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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 1 hour ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    At the moment this does look like "show and a gift to Pyongyang", and the onus will be on the White House to demonstrate that it is not.


    That said, perhaps there is some kind of merit in this. Regular posters will know that I am not a fan of Trump, but all other policies towards NK haven't worked, so I am willing to wait a bit to see if this new departure yields any results.


    My real concern is with Trump himself. He claims to be a "great negotiator", but as of yet has not demonstrated any evidence to back that up. My fear is that he will make an already dangerous and terrible situation worse.


    It is TRULY a curse; 


    May you live in interesting times...


    You might be wrong there. All the other POTUS just acted like Ostriches and what if he pulls it off?  worth a punt in my view.

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  2. 16 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    There it is - the "good intentions vs the law."

    To be exercised arbitrarily according to no standard other than some inexplicable and unwritten moral code(s).

    Prayut insists that the rule of law must be obeyed for a stable and peaceful society. Yet, the Prayut regime constantly reminds Thais that at a moment's notice that the application of the rule of law depends on a capricious and sometimes maybe whimsical attitude of Thailand's elite establishment.

    Frankly, it would better serve the protests that the protesters be prosecuted.


    'Would not benefit the public'  jailing of mushroom pickers, peaceful protesters and people who 'like' FB posts is all in the 'public's interest' of course!   what Vipers!  problem is they actually believe it.

    images (2).jpg

  3. Just now, attrayant said:


    Don't stop there!  What will you do if/when he doesn't?  And lots of other things needs to happen too - a bill has to be drafted, pass various committees, be brought up for vote by majority leaders, and finally passed.


    Seeing as how we've been here many times before with no subsequent changes, I just don't see all of these things happening.  So far I don't see ANY of them happening.  What then?


    Well he could sign an exec order and bypass all the BS?  to answer your other question I don't much care as I'm British and we don't have that problem of people buying assault rifles which, frankly,. is madness.

  4. 3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    Yea, that's just one of Trump's (and the NRA's) asinine suggestions. There are a slew of reasons why arming teachers is a stupid and dangerous idea.  I would list them here, but don't want to hog too much space on this blog.


    Probably not another civil (civilian) war, but similar.  Redneck gun huggers would band together in unregulated militias and shoot to kill - if they suspected any folks were trying to disarm them.  Everyone agrees to that, even the '....cold dead fingers' crowd.   As to how severely the problem would escalate, we don't know, but the US is headed in that direction.  No one should doubt that gun-addicts look forward to massive killing sprees which could ensue.  They fantasize about that daily, just as they fantasize about blowing the head off a brown skin kid who happens to try to pry open a window to enter their trailer.



    Without wishing to add to your deflection of the thread but most people would want to defend their property and I have ZERO sympathy for anyone who get's hurt trying to enter someone else's property whether they be black, brown, yellow or pink.


    Back on-topic I hope Trump introduces sensible controls and the NRA can go stick their 'cold dead fingers' where the sun don't shine.

  5. 10 hours ago, stevenl said:

    You don't know if he followed SOP or not, the only source for that is the sheriff, who has made some hindsight comments.

    Was he informed of the 'SOP'?


    That's not true not just the Sheriff please do your research. He was suspended WITHOUT PAY and if he followed SOP's that would not have happened. WITH pay maybe while they investigated but it's SOP to suspend WITHOUT PAY when it's obvious wrong doing has occurred and he RESIGNED rather than face that investigation. If he was right then stay and fight the suspension and save reputation. 

  6. On 2/23/2018 at 5:11 PM, impulse said:


    We don't have a clue why he resigned.  It may have been a backroom deal to save his pension (and the Sheriff's job).  It may be because he was so traumatized by what happened.  It may be because his wife gave him an ultimatum when she realized that he could have been killed.  It may have been the trigger for him to start that landscaping business he's been dreaming about for the last 10 years.


    He was suspended without pay. After a long career in senior roles I can assure you the 'without pay' bit is CRUCIAL. They will try and protect him (and the dept.) a bit, as he fell on his sword, by not releasing the video of him cowering with his gun behind a car as kids died.

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