I hope he enjoys Thailand prisons.
  6. Dickie...... now, now mate, don't be like that. That's not very nice.
  7. Yes that was me Emirates A380 business class bar, upstairs. Your memory is working well but I'm not out of shape, never have been.
  8. To whom are you referring? You posted pictures of yourself here already, so we know it cannot be you You should wear your reading glasses, your eyes aren't what they used to be. If you need help, I'm second from your left. Do you know your right from your left?
  9. Wrong again.....
  10. Stupid woman, this ain't the UK. I would never do something so stupid.
  11. Can you double the quantity that you are taking? You always seem grumpy.
  12. Sure maybe where you come from its a modified pick up truck, we are in Thailand, have you forgot? So it's a people mover.
  13. Always foreigners. I'm often sitting at an intersection then without notice some crazy fool foreigner starts yelling and screaming, blasting their horn expecting the traffic to magically start moving again. I politely yell at him, SHUT UP 😡 It shuts them up quick smart when they see an extremely fit middle aged guy beside them.
  14. Post office. Reasonable prices....just take some ID
  15. Nothing new, lots of aggressive foreigners arriving. These guys need to be put down, they could be carrying Rabies or worse. Screenrecording_20241214_073007.mp4
  16. The mother should claim compensation through the rental shop......they all have comprehensive insurance. 😂
  17. Very talented but it had a lot to do with the bike, couldn't do that on a Honda Scoopy
  18. My girlfriends house is further north east, not far from the Uthai Thani border, it was close to 450kms.
  19. I recently travelled from Nakhon Sawan to Pattaya, myself and 2 Thai females. I contacted these people, they organised a driver and vehicle (Altis), all tolls etc total 3800 baht. https://www.facebook.com/share/1FN2wZQ9iC/
  20. It's also a pain travelling domestically. When staying in a Thai hotel I try to get my girlfriend to register, avoiding entering my details. If I'm forced to show my credentials it's back to Pattaya immigration to let them know I've returned. I reckon it's worthwhile coping the fine than visiting immigration after every trip.
  21. Well behaved cashed up guys. 💲💲💲💲💲💲 It's all positive for Pattaya
  22. After a night on the drink......Vegemite and lots of margarine on whole wheat.
  23. This is the solution for those of us who travel around Thailand often. 👍
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