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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. 3 hours ago, mickyr55 said:

    Thais to be very insular, downright ignorant and uneducated most times at checkout I will always greet the person to be greeted back by nothing

    Maybe because I live in the NE Countryside. Ignorant not do much,


    Poorly educated I agree and may have a lot to due with Education system. I’ve read the system may be changed so all children have opportunity for education through what I call 12 grade.


    As it is here in the NE children’s education may be finished in 

    8th grade which is nonsense. Out of school @ 13 can’t work a

    regular job except farm work until 20? Those 7 years IMO is

    settomg up most for failure. 


    Greeting seems most do so here in NE. Small towns in most

    countries seem friendlier than big cities. I lived in Los Angeles

    County US. Most didn’t know their neighbors and didn’t bother



    I’ve not been to PI in 20-25 years so can’t give an opinion with

    the exception of food which is / can be very good in both.

  2. Recent experience for motorcycle. 6 months ago father in-law

    came home with new Honda click. He bought with % down 

    and payments. My question was how is he going to pay for it?

    he doesn’t work....


    A month ago the New moto dealer came and got it. Two weeks

    later a payment demand from attorney. It basically said balance 

    due needs to paid by certain date. If not paid will be sold at auction and he would be on the hook for difference. I assume

    the truck dealer would be the same. 


    The loan Ian is probably by other than the dealer... legal loan 


  3. Well done and I’m sure the in-laws are happy. We’ve a well up in NE village. Water the vegetable garden which Mama tends to out back of the house and sells vegetables to the local shops daily....


    The price is awesome... when I was told we’re digging a well my first thought $$$.. not the case.


    Thanks for sharing...

    • Like 2
  4. OP some good information here use it research making sure

    that you’ve researched countries requirements and also the 

    Thai city / province requirements....


    If it’s a village wedding you need the paperwork from the proper 

    authority to be official. Same in U.S. yiu csn have a fancy party

    but you need official documents for it to be legal.


    What ever the situation is stay calm and think it through... kindness 

    does help... 


    Don’t let remarks frazzle you but make sure yiu read through the

    post Incase they apply....


    Best of luck to you and enjoy the holidays....

    • Like 1
  5. Foreign pilots in China make some bones ... knew four of them 

    that played golf with local Expat society... from a couple of articles.



    Expatriate pilots flying Boeing Co.’s most popular plane for Chinese airlines used to be able to take their pick from dozens of jobs paying $300,000 plus perks thanks to a shortage of experienced aviators there. The grounding of the 737 Max has changed that.


    Low-cost carrier China United Airlines, a unit of China Eastern, is still in the market for pilots, offering $288,000 a year to 737 captains on three-year contracts, according to Wasinc’s website. But that’s the site’s first ad for 737 pilots in China since July. The package includes a monthly education allowance of $1,000 for children in Chinese schools.

  6. I live just outside the village 1/2 km so hear a lot of noise.. if you 

    go into the village during Songkran on when they drive thrust the village with the big with speakers for some festivities it’s loud for 



    no problems with break ins or that pretty peaceful all in all.

  7. From a post February 2019 Hello Thailand they just renewed registration 


    Additional Tips:

    1. Outside the office a little sticker case shop. You can buy one of those plastic tubes to put your sticker in and screw it to your bike. Or you can buy a clear sticky seal that will paste the sticker to your bike. At first I was buying the tube but it has been stolen twice. I believe they are stolen not for the sticker inside but for the tube for resell. So last time I decided on going for the cheap sticky seal.

    The sticker is supposed to be visible on your motorbike. I used to keep it in my bike seat but got a ticket for not showing it on my bike once. I am not totally sure if that is a real law or not but I would advise putting it somewhere noticeable. I would also suggest perhaps taking a photocopy of the sticker in case it gets stolen you have a backup to show the office when you need to get a replacement.

    3. There are actually two Chiang Mai Provincial Land Transportation Offices which can make things a bit confusing.  One is where you get your drivers license while the other is where you get your sticker.  Just remember the one beside the Holiday Inn is where you get your sticker.

    Once again if you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment.  I will answer you as soon as I can and of course if you have any experiences to share I would love to hear  all about it as well.


  8. Village living general cost of buying, electricity bill increase, Ample Electric plugs, they grew up with broom... we have one I’m the only that uses it when I think it’s needed... kitchen, one bathroom no hot water... our bathroom does


    and it’s a toss up .. lottery tickets or vacuum?

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