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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. You should check with your bank about their policy when someone 

    gpes on to the other side.


    i do know what happened to me on two occasions I was assumed dead..... but not. 


    Joint account. Two separate times same bank I’ve used for 29 years. Two times an outside agency reported me as deceased. 

    The account was immediately locked down no one had access. 


    I will I’ll save you a long story both times I was in/lived APAC first 

    time I had to personally go to social security in USA get a letter to take to bank. Had 5 different government issued ID and passport.

    Bank wouldn’t take me standing in front of them would not accept

    needed SS letter.


    second time tried signing online account as previous couldn’t get

    signed on. Called the bank told can’t give our closed reason on phone come to branch... I’m in China. Then I said let me guess I’m 

    dead again...


    Good Luck

  2. 14 minutes ago, Phuket Mafia said:

    Also, can anyone explain wh

    Sometimes it’s because lack if understanding.  Asked a parent did they know what the shirt they just for their 10 year old says (it was in English)... no but it looks cool. I explained they trashed it

  3. You admitted your guilty so go pay the fine. If you feel they tried to

    get you to pay bribe go and tell whomever you think at the police station needs to know it. It’s your choice......  me personally would just paid the fine on the spot.


    Guilty you don’t have to feel remorse but it’s still guilty..... 


  4. 4 hours ago, steve187 said:

    so i dont think that 850 and 950 is just for the yearly tax.

    Is it because of CC could be higher...? 


    What is a good tool to use to find out value / fair asking price of 

    used motorcycles? I’m looking to buy a used fino type automatic 

    for Papa and don’t want to get hosed.....


    he rides motos good but he has a very difficult time putting his 

    leg up to get on ... so it’ll make it easier for him.

  5. My wife was denied ( In China) and I contacted US Citizens services in Guangzhou to find out why. Was told I’d need to go to the Consulate for reason. 


    I think I had to make an appointment. Went to window when called

    the Officer had a stack of papers we provided. He said the denial is

     because invitation letter looks fake and they’ve seen same format 

    which were concerns, 


    i stated Ted I wrote the letter he typed something and said tell your wife make an appointment it will be approved. 


    Worth a try... 


  6. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    Are you saying that the Judge found Musk to be not guilty.................because Vern sued him for too much ?

    It was a trial by jury not by judge. Some maybe all have a choice 

    Trial by Judge or Trisl by Jury. The verdict by jury was not guilty.

    Which would presumably tie the judge hands of awarding money...

    Don’t know I’m not a lawyer 

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