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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. When I drank beer it was CHANG the other beers give me a headache or taste bad. BUT the Dr. said I had to reduce my 

    fluid intake the ticker was having difficulties dispersing. 


    So switched to Hong Thong ... short glass full with ice and pour 

    1/3 of the way.. a couple a night you’ll be alright..


  2. 21 hours ago, digbeth said:

    Can I get a letter from immigration that I must not do any washing up? 

    I was washing the kitchen trash basket out front of the house.

    Thought what if police or immigration came by..... I’d explain the

    rules can’t do work a Thai can... then tell them ask her. She’s not going to do it....


    i made a picture and asked the wife.... is it a culture thing or is the trash deemed as a monster.

    Two years someone besides me emptied it once.

    7 people live here....


  3. On 11/2/2019 at 3:17 PM, timendres said:

    My hospital solves this problem with the simplest mechanism imaginable.

    Before rendering service, they require an upfront payment in the amount of the estimated procedure.

    When I lived full time in China (10+ years) they had the same policy 

    if your admitted to hospital for surgery etc. It works and gives the

    hospitals whether your intentions are to pay or not. 


    I had angioplasty (thru wrists) one for operation and one in other wrist Incase of problems. At check in they go over the procedures

    for each day and estimated costs. 


    You paid or provided insurance the next morning before procedure.


    The room charges were minimal less than $100 USD. Which was not required to be paid daily. I was in hospital 3 days.


    Large private AC room with couch and refrigerator, if family was staying to get food etc.


    Pay as you go and scheduled operations etc, would be paid.

    If an emergency it could be left unpaid but non pay occasions

    would decrease. If car accident and other person at fault make

    them responsible.

  4. Cashboy Thanks for sharing your build with Forum Memebers. It came out very nice. 


    Thanks to everyone’s input it helps me decide what to do on my house. House is completed. If some of you could give me ideas/comment on the pictures it would be appreciated. 





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  5. Everyone is aging everyday and as you I’m moving up there. You

    habe to try and do what makes you happy and enjoy. If something 

    thats affects you personally sometimes you have to get cranky.


    Other things like what someone says on the forum not worth getting flustered. I was an guy that would get angry about almost 

    everything. I just told myself why....


    I’ve calmed down and enjoy life now and again. My wife once told me I was a cat with 9 lives ( 4 heart attacks started at 39 now closing up to 66), 


    Sometimes when I look in the mirror I laugh because I make some of the expressions my Dad made rest his soul. Other times I think 

    I quite the comedian looking in the mirror.


    Anyway just enjoy life when you go you go.... 



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  6. Do you have a picture of passport in your phone OR is someone

    available to get your passport take picture and send to you? 


    I think is ASIA it would be difficult. Your passport is checked three

    times by the time you get on the airplane.


    Forgot my Passport crossed into Mexico from US no checks going into Mexico. We flew in four seat Cessna from Las to the border I realized in the air I left Passport in rental no turning around. Passport is required to come back in.


    Being a US Citizen with DL and a copy of passport that was emailed to me. After a very long talk they said ok.


    Unfortunately don’t think it will happen here...





  7. 20 hours ago, SpaceKadet said:

    I really like when people who have absolutely no clue what they are talking about, talk about it.

    Had to laugh there are a few family members (in-laws) between 20-30 years old.... always talking about money. I ask the wife wny

    are they always talking about money? They don’t have any and don’t work. Then I get that look... you know that look


    its a bit strange talking about something and having no intentions in the near future to earn it....







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