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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. It is not about feelings; I have academic degrees myself; it is about her fragile ego, and my point is if she were in class and wanted to be called professor, that is a completely different thing than asking everyone away from the classroom to use that title.
  2. We know that, but no one uses the term 'doctor'. It's pathetic—I have many friends who have a PhD, and not one insists that people boost their fragile egos by calling themselves 'doctors'. I have two Master's degrees. I don't list them after my name when I post here—Jilly would; she's a fraud.
  3. Rubbish, those people do not ask people to refer to them as Dr. - Jilly does
  4. The only reason an Ed.D would use the title "Dr" is to make people believe they can deliver babies. For years, I believed Jill Biden was a medical doctor, as convention dictates only MDs call themselves Doctors. Only recently did I learn that she took a practice-based Ed.D, non-research degree, and insists everyone call her DOCTOR. It is deceptive, arrogant and pathetic.
  5. "poked Supot with the stick playfully" how about we hang him "playfully"?
  6. I wouldn't say I like pseudo-Thais - you are not a Thai and never will be. I respect you might love Thais and Thailand but keep it real. I love Elvis, but I am no Elvis.
  7. No, that is a misrepresentation. I think Farangs could be limited to purchasing one house, for example. I think you are wrong to assume the billions that would come into the Thai economy, much of it to ordinary Thais, would not help them. My opinion is that Thais keep it this way so that the 0.001% can buy up cheap land and property.
  8. Yes, I agree - it is only my opinion that is worth no more than others. Let's see.
  9. Well... some are family-minded, and some are not. I had never wanted a family and enjoyed a relaxed lifestyle with bed companions when I wanted and wine most days(a little too much, probably). Of course it is a balance - lots of water, vegetarian, good sleep etc. But I put quality above quantity so if I live to 80 having fun or 90 and a boring lifestyle I chose the former.
  10. The land is saved for rich, stinking Thais, who make up 0.001% of Thai people. They do this by manipulating land and property - keeping it cheap so they can land grab it ALL.
  11. Yeah, only YOU care about Thai people, right?
  12. I don't - bedmates abound, and wine is downed!
  13. Leave it? I don't understand. The agent has a scan of my passport which never leaves my side and they use that for my 90 days.
  14. I agree they were inept.
  15. I respectfully disagree - we have no such rules in Europe or America, and they THRIVE compared to Thailand. You want to keep Thailand poor and rural because "you like it". Poor Thais would benefit - the economy would benefit, and the rich Thais, who make up 0.001%, would lose their monopoly on buying cheap land and property.
  16. Thank you - a post with sense and truth at last! But they will be in denial...
  17. No chance from day one - it's all theatre with real people getting killed and maimed all for political philosophy. We need negotiations and an end to this evil war. Neutral Ukraine - Russian withdrawal.
  18. It could have been a similar scenario as the beach - a falling rocket. It's terrible news either way. Let's hope they give as much attention to hospitals being hit on the other side. We need peace - there is no glory in war, and innocents suffer - on both sides.
  19. "I want to see the population density, around Chiang Mai, decrease to 2000 levels" When are you leaving?
  20. Absurd analysis - it allows the wealthy Thais to buy everything and keep poor Thais poor. Allow Granny Thai to sell her land to a farang and get a good price to send her grandson to University - what you suggest is absurd protectionism for the 1%.
  21. I'm not sure about being drunk every night or the ability to have a bed friend every night, but your sentiments are correct - it's nearly OVER. Enjoy whatever you enjoy, and DO IT if it harms none - you will be dead for a long time.
  22. That's not true - the Tories did not 'create the problem' but were inept at dealing with it - Labour will be far worse - watch this space.
  23. AseanNow is an Asian-based debate forum, and many of us live in Thailand. My answer was to a question, and a comparison to where we live is perfectly reasonable. Tories were useless at dealing with the immigrant problem, and Labour will be far worse, IMHO. They are economic migrants - we are weak and indecisive with this issue, and as we ruminate, thousands more will arrive in boats via rich enablers.
  24. Well, they don't get hotels, TVs, spending money, health benefits. Etc. They get ZERO.
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