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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Russians and Ukrainians are almost the same—it is very difficult to tell the difference if you have ever been there (yes, I have). Ukrainians want peace and elected Zelensky on his promise of peace in Donbas - USA wants this war for the "trillions" of minerals Lindsay has spoken about this week. 100,000s saved if Ukraine had remained neutral - you think Russia will give up? impossible! The Nazis tried it, the French tried it - they will never give up only a compromise can stop this.
  2. Russians are in Ukraine, not the other way around. Ukraine abandons elections, reduces the age of conscription and BEGS daily the West for weapons in the proxy war. The bigger issue is escalation, as Biden is now doing - remember "no F16s" and "no long-range firing of missiles." all signs of panic.
  3. Nothing for us... I'm a Brit, but I'm taxed and have documents to show that.
  4. Pensions are normally taxed at source - surely they don't mean to double tax pensioners?
  5. National Pride Week? Pride is a negative word and one of the seven deadly sins. When people say national pride, they usually refer to xenophobia, hatred of others and a selfish "we rule the world" stance.
  6. Why would anyone think 7/11 has a restroom? What about a glass of water or a backrub? You can find a garage, a bar (where you can buy a drink), a shopping mall, a public park, a restaurant (buy some food), etc.
  7. It depends on escalation - if it escalates much more, we ALL lose. Why would it escalate? Because, clearly, Ukraine is losing.
  8. Maybe that's right, but it just shows he's an opportunist - a little while ago, he was chatting to Putin and hoping for a ceasefire. Now he's to the right of Ghengis Khan on the issue because he's worried about losing voters - but he's made a mistake, and the tide is turning.
  9. The British Pub is a great institution! One of the few things I miss is the country pub - rarely seen a "slobbering drunk" in any of them
  10. Yes he does, in his book Revolution he said "I am a man of the left" when actually he is a warmongering opportunist.
  11. A large difference between the left and liberals. I consider myself left of centre, but I loathe woke liberals who would consider me on the right.
  12. Send the dog to doggy heaven. These dogs are dangerous. How many kids have to be torn to shreds before the wokies understand the danger?
  13. But Vietnam, for example, is very focused on economic growth and capitalism - is it far-right? Labels are quite dangerous, I think. I have always thought of myself as 'left of centre', supporting women's choice (within term limits) and cannabis freedom, but I also support immigration controls, etc. I hate woke liberalism and am anti-war. Labels are divisive - what is Macron? to me, he's a warmongering populist and very far from a real leftwinger.
  14. What is far-right to you? the problem is lefties have gone too far-left
  15. Times of India is pretty independent and Thank God for Oban
  16. Red? You mean I'm a communist? Seriously?
  17. Do you forget Russia lost 27m in WW2 fighting Hitler and many Ukrainian nazi battalions? Azov is a nazi battalion that is clear, so how do you twist that into we would support Hitler?
  18. Macron getting defeated is such GOOD NEWS! coupled with the HUGE anti-war protests in Hungary, I do believe that many people are finally waking up to the proxy war! You can fool some of the people some of the time...
  19. All about 'face' all the girls will say cashiers - the old and ugly ones, it may be true. The young and cute ones it's just euphemism for bonking for cash.
  20. Allowing yanks to get a letter from their embassy saying they get a certain pension?
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