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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. On 11/8/2023 at 3:33 PM, tgw said:

    Regarding my first post in this thread, it seems that Ukrainian defences are holding for the moment.


    The situation is reminiscent of Bakhmut, with the difference that Avdiivka has benefited from years of fortification work, since 2014.


    I wonder if the Ukrainians aren't holding back some firepower, just enough to make the Ruzzians believe they could breakthrough if the just throw enough men at it.

    I hope that is the case.



    Better edit that.  On the way to certain defeat which was obvious from day one.

    • Confused 2
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  2. On 2/21/2024 at 9:05 PM, Danderman123 said:

    91 felony charges, plus the factual basis for those charges, are a pretty good factual back up for a position that Trump is guilty.


    Remember that the rules for a jury don't apply here.


    Besides, how many times have you criticized the losers here who claim that Biden is guilty of corruption, with zero evidence?


    The problem is more basic than that. USA is the only country that elects Judges and defenders and prosecutors and so it is BOUND to be political. Depends where you are in Court doesn't it?  the system is appalling but blame Jackson.

    • Haha 1
  3. On 2/20/2024 at 10:02 PM, Danderman123 said:

    Do you really believe that? Trump was too busy to return the classified documents?


    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

     Why do you think he kept them?  i think just silly laziness same as why Biden kept them - lets face it, they are using ANYTHING except democracy to stop him:

    1. court cases and indictments 
    2. storing documents

    What's next...? removing from ballots?... oh wait...

  4. On 2/20/2024 at 4:34 PM, ozimoron said:


    Millions. His perverted rejection of science and utter stupidity led to millions of unnecessary covid deaths. Another reason he is dead last.

    No, it didn't - it's the flu. Add it to Denge, mad cow disease, bird flu and all the rest - humanity will always get something that's not his or any leader's fault - dem or GOP. 

    • Agree 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    I absolutely agree with the headline of this topic. Trump's not only been the worst president that I know of, but he's one of the worst people I've ever heard of. 


    Really?  Pol Pot. Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Obama? They all killed thousands; how many did Trump kill?  I wont even mention Vlad the Impaler

    • Confused 1
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  6. On 2/18/2024 at 12:42 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    You assume that Russia is going to advance on Kiev. IMO they will not and will simply dig in where they are till Ukraine negotiates. There is no strategic advantage that I can see in taking Kiev, and it would take massive losses to achieve.

    Having removed the salient into Russian held territory, and straightened the front line they will be a hard task to remove if Ukraine is considering it.

    Meanwhile, Russian troops will be cheered that they captured a formidable objective and Ukrainians face the humiliation of losing, not least losing so many of their comrades. Bad for morale, when they are already long past time for a rest and short of equipment and munitions.


    Unless something amazing happens, IMO this is the beginning of the end of the war, and Ukraine will not retake it, despite it having cost so many Ukrainian lives to keep.

    I agree I think they will create a Donbas corridor and hold. 

    • Agree 1
  7. On 11/10/2023 at 3:50 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Had Ukraine negotiated would Putin have invaded? Please don't give me one of your usual talking points, as I will just ignore it, and stop making me the topic as I'm not. It's getting boring.


    It was signed and Russia withdrew from Kiev - Zelensky then broke his word. Unfortunately, the people of Ukraine will suffer for it. It is a heartbreaking tragedy.

    • Confused 2
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  8. On 1/30/2024 at 8:50 PM, Tiber said:

    If you delve deeper into DWP links( Rules /Regulations) you will find statements from DWP "impossible to commit fraud on your own pension" not all allegations will be investigated" and gives prime examples,  State pension being one, its a good read, ......honestly

    You want to read your own links too


    Benefits that can’t be reduced or stopped

    The following benefits can’t be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud:

    • Attendance Allowance
    • Bereavement Payment
    • Child Benefit
    • Child Tax Credit
    • Christmas Bonus
    • Council Tax Benefit
    • Disability Living Allowance
    • Graduated Retirement Benefit
    • Guardian’s Allowance
    • Industrial Injuries Constant Attendance Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable)
    • Industrial Injuries Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable)
    • Personal Independence Payment
    • State Pension
    • Social Fund Payments
    • War Pension Constant Attendance Allowance
    • War Pension Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance
    • War Pension Mobility Supplement  

    DWP have given prime examples through the press of intended targeting,  Universal Credit, Jobseekers allowance, Sickness benefits (yelp I'm one)  .Notwithstanding I did not qualify ,2 years of the last 3 resident in GB, they just sailed forth and lashed well over a hundred a week, tax free, thank you


       There will be no witch hunt 


    If that is true - why would any government give a pass to anyone who defrauds?  doesn't make sense.  No repayment?  just 'pay from now on'?  really?

  9. 3 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    Ah, you didn't mention any of those things in your previous post, nor your relationship with and visits to the PI. That changes the picture significantly.


    Ya, sorry - the most frustrating thing is I had an account at Metrobank for years and shut it last year when I sold my condo in PI - God, do I regret doing that haha

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    2023 pension rise 10% = 800 GBP + 500gbp wf total 1300gbp.

    2024 pension rise 8% = 800gbp plus 800 from 2023 plus 500gbp wf total 2100gbp.


    So the increase is certainly worth having, not sure why you need the PI bank though, UK bank +WISE is good enough for disguising your real residence.

    Mail drop maybe 200 pounds a year, making you a 1900gbp profit in 2024.


    Easier to just remain apparently  living in the UK, use your last UK address, nobody checks you still live there and no proof of life forms.

    I have been here 15 years - no UK address?  I don't want to impose on friends or put them at risk - however small. However, MANY do it that way, but there is a risk.

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