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Posts posted by Saltire

  1. I am not surprised.


    A few years ago an entrepreneurial local canvassed the village and neighbouring moobans to ask if they would each pay 20 Baht every 2 weeks to have a refuse wagon come around and collect waste, and the majority refused so it didn't happen.


    So now we still put up with many small fires at every property (including ours) every few days. Reason, too expensive!


    The only thing collected is the metal, glass and plastic waste, in return for money from the local recycling business.  Moving forward (or even backward) at snails pace.




  2. I asked my UK accountant who has done my tax returns for the last 10 years if the wife would pay tax on her widow's pension. His response .............


    'As she is not a UK Resident then they should not be deducting any tax from her. Once the pension is moved to her they will establish that she is a foreigner and no tax is due. If tax is deducted then it will be refunded as it s not due.'

    • Like 2
  3. It has to be a last resort before I will put my UK credit/debit cards in an ATM here.


    2 trips here on holiday about 5 years ago - one trip spat out my UK card and deducted the money but no money recieved, went into the bank and after 3 months got a refund.


    Second trip used my ACLEDA Cambodia debit card in a Thai ATM and same happened. ACLEDA referred to Visa who refused to refund and actually produced a printout which said proved I got the cash!  I 100% did not.


    I left ACLEDA with a bag full of cash and a closed account and headed to ABA Bank.


    Since then my UK cards are for emergencies only, and I only ever use my KTB debit card in KTB ATMs, attached to a bank branch, just don't trust them.




  4. 21 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    Like the “LGBTTTQQIAA”


    People often use LGBTQ+ to mean all of the communities included in the “LGBTTTQQIAA”:


    + Pansexual
    + Agender
    + Gender Queer
    + Bigender
    + Gender Variant
    + Pangender

    The decide they want to be something else - and the whole world must give in and change the language structure to accommodate them.

    IM not so HO there are male and female ... end of

    The rest is in their own minds - and most probably Schizophrenic


    The Mind Boggles

    Indeed, and thanks for that, I never knew the entire acronym before ????


    You may have missed one. I watched a series on Netflix and could not make up my mind if the actor was male or female. I IMDB'd the name and was surprised to read - 'wishes to be known as a non-binary actor' whatever the F that is. It was obvious later in the series when 'it' got it's kit off that it's male, a weird one but still a male.



  5. 3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    The following always make me cry like a baby. 

    Played at my best friend's funeral  and reminds me of when  lived in Leith. 

    Last place I lived before leaving the UK was Leith. Mind you I object to football hooligans stealing good songs ????


    • Like 2
  6. 10 minutes ago, shackleton said:

    It's a Personal choice and I chose to have the Vaccine Pfizer 

    Thinking was better to have than not plus better for the family friends ect knowing hopefully they won't catch anything off me after the vaccination 

    Safety first

    You can still get infected after you get vaccinated, and you can still pass it on to others. It's you that's safer, not them (unless they too are vaccinated).



  7. 3 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    Two years ago, as well as last year, we were parched. 


    This year, people tell me that we might have our wettest year, in many years. 


    Still, the rain just starts and stops. 


    Here, we do not have a truly long soaking rain, for days and days, which is what we need. 


    At least, this meagre rain which we are now experiencing might provide welcome respite to farmers who slave away in order to put food on our table. 

    Speak for yourself, just had non stop rain for the last 5 weeks.


    And I live in a farming province so will pass on your compliments, sure they'll appreciate it.



  8. Got my 1st shot (SV) in my village on the 25th Aug and a slip with the recorded batch etc, telling me to go for 2nd jab (AZ) on 15th Sept.


    3 weeks seems a bit quick but I have no idea what this gap is based on. Maybe a roll of the dice, have seen no data on this mix and match strategy. Pretty sure the goal is to use up all the SV.


    Hope it works for at least 6 months then possibly a booster.



  9. 2 minutes ago, BKKrunaway said:

    Hi all,


    I believe I just managed to do my 90 day reporting online (for the first time ever)!!!


    Can anyone confirm from the screenshot below that the process was completed successfully?


    Many thanks.

    Jason Proctor - 90 Day Reporting 2.png

    I think you're good but to be sure, you should print off the report marked 'APPROVED' in the top right, and also priint off your next appointment date slip.


    • Like 1
  10. Agree she will not have any entitlement from the UK pension.


    I have 2 private pensions and sent in a beneficiary statement to each provider, who accetepd my wife without issue, We werent married when I first wrote, when we married I notified them but was told it makes no difference and almost any nominee could be accepted.


    They even agreed that her payment would be 50% for the rest of her life, which all being well will be a lot longer than mine. Some pro-rate if they are much younger and reduce the payment or shorten the entitlement, but I was lucky.


    If I die in an accident she is also nominated for £35k death benefit, through my expat medical insurance, but I tend to not talk about that one too much.


    My brother has a compete set of all my papers etc.



    • Like 1
  11. I registered on 1 August and heard nothing, still haven't, but I found out the provincial hospital had an inital list of 30 name and was starting the Pfizer jabs. My name not there but was reassured it would be next on enquiry to the email support. Still nothing to date.


    So based on many medics saying take whats on offer first on 25th I had jab 1 SV and on 15 Sep will get jab 2 AZ.


    Not ideal but reading all the reports of bad and good for every vaccine it's seems it's now pot luck.


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