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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. I was in Olongapo last year, and not much going on. Subic Bay might be a choice was there last year.
  2. Yup, but he'll never see it - one-track thinking, unfortunately, but it doesn't matter - Russia has won, and it's just a question of a negotiated settlement.
  3. No, no, this is a different issue. I have many accounts here, and before the last but one upgrade, I had the facility to transfer between accounts - I posted the photo earlier. Most posters still have this facility. There has been another upgrade overnight - I got the 'MY ACCOUNTS' back but still cannot transfer.
  4. Reform 5 seats 4.1m votes Lib Dems 71 seats 3.5m votes Green 4 seats 1.9m votes No comment - above says it ALL
  5. A man of great principle and a great orator. Who cares what Kinnock thinks? The red wave was just too strong but he's a very busy man on his MOATS online show etc. so he won't lose much sleep over it.
  6. After the upgrade, 'My Accounts' is BACK! HOWEVER I still can't use it - message on screen: Unable to proceed Foreign currency deposit transfer is currently unavailable. I WANT TO TRANSFER BETWEEN TWO THB ACCOUNTS!
  7. Some were, it is true, but not all. I wouldn't say I liked Yanukovich, but I liked US involvement less. Let Ukraine sort its destiny out - without USA or Russia.
  8. Hi - I was a hospital manager. Worked for the NHS itself - pension is paid by the NHS BSA as millions are. The NHSBSA is just the arm of the NHS which pays us the pension.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/23/david-cameron-nick-clegg-electoral-pact-coalition-government-2015
  10. Please don't misunderstand or deliberately misinterpret what I said. It was NOT the Ukrainian people's fault - it was the good 'Ole USA's fault. I think the outcome will be: Ukraine is neutral, with no NATO but some sort of security deal; Russia keeps Crimea, and Donbas becomes a 'special territory' with some autonomy, OR Russia keeps it. Instead of just trolling, what do YOU think the outcome will be?
  11. Well, unfortunately, many died, and nothing changed - Burkas are back!
  12. Yes, they have said it for years, but they had their chance and decided to jump into bed with Cameron instead. Never trust a Lib Dem.
  13. I was there before and after the Orange Revolution. That aside, the CIA overthrew Viktor Yanukovych, and Nuland handed out cookies.
  14. Understood - I wasn't trying to score points, and I appreciate your posts very much. Just so everyone is clear, this is the NHS pension body for the UK. I am still not clear about whether I will have to pay double tax or not.
  15. You are a very new member, so I'll go lightly on you. The war began in 2014 - do some research.
  16. There is only one NHS Mike—ONE. Minor local healthcare providers might exist, but the NHSBSA will pay 99%. Got it now?
  17. Why on earth didn't he go abroad for those few months? Anyway, I'm glad anyone who is corrupt gets caught.
  18. Russia pre-war did not do the same, and you know it. Stop deflecting as you always do - the last stand of a hopeless argument. USA mind your OWN business - open borders, fentanyl, homeless Vets on the streets, etc.
  19. Mike, please. I respect your knowledge, but you are incorrect on this one. NHS are NON-government, as clearly laid out in the DTA. I receive an NHSBSA pension (NHS) I have now found out it is classed as NG. I am due for a state pension in a few months, and I now find out this also is NG. It seems utterly bizarre.
  20. Excuse me, did you read the posts? State and NHS pensions are non-government? did YOU read the DTA?
  21. I think they will with 14% and 4 seats to show for it
  22. That's absurd. What you are saying is the USA is the world's policeman. Taiwan is part of China, just like HK. If Ukraine had kept its neutrality, this would never have happened - and it is the USA's fault starting in 2014.
  23. And the NHS pension - I don't understand that - how can the state pension and NHS pension be non-government?
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