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Derek B

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Everything posted by Derek B

  1. Give it a go...............see what happens. Will any one of the relatives want their kids to play nearby where the "dog stands by on guard duty". The post reads like the dog was not provoked just reacting negatively for the first time. The cost of covering the medical bills & cosmetic surgery will be big bucks over a long time. The dog has lost his family friendly licence...................village justice will prevail eventually.
  2. The folk I support here in Thailand are ALL in the grey economy and pay no income taxes whilst still having a vote. They will loose out to the value of any Thai tax I pay. If you maintain 800K for the purposes of visa renewal you are not actually showing any Thai income except interest accrued. If you go the 65K per month route that income is already spent 100% in the "village" economy so to speak. The resultant "village" income will drop by the tax deducted which will go to central government coffers and will not be returned directly to the local economy. So effectiviely there is no levelling up with the locals only a net decline. I good vote loser policy it seems. No matter what you will have to declare your global income I expect once you are given a Thai Tax ID number. Until the dust settles limit your days incountry to 179 then leave until 2025 and only bring cash into Thailand. Note: Some tax authorities have a general definition of 180 days that being for example in any continuous period of 365 days over successive tax years if 180 days are spent in country you would be a tax resident.
  3. The folk I support here in Thailand are ALL in the grey economy and pay no income taxes whilst still having a vote. They will loose out to the value of any Thai tax I pay. If you maintain 800K for the purposes of visa renewal you are not actually showing any Thai income except interest accrued. If you go the 65K per month route that income is already spent 100% in the "village" economy so to speak. The resultant "village" income will drop by the tax deducted which will go to central government coffers and will not be returned directly to the local economy. So effectiviely there is no levelling up with the locals only a net decline. I good vote loser policy it seems. No matter what you will have to declare your global income I expect once you are given a Thai Tax ID number. Until the dust settles limit your days incountry to 179 then leave until 2025 and only bring cash into Thailand. Note: Some tax authorities have a general definition of 180 days that being for example in any continuous period of 365 days over successive tax years if 180 days are spent in country you would be a tax resident.
  4. If you maintain 800K for the purposes of visa renewal you are not actually showing any Thai income except interest accrued. If you go the 65K per month route that income is already spent 100% in the "village" economy so to speak. The resultant "village" income will drop by the tax deducted which will go to central government coffers and will not be returned directly to the local economy. So effectiviely there is no levelling up with the locals only a net decline. I good vote loser policy it seems. No matter what you will have to declare your global income I expect once you are given a Thai Tax ID number. Until the dust settles limit your days incountry to 179 then leave until 2025 and only bring cash into Thailand. Note: Some tax authorities have a general definition of 180 days that being for example in any continuous period of 365 days over successive tax years if 180 days are spent in country you would be a tax resident.
  5. So if the victim (any victim) passes away (God forbid) the Thai Police are still powerless to charge the assailant?
  6. The Boys in Brown are going to get really busy.
  7. Agree.........................even if the vehicles stop the bikes tend not to & they all move off against the red light when no more people are crossing.
  8. Really....................... I have stopped using the official pedestrian crossings you simply cannot rely on Thai drivers to stop when they have a Red light. You would think going through a Red light would be a big deal not so in most Thai cities it seems.
  9. Hmmmmm thinking ............. If I end up paying Thai tax on what I bring into Thailand it just means there will be that much less spent in the local community & surrounding areas. Thailand as a whole will not be any better off. At the personal & local level of "family & friends" and all kinds of estabishments all will be worse off. Effectively the tax on me will be passed on to the locals as I will have less funds to spend with them. If I pay Thai income tax I expect something in return. If being taxed as a local citizen I would expect the same state benefits (whatever they are), the right to vote and relief from any Dual Pricing as a Gov quoted policy eg., National Parks & Health Care.
  10. Thai airport immigration - back to basics. Use more international airports to share the arrivals workload.
  11. To have a future in Thai polics and not to let his voters down again he needs to be squeaky clean from the get go. He needs better advisors around him.
  12. Medical & Dental tourism if you have insurance ........................got the UK NHS beat.
  13. If trusts are not available in Thailand and Thai property aside why do you not set one up in your home country?
  14. This whole issue is not news worthy. Such pictures are not required and reflect poorly on the Police & Thai press for publishing them. The fact the girls faces are obscured is crazy and causes the eye to wonder. The officers do look a bit uncomfortable maybe their faces should of been obscured too.
  15. Could be that your passport number is denoted on your Thai drivers licence.
  16. Twice at DMK Terminal 2 being either too early to check in before going through security I have been chosen for a random "WTF are you doing here chat" by 4 (always 4) immigration punters. I never waited to be asked for my Passport I just handed it over. They were all very polite and friendly except 1 (always 1 had to ask if I was married to a Thai or had a Thai gf). One of the non speakers was tasked with photographing the passport pages of interest and to prove they had actually approached someone I guess. They were just wondering around being proactive on the departures concourse. I cannot see domestic airline staff being tasked with checking for over stayers.
  17. If you leave the UK and become a non-resident you are meant to de-register with your local GP Practice.
  18. So who gets to vote and who does not qualify to be able to vote? From link in Post. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote Who can register You must be aged 16 or over (or 14 or over in Scotland and Wales). You must also be one of the following: a British citizen an Irish or EU citizen living in the UK a Commonwealth citizen who has permission to enter or stay in the UK, or who does not need permission a citizen of another country living in Scotland or Wales who has permission to enter or stay in the UK, or who does not need permission Check which elections you’re eligible to vote in. You can vote when you’re 18 or over. If you live in Scotland or Wales, you can vote in some elections when you’re 16 or over - check which elections you’re eligible to vote in. You normally only need to register once - not for every election. You’ll need to register again if you’ve changed your name, address or nationality.
  19. Only the village head man can stop a bored granny from sweeping up the leafs on the road side and setting them alight. In fact the village head man is key to stopping any activity in his area that is either unauthorised or harmful to the residents. The village head men need to be brought into line with current Government policy on burning. Burning sugar cane crops to facilitate harvesting cannot be justified. On a local level trash needs to be collected by the District and not burnt on a near daily basis. Is there a hot line telephone number for reporting smokey locations & vehicles?
  20. Just missing a keep off the grass sign................like the keep off the Moat Wall signs only in English.
  21. .......smells like ignorance.
  22. Probably not designed to be moved under load.
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