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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. So you do study a bit then... that's a start Bob! Keep going is my encouragement Now that you know the Sun is hot, what about that other round thing in the sky? I think it's called the Moon (but it's not made of cheese). 🌛
  2. Thank you. I think I have a grasp of it after a lifetime of traveling, much of it in Russia and Ukraine. Have you been? how did you find it?
  3. You do not understand the history or causes. It's a sad reflection of the world today - but it is what it is. Let's see what happens.
  4. Weird and thick? You would be astounded by my credentials, but I do not engage in low-level ad hominem attacks. I get that you don't understand the history, and I'll leave it at that.
  5. Correct - the news channels in all countries have lost any sense of ethics, and all sides try to brainwash their base. I agree the USA is way in front in that regard.
  6. Same here, ex. GF was in Pete - the most beautiful city on earth, IMHO. I worked on an exchange programme at a Moscow hospital (hospital management professional) and went often. People who have never been do not understand or have a clue about Russians or Russian history. Russians want peace and stability like everyone else, but the USA, particularly, loves to poke the bear and try to convert the whole world to the "USA way". It's not going to happen.
  7. Truth is the first casualty of war, and both sides lie and spin - of course! but this could have been avoided if Ukraine had implemented the 2014 agreement agreed with Germany and France as guarantors. Donbas with a degree of 'special status' and neutrality in the face of NATO's eastward push. But they chose to be a pawn of USA hegemony - a very foolish choice that costs Ukraine 100,000s of deaths... for nothing. This USA-interfering strategy didn't work out too well in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and all the other places, did it? The same will apply to Ukraine - better peace now than lose it all. The suffering is appalling.
  8. So could Zelensky; it is called "NEUTRALITY".
  9. Would your thinking process be a good start? it is OBVIOUS
  10. No other witnesses were denied - why's that?
  11. They come from Manhatten which voted 87% for Biden - I think it's fair to assume they are Democrats? Demographics is your friend. What is sad is people can campaign for DA based on "getting a particular person"? I can't imagine that in any other country but the USA that politically appoints judges.
  12. I use reasoned judgment to conclude that the location of the trial is biased, that it is reasonable to speculate that the jurors are Democrats and that the selection process ensured the 'right' jurors were selected. More importantly, we know the judge is a Dem, and his daughter worked for the Dems. It's a pity that witnesses are denied to the defence, yet the porn star can rattle on for hours.
  13. Well, that's good news, at least. No, only 12 Democrats are on the jury to decide a case where the statute of limitations has been stepped all over by a man who CAMPAIGNED on getting Trump - sounds fair, does it?
  14. You purposely do not mention female retirement stays at 60, and the 65 for males is gradual and less than the USA at 66/67 and the UK at 66.
  15. Even your beloved CNN are starting to see the absurdity of trusting a man who admits to stealing.
  16. No political prosecutors do - NY is Dem, and it's plain to see the politicisation happening.
  17. I also don't get how you think. The problem with the USA system is that the judiciary is politicised - from dog catchers to the Supreme Court. HOW can appointing judges ever be fair?
  18. Sorry, you experienced that, totally over the top but it is common sense not to walk into any bar with a drink from somewhere else. Lesson learned? stay safe
  19. Let's get this straight - a porn star and a convicted liar are the principal witnesses? You could not make this up - now Cohen admits to stealing $30k? This is a farce.
  20. Sure? I think most Americans can see through the fake trials and persecution. I don't like a lot of what Trump says (I am pro-choice, etc.), but I'd vote for him over Biden any day simply because I hate the unfair way he is treated.
  21. At least he had the guts to go - no Dem has ever accepted their invitation.
  22. Haley is a warmonger - I hope she never gets anywhere near power.
  23. He took them out of the poverty and chaos that Yeltsin created after the Soviet system failed. You may not like me saying this, but Putin has the support of all the Russians I know, and I am firmly convinced the vast majority support him. Is he an angel? Of course not - politics is a dirty business. Many US Presidents have caused millions of deaths - Vietnam , Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. We would be wise not to say, "he's the bad guy; we are the good guys." Peace can only and will only come through negotiations - and of course, that will eventually happen after thousands of more deaths - this is the greatest shame of all.
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