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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. We see why you have come here - baiting, trolling and winding up but you will never see it
  2. You made me smile at last!
  3. Small is Beautiful - E. F. Schumacher (hint: he's a statistician and economist I know it's above your education but Google is your friend)
  4. That wasn't the point it was "do I have any Jewish friends" please keep focus and try and keep up
  5. You are you? brilliant!
  6. Great four words that drive your drivel onto insignificance.
  7. I have explained why - maybe read? Jews don't like Gentiles much? think they are superior? get it now?
  8. I get your games Morch - classic baiter/troller
  9. You quoted me Neeranam and we are on the same side lol
  10. 1948?
  11. I like the "dear" What does that remind me of dear? how amusing stereotyping
  12. I do it's pathetic
  13. when did I say that? quote?
  14. You are intellectually ineffectual.
  15. Why would I have Jewish friends? They are exclusive and inward-looking, thinking they are the chosen people. I have nothing against them - many are open-minded and support Palestine and the two-state solution as I do. You are baiting - nice try, but it failed.
  16. Dear Morch - if we don't learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it - I condemn ALL violence Zionist or Hamas - do you?
  17. None - every cloud...
  18. Yea let's forget the history lol
  19. THIS is your comment on the bloodshed? pathetic as always
  20. 1,400 vs 11,000? Israel are terrorists the same as Hamas - yes BOTH are terrorist's
  21. No "public backlash" translate = the Police Chief didn't like it
  22. Ah ok, that might well be correct - apologies if so. But I do like the idea of limiting posting to say 5 or 10 posts a day.
  23. It might slow your onslaught down too! 800 posts from last month? jeeze
  24. I agree I rarely come here now but I might if the moderation really has changed. I got banned for the most innocuous reasons just because a mod didn't like my opinion - I then mentioned that and got banned for mentioning moderation!
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